Scripture Highlight | ‭‭John‬ ‭15‬:‭16‬-‭17‬

Please read the scripture below and share what part of it speaks to you the loudest and stands out the most.

“You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you and I have appointed and placed and purposefully planted you, so that you would go and bear fruit and keep on bearing, and that your fruit will remain and be lasting, so that whatever you ask of the Father in My name [as My representative] He may give to you. This [is what] I command you: that you love and unselfishly seek the best for one another” ‭‭John‬ ‭15‬:‭16‬-‭17‬, Amplified.

48 thoughts on “Scripture Highlight | ‭‭John‬ ‭15‬:‭16‬-‭17‬”

  1. “You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you and I have appointed and placed and purposefully planted you, so that you would go and bear fruit and keep on bearing, and that your fruit will remain and be lasting,

    My path was destined along time ago. Everything that I have went through has prepared me for such a time as this. Without my trials, tests, and struggles I would not have the faith and trust in the LORD as I do now. It’s true, we are blessed to be troubled because that’s where growth happens and I now have a true relationship with Jesus and understand him. I am so blessed.

    1. It’s a mighty good thing to be chosen by God, it’s a mighty good thing to be CHOSEN to SERVE. So don’t ever complain when HE CALLS Your Name. I personally had to remember that God equips you for everything that HE asks us to do. He knew how I was when HE called me. Thank You Father for qualifying me to call out this mission YOU have entrusted me with 🙌🏾💕

  2. We are gently reminded that we didn’t do the choosing!!! When I really focused on the fact that HE CHOSE ME….it made all the difference. I take my responsibility to bear fruit that represents Him. I’m learning to walk out my purpose.

  3. What stuck out to me the most was is the fact that God chose me first. He wants what’s best for me. So he’s going to do whatever he needs to do so I can continue to bear great fruit.

  4. Ohhhh, this sticks it right in where it can hurt and heal.
    Being reminded of our REAL call, not to judge other’s lives or choices but to love and seek good for them.
    Many times I say something to myself judgemental towards another and the Spirit will call me out.
    Your job here Heather is not to judge but to love.
    Then I am reminded that He loves them too.
    They are going through things I don’t understand.
    Above all I need to sincerely pray in that moment, “Lord, every good thing I desire for my life, please, place it in theirs.”
    He chose me, but I didn’t answer His call immediately. I had to go through the fire and be refined to understand the depth of His grace.
    He has chosen others who may still be in the fire or in the refining process and they won’t think like me or see things my way, but they and I aren’t supposed to.
    His will, His way.
    That’s all that really matters.
    I don’t get the right to decide how He uses and gathers His children.
    I do have the call to love every one regardless of their situation, because He loved me enough in mine to bring me out after leading me through.

    1. Amen sis!! I needed to see this message. I’m thankful I was able to be still and read. Glory to Christ. ❤️

  5. That what ever you ask in my name that it will be given to you I had a couple of brown spots on my face and I was concerned about them a friend told me that I really needed to have them looked at because his family has cancer really bad in it so I told the Lord you said I have not because I haven’t asked so I said Lord take these brown spots and dry them up and make them die as I put this cream on them in Jesus Christ name of Nazareth and Praise God they are almost gone So that’s what sticks out to me.

  6. Good morning sisters,

    What speaks to me the loudest, is God chose me, how amazing is that!! To be chosen by God, to share who He really is and the love He has for us all. To love like He does, forgive like He does. Share that there is a Father to anyone that wants to know Him. He has a plan and purpose for our lives ❤️

  7. We have to be selfless, and realize that the same God that is in us is in our sisters in Christ. We must love and cherish the God on the inside of others.

  8. That we are chosen by God. And that we love and unselfishly seek the best for one another.
    This speaks is how God is worth us and He asks us to be the same with the people around us. How many of us can honestly say we were out looking for God and saying I chose You, Lord. No, He found us in the middle of our mess and pulled us out. And that’s what He wants us to show others. Love is all we need to do so

  9. The fact that He chose us and not the other way around. He had loved us from the beginning and will gladly give us whatever we desire as long as it is in His plan for us and bears the fruit of His name and nature! How Awesome is He!?

    1. I have not chosen Him/God but He has chosen someone like me. I have made bad choices all my life, but the God of the universe has chosen me.

  10. The fruits of my labor, of my mind, of my heart, of my Journey have been chosen, called to purpose by God my father, who knew that I would not be able to bring myself to him in standing, had he not came to me with his love ,unselfish ways, grace,powerful and merciful plan. My life has been called to a purpose beyond measure to bear witness and fruit exactly where I am to who. That I nay be of service too, without wanting or needing something in return because again, God reminds me that whatever I need if it be his will he will fulfill my life abundantly.

  11. I always ask God why me? Until this day I still ask why me? I feel I face the most trials, struggles and hardships, but through it all it has built character, strength, peace and understanding. God choose me because he has a plan for my life. I may not understand but I will be obedient.

  12. New Day- I have been chosen & planted, purposely, appointtedly to bear much frui & keep on bearing fruit and my fruit will be lasting!!!!

    So that whatever I ask for as my REPRESENTATIVE, IN His name it will be given to me.

    I commanded you to go Love one another unselfishly & want best one another.

  13. What stands out the most to me in this scripture is First of all we were chosen to spread the good news to others and that we love unselfishly seek the best for one another and encourage one another that is very uplifting to me

  14. To know that the Lord chose me, for such a time as and to share the Word of God a d to do God’s Word each and everyday amen.

  15. Thank You Holy Spirit! What speaks to me loud & clear is to,
    “LOVE and SEEK OUT the best in everyone!” When I do it sets me free! I am chosen to look past faults and not pass judgment. The Truth is clear and present, we have all fallen short. So to seek out the best in people when they are struggling shows a deeper caring side that humanity is craving for. To be seen & heard. Bearing the Fruit of Jesus is a High Calling. Dying to self helps us overcome our differences and brings peace into any situation and creates a Harvest of Much Fruit for The Kingdom of God.
    Perspective: Souls > Self

  16. We are designed for a purpose. And know that even though you might feel stagnant or out of place, the Lord has purposefully placed me to bear His everlasting fruit

  17. What stands out for me in these scripture is that Jesus chose, and ordained us to bring forth the fruits of the spirit, and the fruit comes from the Holy Spirit Within us. Which is love, joy, peace, gentleness, kindness meekness long suffering forbearance. We should be overflowing with these attributes of the Holy Spirit, and we are to exemplify these fruits towards one another, so that when we are in each other’s company if someone is down if someone is in need of encouragement when they leave your presents they should feel much better. The Bible tells us to go out to the highways, and the byways, and to compel men and women to come unto Christ Jesus. When we do that we are planting seeds. When we plan the seeds God will do the watering. The Bible says that it is with love and kindness that I have drawn thee. When we treat each other with love and kindness that is what make people want to remain in Christ Jesus. To God Be The Glory!

  18. God has chosen me to love and to unselfishly seek the best for my brothers and sisters in Christ and show forth His love to those who are outside of the household of faith! Bearing fruit, (SOULS) continuing to bear fruit, and the fruit will remain!

  19. He has chosen me! That’s what stands out to me the most! As I ran from Him, He came after me and loved me, even tho I rejected Him! I am so thankful for His unending love and His faithfulness to keep coming after me. He is a Faithful God and I love Him!

  20. That I am purposely planted to bear fruit, I feel we have been planted in this area to pray and change the atmosphere.
    The area has a poor reputation, and I didn’t want to move here until I realised that God had given us all that we needed here even to my beautiful garden it was picked by our Lord, as he knows the desires of my heart. Amen

  21. What stands out to me is that YOU CHOSE ME! Wow, I have a Heavenly Father who loves me so much that HE chose me. How amazing is that? The reassurance and love from that statement alone is immeasureable. He loves me despite myself. Righteousness by faith. Praise God!🙌 I love Jesus so much and can’t wait to be with Him.🥰😇

  22. Good morning my beautiful sisters this devotional has been a blessing in my life Thank You Lord Jesus for using this platform to life up your name and blessings to eveyone here I have been reading on bearing fruit oh my goodness it is so powerful to bear fruit through the power of God’s word and the teaching of the Holy Spirit the word says by thier fruits they shall be known I have been praying for my heart to be good ground good healthy soil for the seeds of God’s word to fall on and take root and bare fruit in Jesus Name thank you so much for allowing God to use you my sister Trish God keep you and bless you 😊 ❤️ 💖 🙏 ☺️

  23. I believe that God has all his people strategically placed I believe he prepares the way before you before you ever even get there I am already Victorious I bank on God to have me in the right place at the right time for my good and his glory his spirit is always with me guiding me. I absolutely love talking to people about God I also love telling people how God is working in my life and how he wants to work in thier life to. I praise God for Daughters of the King and the reminders you give ast whose we are.

  24. Wow… Very timely. I’m thankful for this reminder❤️ This scripture is CONFIRMATION that the Lord has a greater plan than I could ever imagine. The part about being chosen really stood out to me. 🎯I had to look up that word and chosen in the Hebrew text is bahar- meaning select, desire, prefer , enter into covenant, best, acceptable, appoint.
    I was instantly convicted after reading this and in great need of repentance for willful sin- only deceiving myself. And for complaining BELIEVING that I’m just venting. Either way,it showed I wasn’t trusting in the Lord whole heartedly. It’s your will not mine God. The Lord already chose and that means we must submit to his righteousness-loving others as the Father loves. Love requires sacrifice. (Require is also another definition for the word choose)
    I pray for more of the Love of Yeshua the Messiah, Jesus Christ of Nazareth and I pray it abounds and increases so I may bear much fruit. sometimes I don’t always do right, I fall short. I understand It doesn’t mean he loves me any less but it does mean I need to be more diligent about obeying him right away. Lord I thank you for the body of Christ and I thank you for allowing me to live another day to get it right with you. I lift up all of my brothers and sisters in Christ right now in prayer asking you Lord to help us seek you more diligently, and for those that may struggle with pride, for you to lead us Abba Father, out of agreement with pride and into agreement with humility. Jesus Christ, let your spirit fall on us so we don’t fall away. Forgive us for our sins Lord known and unknown. Wash us in your holy blood. We love you Christ and we honor you!

    Wash us clean, purify our hearts and minds so we may abound and increase in your wisdom. Remind us daily to put on our spiritual armor. This journey is challenging but I know you will not leave me or forsake us. You are solely our helper Lord God. And I ask that you help us seek your face and to hear our inner cries. Lord please loosen faith unto us to believe you are in control. Also I ask that we count it all joy when situations occur that may try our mind in Christ. Give us strength to endure. Thank you Jesus Christ, In your precious name I seal this prayer. Amen 💗

  25. “You have not chosen Me”. This let’s me know that I can’t set the terms of my relationship with Jesus. It’s His rules. His way. When I accepted Christ as Lord I willing forfeited all of my life plans, goals & ambitions for His.

  26. I believe God is telling me I am His. I need to work hard to be safe in His heavenly arms upon the return of Jesis*.

  27. We were created on purpose for a divine purpose for such a time as this!
    G.T.H.T (GOD took his time when he made us)
    all attributes, gifts, skills, knowledge was given onto us by him for stewardship for his glory and for the good of others!
    We must abide remain in him, pursue intentional intimacy that we through him in JESUS CHRIST through the power of the HOLY SPIRIT may be fruitful and multiply his presence on earth where he leads and positions! 🙌🏽

  28. To go and bear fruit and keep bearing fruit because he wants us to want the best for one another and so when we ask God for something we can receive it in Jesus name Amen

  29. Keep bearing fruit. I’m order to do that once must cont to be pruned. Now that I have better understanding of what fruit means, it is a joy to show off my fruit, by choosing to operate in a manner consistent to my growth. I don’t boast, I do get a pat on the shoulder saying hey there you’re growing. The fruit draws ppl.

  30. This is what stood out to me.

    This [is what] I command you: that you love and unselfishly seek the best for one another” ‭‭John‬ ‭15‬:‭16‬-‭17‬, Amplified

    I need help with this Lord. It’s so hard for me to Love Difficult people. 😭

  31. God chose me, my mother and father did not want me, mother said she didn’t want me, but I know that I know, that I was chosen by God, to represent Him on the earth, to show his love, his kindness, his forgiveness, his mercy, to those who need to know love of a Saviour.

    1. I read your comment just now, Thank you very much, my mother also said similar thing about me last night & it really hurt. Your comment reminded me that although she doesn’t want me, God does. This comforts me

  32. I love that part when it says he have chosen me ! I know any are called but few are chosen so I’m honored that the most high God has chosen me from the beginning! And I stand on his word knowing I can ask anything and it will be given unto me HALLELUJAH Praise God for Loving me♥️🕊🌹🙏🏾

  33. “that you love & unselfishly seek the best for one another”
    Oh, that all of God’s children (myself included) could, & would, willingly obey this command. What a beautiful world this could be!

  34. Two parts stand out to me. First, that we bear fruit and keep on bearing and our tree is long lasting. That means down to future generations, our tree shall be fruitful and prosperous.
    The second part is loving others unselfishly and seeking the best for them. That is quite difficult to do in our ordinary human nature but the more I seek God and read His Word, I understand that God is love and we should be his reflection, spreading God’s love to EVERYONE, even those our human mind deems as unworthy of it.

  35. The fact that The Lord God chose me and I didnt choose him. It helps me to trust that God wont let me mess this thing up He is choosing me and He is keeping me on the right paths. Also where he says to seek the best for others as in humility. Putting others needs above your own. The Lord has been dealing with my pride. Everyday crushing it more and more. So praise God. Thank you for this devotional

  36. Amen,What Stand Out So Much For Me Is That We Didn’t Chose God,But God Chose Us,Wow So Many People Think They Chose God,But The True Is That God Chose Us,To Bear Much Fruit And To Unselfishly Help Each Other,What A Wonderful God We Have,Glory To Your Name Father ❤️🙏

  37. ” choosen” God choose me, regardless of my flaws and mistakes, He choose me and still chooses me every single time!

  38. It took me a few days to get into this but tonight God showed me how Psalm 139:15-16 and Ephesians 2:10 are correlating scriptures. Then I thought of Jeremiah 29:11 and in my mind I could see God remembering what He had planned long ago and yet Holy Spirit said those thoughts for me are always on His mind, on the forefront of His mind. And that He expects me to bear fruit just like a tree does, and whatever I ask in Jesus Name He will give me. Finally because I have received His love , I can (and will) love others first, seeking their interests above mine because I know God will look after my interests.

  39. Love unselfishly and seek the best for one another. We are losing more and more of our community it takes a village type ways. We are growing in self centeredness and every man for them self mentality

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