A Message from God's Heart for You

“[That you may really come] to know [practically, through experience for yourselves] the love of Christ, which far surpasses mere knowledge [without experience]; that you may be filled [through all your being] unto all the fullness of God [may have the richest measure of the divine Presence, and become a body wholly filled and flooded with God Himself]!” Ephesians 3:19, Amplified

“I desire that you may know My love. Know how deep it is, how wide, and how far. See the great lengths I went to in order to save you. I stopped at nothing to bring you back to Me. And if I went to such extremes, how is it that you think I can’t save you now? How is it that you are afraid and don’t believe in Me? You’ve put your confidence in that which cannot save. You’ve put all of your hope in that which fails you again and again. Don’t you see? It’s Me that is worthy of your trust. I am worthy of your faith. I am worthy of your confidence. My love is unfailing. My love is unfailing. My love is unfailing. No one loves you like I do. No one can protect you like Me. No one can heal you like Me. No one can set you free. So put your trust in Me, and you will see My love deliver you in great ways. I will set you on high, because you know My name, My nature and My love. I will increase you more and more in your knowledge of My love and nothing will be impossible for you because of your confidence in Me. Says the Lord.”

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20 thoughts on “A Message from God's Heart for You”

  1. Ty my sister for this word today. I know faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not yet seen. So I pray that you would increase our faith Lord and hear our hearts as we speak”I will trust you Father” no matter what it looks like. Because we know and have experienced your love again and again. So we continue to speak to those things that aren’t as though they are. Because you are so faithful to bring it to pass..ty Jesus πŸ’œ

  2. I thank Papa for this amazing DOTK ministry. This daily devotional always minister to me at just the right time I’m in need to be comforted by the Word of God. Thank you for allowing our Father to use you in such a beautiful way. God bless you and this ministry…

    “the sweetest thing I’ve ever known is loving Him”

  3. Our strength is made perfect in weakness. It is very heart warming to realise that our God trusts and belives in us! Today’s devotional makes reference to God’s knowledge of our confidence in Him. I am feel flattered knowing how God boasts about me. We may not be where we want to be in Christ but the Lord is mindful of our efforts. Thank you sweet Jesus.

  4. Amen to those beautiful soft spoken words that I can hear so clearly and loudly with it’s gentle touch that brings tears of joy as I realize, this is exactly what I needed to hear at the exact right time. I am Loved by our Lord and that’s all that really matters. No amount of money, cars or houses can EVER take the place of our Lord’s Love. Think about it, who else will give me that much unconditional love and protect me as he does.

  5. When my eyes cannot see, my mind cannot comprehend, and fear wants to smother me, I thank you Jesus for making your presence known to me as only you can do as you lift me into your zone of safety. I love you Lord!

  6. God has spoken to me, forgive father if i fail you in any way , i repent and i will put my trust in you .set me free from fear and from hearing the lies of the devi Help me to always put my trust in you and obey you. I love you Father i praise your mighty and holy name Amen.

  7. Thank you God for this word today Hallelujah, Thank you Father I put my Trust in you because no one can help me BUT YOU. I will always remember to keep Trusting you in ALL things, there is No other words to say but To keep Trusting in my Father, Thank you LORD In Jesus Name Amen πŸ™πŸ’–πŸ’•πŸ’™β€πŸ’πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’“πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―%%%%%

  8. Thank YOU my LORD I Receive YOUR LOVE and I LOVE YOU Sooooo Very much too. thank YOU for forgiving me of all my sins and being LORD over my life You Said Let Us therefore come boldly to the throne of Grace, that we may obtain mercy and find.grace to help in time of need. Thank YOU Thank YOU my ABBA PAPA LORD JESUS HOLY SPIRIT my LOVE my GOD And KING AMEN Amen Amen Thank You Sister Keisha for being GOD Voice I so truly needed our LORDS Word this morning I LOVE You Soooo Very much YOU are Blessed Mighty Woman of GOD. Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah GLORY To GOD Thank YOU my GOD. This is the Day GOD Has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it. AMEN!!!!!!!

    1. This is truly God speaking to me, I haven’t trusted You as I should to deal with this situation for me I’ve tried to fix it myself with no results so now God I’m sorry and I will give it over to you. Thanks for working it out.

  9. Thank YOU FATHER for reminding me that YOU love me more than I can truly understand with my natural mind. Because of YOUR LOVE, I can trust that YOUR plans and will for me are infinitely better than my own. I love you FATHERβ™‘.

  10. Let us never forget the Price paid for our redemption. Let us always remember from where we came and how far He has brought us through the blood of the Lamb.

  11. Every day I am blessed by your devotional. It seems like God hears me, and He works through you. My Father is always there to listen to us, in every situations we face.
    Thank you for your devotionals.

  12. Oh ! so profound! What an excellent father we serve! Thank you Lord for bring us back whilst we were lost once again you console and comfort us and gives us the assurance of you Love! You Grace oh Lord Father of our Lord Jesus Christ your mercies endures forever! Let your Love resonate deep inside our hearts that we may prove the love of Christ which you gave us freely! I love you so much Lord! And pray for this ministry and those you have called, blessings upon blessings, glory upon glory ! To God be the glory! Lots of love! Vicky

  13. I can ALWAYS come back when I’ve missed a day or two & get just what I need!
    Lord, I can’t Thank You ENOUGH!
    🎀You loved me through my good…
    You loved me through my bad…
    You didn’t erase my future..
    Because of my past…
    So glad You loved me through my good & my bad..
    You keep on…
    Lovin me🎡
    Lord, Thank You for Your UNCONDITIONAL LOVE..Thank You for loving me when I didn’t love myself & didn’t know how to love myself!! THANK YOU FATHER..THANK YOU!!!
    God Bless Sister Keisha & My DOTK Sisters
    Be Blessed, Stay Humble & Encouraged!!!

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