“O sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth! Sing to the Lord, bless (affectionately praise) His name; show forth His salvation from day to day” Psalm 96:1-2, Amplified
“Sing to Me a new song. The song I give to you will lift you up and not oppress you. It’s a song that will remind you of My truth. It’s a song that will breathe life into you. Sing, My Daughter, sing and worship Me with all your heart. The spirit of heaviness will be removed as you sing to Me the words I give to you. I know how to reach you where you are. I often reach you with a song that I know will bless you. I long to be gracious to you. I raise you up so I can bless you and fill your heart completely. I love to hear your voice. There’s not a sound more beautiful than hearing you sing to Me. I’m ministering to you My strength, wrapping you in My love, and calming all your fears as you sing to Me. Says the LORD.”
(Read Isaiah 61:3; 1 John 4:18; Isaiah 30:18)
Dear Father put a new song in my heart of praise and take away the spirit of heaviness right now Father,Make love perfect in me and take away all of my fears,l et the beauty of holiness shine through me from the inside out, In Jesus name!!!!Amen,I thank your for hearken unto my cry and hearing my prayers,today is a blessed day and in it I will rejoice,in Jesus name!!!!Good morning family!!!!!
Amen! Let the Lord be Glorified! Magnify His Name forever!! Praise HIS HOLY NAME!!!
Peace & Blessings B. Positive💖!!!
Lord, WE Thank You for taking away the spirit of heaviness!!!
Love Always💕
I awaken each morning with hymns running through my brain and throughout each day, he leads me through songs and hymns.
Thank you for speaking to my heart today!
I have had some bad days and a spirit of heavyness was on me ……
Praising Him in the uncertain times…..
Oh yes Amen sister Jan, Me too. We Praise Him no matter what! And He will break that spirit of heaviness. Love and blessings 💜
Yes the enemy can’t attack you when your heart is full of praise and songs. I was thinking early this morning to buy a new worship CD so I can worship our Precious Savior I love you Jesus
Yes Amen Diane. We Praise and worship him in the beauty of His Holiness!!! 💜
Peace & Blessings Sister Jan💖!!!
Whewww…talk about a spirit of heaviness…I felt like “boulders” where on my shoulders!! Like Lynne said..We must Praise Him No Matter What!!
The Blessing Is In The Pressing!! And continue to uplift & encourage one another!!
Love Always💕
Amen God bless you and me lift my heaviness in Jesus mighty name
Amen wonderful Savior
AMEN! Oh how I love JESUS, OH how I love JESUS, OH how I love JESUS, because HE first LOVED me! HE Loves me Oh yes HE does, JESUS Loves me, OH yes HE does, HE Loves me, OH yes HE does, for the Bible tells me soooo! ♡
Peace & Blessings Sister Kay💖!!!
You better sannnnng To the Glory Of God🎤..AMEN SIS..AMEN!!!
Love Always💕
Peace and Blessings to you, Sister Wendy! The Joy of the LORD be your strength Continually! ♡♡♡
Thank you Father for speaking to my heart, I will praise and worship you with songs from my heart to you my Lord and savior . Amen🙏❤
Yes Lord my heart will sing a song for you yes Jesus loves me for the Bible tells me so Hallelujah
Peace & Blessings Sister Annie💖!!!
Yessss Jesus Loves You/Us!!! Isn’t it a WONDERFUL feeling/thought to KNOW that Jesus REALLY does Love US unconditionally?!!
Love Always💕
Peace & Blessings Sister Maria💖!!!
AMEN!!! You & Lynne inspired me soooo much yesterday…you have no idea💞…I was really going through…but GOD
I Thank God for my DOTK Sisters🌹
Love You Always💕
Hallelujah my LORD FATHER GOD Hallelujah I’m filled with tears of joy right now, oh how you fill my heart and put a smile on my face and a Song in my heart for YOUR Glory. YOU make me Glad and all I am by Hill Song, My Sweet LORD by Richard Harris. I LOVE YOU my FATHER GOD Beautiful LORD Beautiful Savior, Hallelujah thank YOU for YOUR LOVE. my FATHER GOD And KING For all Eternity Your Daughter Chrissy. Thank You Sister Keisha DOTK Ministrie Glory Glory Glory to GOD Hallelujah LOVE And GOD BLESS You all Sister Chrissy
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. Unfortunately my father-in-law won. Kept ranting to the judge that he wants us out asap despite that my husband is in a hospital bed and unemployed. My husband and children are very suicidal. We need to be out by the 16th, along with our 6 pets. I’m going to be filing an appeal now. Please continue to pray for us.😪
Lord please bring a miracle to Jennifer and her family 💜
Peace & Blessings Sister Jennifer💖!!!
You said you’re gonna do an appeal right? So guess what…
🎤It ain’t over..
Until God says it’s over..
It ain’t over..
Until your victory is won🎵
What God has for you Is for you!!
Love Always💕
Thank you Ladies. Docs are thinking my husband maybe getting open ❤️ surgery? He’s 47. Shortly after that, the Judge called and said he dismissed the case because he is a Metro Judge and doesn’t have jurisdiction to make us leave. We still need to file in district court, so this buys us time and just try to get Free Legal Aide. We are being told they will still win because nothing is in our name when it should have been in Jan. 2013. Nobody understands that we paid an extra $40,000 and need the deeds.
Amen! Yes Lord I hear you.You been So So Good To me.
You pick me up and turn me around and placed my feet on solid ground.
Peace & Blessings Sister Cathi💖!!!
I know that’s right!!!!
Love Always💕
🎤I’ve had some good days..
I’ve had some hills to climb..
I’ve had some weary days..
And some sleepless nights..
But when I look around..
And I think things over..
All of my good days..
Outweigh my bad days..
And I won’t complain..
God has been so good to me..
He’s been good to me..
More than this ole world could ever be..
He’s been so good to me..
He dried all of my tears away..
Turned my midnight into day..
So I’ll just say..
Thank You Lord..
And I..
I Won’t Complain🎵
Lord, Please Continue To Bless & Shine Your Light Of Love Upon Your Obedient Servant Sister Kesha, Her Awesome Team, This Amazing Ministry & My DOTK Sisters/Family💖!!
Be Blessed, Stay Humble & Encouraged!!!
Love Always, Your DOTK Sister In Christ, Wendy💕
Thank you God for give me songs of Love Joy and wonderful Peace and Stength around me Oh Lord guide me and your words and prayers daily with songs of Joy Love Peace and Happness oh God stength me on this Christ journey and the name of Jesus❤❤❤ Amen and Jesus name Amen again
Dear God,
Please teach me songs that will honor you my glorious King. As I sing unto you, may my songs give you delight. Thank you for taking away the heaviness in my heart. Your presence is before me, calming the storm for me. My challenges and trials may seem insurmountable, yet I sing You praises and thanksgiving. You my God surround me, dealing with the giants around me. For You my God is greater, bigger and stronger than all of them. You have been, You are and will always be faithful to me. Thank you that I love because You loved me first. Glory, honor and thanksgiving be unto You forever!
In the victorious & sweetest name of all, Jesus Christ. Amen!💖
Peace & Blessings Sister Jennifer💖!!!
You said you’re gonna do an appeal right? So guess what…
🎤It ain’t over..
Until God says it’s over..
It ain’t over..
Until your victory is won🎵
What God has for you Is for you!!
Love Always💕