A Special Prayer for You

“Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him; I will set him on high, because he has known My
name.” Psalm 91:14

Lord, I pray for your precious daughter, who is reading this now. Make a way out of no way for her, Lord. You are putting her on the heart and mind of people in high places. People she does not know are having divine conversations about her. With everything she is going through, she has set her love, her trust and her affection on you, Lord. Now, I pray that you will take her from the low place and set her on high, and when you do, help her not forget where you brought her from. Help her to remember and give you the glory. Cause her to shine brightly for you. Be glorified in your daughter. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

124 thoughts on “A Special Prayer for You”

  1. This made me cry, I’ve been feeling very emotional these past days, 11 months since my husband died, and 12 months since I had heart surgery, I thank God for your faithfulness in sending these DOTK to me ♥️

  2. Thank You Lord for being with me through all these times and seasons of my life.
    Thank You that I can call on You to be my
    Truth and
    Hope…making You my F.A.I.T.H.
    And I’m thankful that the God who made the Heavens, the galaxies, the stars, who made everything to hang in such a balance so we can live on earth; The Creator who made such big complex things as well as the tiny ants would want to know me. This God who sent His only Son to die for me! This God who knows all of me, my good, bad and ugly parts and so wants to hear my voice in the morning and desires to know my thoughts as well as wanting to give me good things not because of anything I have done or haven’t done but just because He is also my Heavenly Father who knows how to give good gifts! When I think on these things it makes me weep and pause and feel so humbled, so grateful to go through life with knowing God’s love. Thank You God for being my God!

  3. Thank you, Sister Kesha, for this beautiful prayer; it’s greatly appreciated. I thank our Father for you & the time (& effort) you spend creating these wonderful messages. I thank our Father for all of the blessings He has given this sinner. Absolutely amazing. I love You, Father God, & ask for Your continued guidance & for peace for all of Your children. ❤️🙏🕊😊

  4. I was just praying this prayer I opened my eyes and the devotional was waiting lord let this be confirmation to what I asked you in Jesus name amen

  5. The year is still 2024 on all the devotions but I didn’t notice it until today. All the messages and devotions are great! 😊

  6. Sisters, I can’t express how much I needss THIS specific prayer today. My heart has been heavy, and I have only been able to talk to God about all the circumstances. Thank you for publishing this prayer today. My heart is filled, and I’m confident in God’s favor and breakthrough coming my way. With tears on my eyes, thank you.

  7. I connect and agree with this prayer. Let all be done for the Glory of God. Thank you so much for praying for me. Blessings, Shalom and Agape 👀🙏🏽♥️📖🙌🏽

  8. I received this, this was me. Just today, the people I just to work 2 days, as a caregiver, Two days before my birthday she, She says Thursday, last day I wait expectedly were you will put my feet on ground job wise.
    In the name of Jesus

  9. In Jesus name. This hit home my spiritual journey has been confusing. The devil.wants my head he can’t have me tho… I needed to read this …

  10. Thanks for this sweet devotion. I struggle with food allergies and had and airborne reaction Saturday at our Upward’s game. I was looking forward to working the concessions stands. But the popcorn maker, I was there for maybe 30 minutes when I had trouble swallowing and then I knew what that meant and my heart rate started to increase and felt like I would pass out. So, I walked away and took 50 mg of Benadryl. It took me about 2 hours to get the heart rate down and then I started to feel that the swallowing was better. But it has been awhile since I’ve had issues with it. Corn and milk is my major allergies. I carry an EpiPen but try my best to use this as last resort. It brings about fear for the next 3 days and I get so anxious. I try my best to pray about it and just let God handled it but it’s so hard when it just holds you down. It’s just scary. This devotion reminds me that He knows and I’m not alone and it’s okay to not be okay but to remember to not stay in this place. So, thank you for reminding me the power I hold has a daughter of the King. It’s easy to forget when you are battling the spiritual warfare that goes on in your mind.

  11. Going through a storm but I’m not backing down or out.
    I will write Zephanian 3:17 on a card to put in my pocket. Others may not give me what I need but my God does!

  12. Thank you, Lord for loving me. When you said that I grieve you sometimes that really hurt me and I am sorry. Please forgive me for grieving the Holy Spirit cause there is times I try my best to please your father..

  13. No condemnation from our dear loving God! Thank You for loving a wretch like me. I will continue to abide in You, Lord, and never doubt your endless love for me! ✝️🙏🏾🙌🏽❤️Thank You for this much needed devotional ♥️

  14. Thank you Ma’am for allowing God to talk to me through you. Every message is unique to me. God bless you abundantly. Every time I feel low these messages give me hope.

  15. Father God, my heart is heavy and anxiety this morning, but I trust you to lead me by your wisdom and understanding. You are with me to bring me thru. You will turn all things good for us.

  16. All Praise And Glory To God for your strength to overcome many trials and tribulations.. My story is my name is Shamica Phillips. I was born in Galveston Texas to my parents Vanessa and Lewis. Although my parents never married they stayed together until my dad went to heaven to be with the Lord. My trials and tribulations was abusive sexually, physically and emotionally. Which lead me to drugs at an early age. I became a mother of 4. Had my daughter Liyah first at the age of 15. In 2019 my dad got sick from an Infection in his toe, which was caused from type 2 diabetes. Me and my mother closed the wound and healed him for a while but the infection only spread. Loosing him devastated me. Although he couldn’t read. He knew the Lord. Although I suffered many trial my faith in God always stood strong. I am now clean and saved. I wake up happy and excited for all the Lord is doing in my life. And I always remains humbly grateful. I Pray for you and your family everyday. Because you helped me grow spiritually.

  17. Beautiful- I wake up and check my phone continually to see when there is a new post. Knowing God will send words of confirmation- encouragement and hope through your vessel. These inspired anointed words find my heart and help me daily. Thank you for being a willing vessel and thank you for your honesty and obedience.

  18. Hello, My name is Kimberly Bell, born a Wright to parents who are saved and filled with God’s precious Holy Ghost. When my mom was pregnant with me, she said she almost lost me more than once, Before she conceived me, the doctors told her she shouldn’t have anymore children because it would be dangerous, her cervix was very, very, very thin. So she prepare for her tubal surgery and finds out, she’s pregnant with me…In the hospital she said she literally spirituality wrestled with an angel over me. The Angel came in the room to take me but my mom wouldn’t let me go, my dad was praying saying God if you give me my daughter, I will give her back to you. Thank God for his promises, the road surely hasn’t been beautiful and neither were my many sins but one day, God drew me to him and now I’m proud to say, I’m saved, sanctified and filled with God’s precious gift of the Holy Ghost, Learning every day to be like Jesus. So now my name is Kimberly Bell, a child of God.

  19. Once upon a time a child was born. Her name was Shiloh. She was the first born of of a young mother,and a first to make her mom’s parents grandparents. She was so very cherished and loved by all that was around her. She started her adventures early in her years, she fell down a flight of stairs in her walker…although she doesn’t remember that. I think that was a bad day for someone else…
    Shiloh was raised by her grandparents. She never knew Jesus, but there was a picture of Him in the living room, ( she knew His name was Jesus because she asked who that man was). The picture was next to a ceramic type of book that open to one spot all the time, actually it looked like pages but you couldn’t turn it.
    Shiloh grew and was very outdoorsy living on the island of oahu, a go getter! Her and her grandparents moved around alot! Only on the islands, never to the mainland. She met a family when she was 13 and had a couple of best friends. Melanie and moani. Melanie’s family was catholic I guess, she used to invite shiloh and moani to youth nights. Shiloh loved when they sang songs! Mel invited shiloh and moani to a youth retreat. And one evening the youth gathered into a big circle sitting on chairs, the lights were intimate and dim. Then other youth came and they were going to have a washing of the feet. Shiloh knew the boy that was gonna wash her feet so she was a little embarrassed and was laughing and making jokes with moani. Then moani whispered in her ear, ” you’re supposed to close your eyes and pretend it’s Jesus washing your feet”.
    So shiloh did and for some reason she didn’t know she started crying. A little embarrassed she covered her eyes and weeped. When she uncovered her eyes she was the last one there in that circle.
    That same year shilohs biological dad popped up outta no where and invited her and her grandma to a Christian church. Shiloh was born again and and baptized in the Holy Ghost. She would practice sometimes in the shower her knew tounge, and she also would sing the star bangled banner. Then they moved off island. She was 14.
    Life started to change for her, she never continued to go to church. By the time she was 17 she was abandoned, molested, raped, betrayed, arrested, runaway, did drugs and alcohol, high-school dropout, and had a set of twins. She was left in a state of not understanding her emotions and started self harm. By the time she was 23, she was running the streets gave her twins up to her grandma, homeless and living a life of crime and violence. She ended up in prison. That’s was a life saver! She started going to church in prison, and for the first time the Word of God was speaking to her. She had to special encounters with the Lord while in prison, where she was prophesied over and there was even a word for her from the Lord and He called her His baby girl. She thought to her self He just has to be real because she never told anyone ever, that she wanted to be somebody’s baby girl!
    I’d like to tell you that her life changed for the better after that but I can say those encounter surely left an everlasting mark.
    After being released from prison Shiloh moved back to oahu on a 5 year probation. She had another child through a one night stand. Lived in a homeless home for pregnant women. She had a daughter. Got herself into another bad relationship which eventually she got pregnant and started to do drugs again. There was abuse involved very heavy mental abuse and interrogation and some physical. On one night of a fight shilohs boyfriend grabbed the side of her stomach and she started bleeding. Doctors said she had a whole in her amniotic sac. By the time the month was over all the amniotic fluids had leaked out. She lost her son when she was 5 months pregnant. Not to far long after that tge mental abuse was so bad she tried suicide. They took her cute daughter away from her, and in order for to get her daughter paris back she had to go to a rehabilitation center for women and children. It took her 1 month to get there but she did. Her heart ached for her baby girl. She got clean and sober, graduated a few diffrent treatments and then met a man.
    Her life with this man wasn’t a easy road. His name was ethen. He also was a recovering addict. When her daughter paris was 5 years old shiloh got pregnant to ethens child. Shiloh started school, took a dental assisting class and got a dental assisting certificate. At her externship, she wasn’t hired because she was pregnant. So her career never took off. Then she had a daughter named asia. Some how drugs crept in back into shiloh and ethens relationship. Shiloh started getting abused. Shiloh was a fighter though. She also had a certain weapon. Her song voice! She would drown her sorrows through singing! Eventually after moving islands again she had a surprise pregnancy another girl. Her name was shilen ( shiloh and ethen mixed together) ethen chose that name. Shilohs grandma was sick with brain cancer and lung cancer emphysema. Shiloh loved her grandma. Her grandma passaway before she could fly to the other island to hold her warm body. That year everything went from bad to worse. Shiloh lost all 3 of her daughters, was turned away by her real mother, on the run from ethen, and homeless on the streets. Shiloh was now dealing drugs and carrying weapons.
    One day ethen was encountered a group of people coming to the hood were him and his family lived. They invited him to a Bible study. He went. At the end of their meeting they asked if he had any prayer request and he replied” can you pray for my girl friend, she living in the harbor.” And God started moving. Shiloh never thought she would end up back with ethen but they ended up getting married and moving into a church home. While there she started singing on the worship team she gave up all secular music and just wanted to please God. She started to get to know her Father. She read every book she could, sometimes 3 books at a time. She wanted to worship God and be in His presence all the time! She was filled with zeal! She got pregnant with another baby her name- shine. Shiloh eventually got her twin boys back. So she had all her children with her. God restored her family.
    Ethen started falling into drugs again with others in the church. And so shiloh would relapse from time to time. She would beat herself up because she always just wanted to be pleasing unto God. One day everything crashed! And after living in that church home for 5 years they got kicked out to the streets. At that time shiloh had a job but now her and her family was on the streets. The twins was blessed with a home from one of their teachers so they could finish their senior year of high school and shiloh ethen and the girls went into a shelter. Meanwhile Shiloh started doing drugs with ethen and the next 3 years just went to the depths of darkness. Abuse came at its worse. Shiloh tried to run tried calling the cops, tried putting on TROs but nothing worked. Then one day she seen someone she knew that person called shiloh by name. It was a rainy day Shiloh was rushing on her bike to get home before to her husband, she didn’t want him to get mad that she was taking long. Shiloh heard her name being called. She turned and seen someone she knew, she waved shiloh to come. As worried as shiloh was that if she goes she might be risking a fight at home, shiloh went anyways. The sister asked how Shiloh was doing, shiloh expressed she wasn’t doing so well. That sister asked if they could pray for shiloh. Shiloh said yes. As 3 women prayed over her shiloh broke 💔. After that shiloh had 3 encounters with this street team and on the third encounter she decided to leave everything behind and go into their women’s home. Shiloh made them her home church. Although shiloh left the women’s home to take care of things in her own home (which looked like a trap house), it took a few months but shiloh gave everything up to start over! Shiloh had another baby a boy she named Judah! Shine was already 8 by this time a eight year gap. Shiloh was 40. God really did something this time in her life there’s no going back this time! Within this time she gave up her drug house, went to treatment, had a baby boy. And the Lord blessed her with a beautiful 4 bedroom Home, a beautiful home! Today she able to minister to children and teenagers around her neighborhood she planted in a awesome church! She loves her new family the Lord has set her in. She surely is blessed!! Today shiloh is a mother she never had. Glory Glory to the God on high!! He’s still writing Shiloh story. Shilohs mind today is surely made up that this is the life that she lives: in all things consider the Lord in word and deed. God has done a new thing in her, she’s healed delivered and her foundation is being built on the Rock the Rock of her salvation she’s able to love because God loved her first. Behold He makes all things new! There’s no going back to that old life no more! Hallelujah! A story of an island girl named Shiloh, a gifted passionate singer, who loves to worship God with the gift He’s given her. From Glory to Glory. . .

  20. My name is Timbra Buford. I was born in Ohio and moved to Georgia with my mother, where I lived without my father. I was always searching from love from a man. I was molested by many of my “baby sitters” and was told not to tell. I grew up with a lot of negative thoughts about myself. Eventually, things got a little better. My mother married my brother’s father, who was incarcerated for a few years. Things went back to being bad as I was abused physically, mentally, and sexually. The good news is I did get saved during that time and had Jesus as my Lord and Savior.
    During the time of abuse, I sought to escape the nightmare and ended up being involved with a married man. We were for married for 3 years and had 2 children before marriage and lost two after. It lasted until I couldn’t take it anymore. What I thought was love actually wasn’t. I got connected with God and he saved me.
    After divorce, My children and I moved to Ohio with my grandmother. God blessed me so, He helped me graduate from college (which was struggle being married and not having a supportive spouse). I lived there until I ventured out to Indiana on day. After fasting and praying, God allowed me to move to Indiana, where He has healed me and allowed me to share my gifts in church. My story hasn’t ended yet, but I trust that God will make my latter days better than my former as He has promised!
    Not yet the end.

  21. This is the story of Yvette born to parents wedded in fake love. A Little girl quiet and curious, I often wonder where was her smile. full of fear yet brave. Born to a dad full of rage, anger and abuse, an alcoholic. She found herself always seeking comfort and peace. Most times it was with Grandmom, never with Mom. Later she looked for it in a boy. Always running from something she lived in fear. From bullies to dad hiding with Grandmom was safe. She wanted to escape most days the lack of love, non-affection and non-communication. She was a talker and wanted to talk all the time so someone would hear her unheard pain. Fear: fear of people, fear of rodents, (my Mom chased me with dead ones) fear of man, fear of rape, fear of lack, fear of love and ultimately a fear of death. But somehow she’d survive, the running, the thoughts, the rodents and the angst of it all. She’d grow tall and hard full of care. Care she never received. Her soul aches to be loved to be acknowledged to be good. See she never thought she was good. Punishment and failures said she wasn’t good (a lie) She looked and found Christ but that didn’t seem to last either. Now she wanders gripping every ounce of peace as if it is her last. So many demands, so many needs she struggles to keep up. But she’s determined to love, to love with her heart to care with her being with gratefulness to awake everyday God gives her and to continue her pursuit of God in this world.

  22. Thank you for writing this. I think God needed me to read this today. My baby just came home from the NICU last Sunday after 108 days. Your story gives me hope.

  23. Hi Kesha I love your story but I have to ask how do you intend to carry on with d.o.t.k if you are no longer with us unless the story has a deeper meaning God bless 🙏🙏🙏

  24. I loved your story. Mine is no where as nice n blessed as yours is. But God! One day the Lord will bless me with a happy ending. God bless you n your family n ministry!

  25. This story really intrigued me, of where you came from, and how God remained attentive and faithful , even when you simply didn’t understand how the end would come out Because your eyes stay affixed upon the hills, is where you actually drawed supernatural strength. This story has allowed me to build courage and confidence, of knowing that God will always remain faithful. Thank you for the words of wisdom. Sister, Amen, & Blessings

  26. Wow, what a true Proverb 31 woman. Her story move my heart this morning as I read it. It is Only in God’s strength we can moved from rock bottom to grace no matter how far we have fallen or how bad the situation as we cry out in Jesus Christ Name He show up and deliver us.

    Thank for sharing! God bless you always!

  27. Hallelujah! This word is directly from God to me every word is an answered prayer and confirmation that God is my everything. I told the Holy Spirit it is me and You the other day. God had to cut and remove people out of my life so that I could know that He is my God, my Healer and my deliver. He will bring the right people into my life who will love me and have His heart for me. God bless you my sister and give you peace, joy and may He fulfill the desires of your heart. ✨❤️💕💛😘✨

  28. I truely needed to hear this today, l feel depleted on the inside and unbelief has crippled me, after reading this with tears it has given me hope again.
    God is faithful he is the Spirit of truth 🙏🏼

  29. Beautiful! Thank you for always giving your time to bless others and uplift us. I had to speak out loud several times this week that God does not give us a spirit of fear. God gives us a spirit of power to rest and trust in him. I’m entering into a season of turmoil because I just bought a home and the government wasnts to take my building to occupy and their employees threatens me. I’m standing strong because the Holy Spirit is my advocate. The Lord is my warrior and hears my cry no matter what happens. God blesses me each day and theses earthly things will pass.

  30. Hallelujah & Amen! Thank You, Jesus, for all You do, & have done, for me. I’m still a work in progress but I know that You’ve got my back & I’m so grateful.

    Thank you too, Sister Kesha, for this well-timed, & uplifting, message. I’m grateful to you as well.

    May God have mercy on us all & grant us peace ❤️🙏🕊

  31. Thank you so much .i really needed to hear that this morning.🥲we need a miracle or miracles.my husband needs a job.and it’s hard for him to find one right now.we are excommunicated.so it’s not easy.but God.i really need to trust God right now.☺️.thank you for all the encouraging words .

  32. I welcome you Lord in this season of my life …….. I need you more now than ever. 😞😟💔❤️‍🩹

  33. Bless God! 😊. I receive this word. Papa is teaching me more of the ways of the Spirit… May we all grow and be filled to overflow w the Spirit of Truth. This is how Jesus referred to the One He was sending as He interceded for his followers. He could have used lot of other names of the Spirit … Spirit of Wisdom, Revelation, Counsel, Might. … but no. He used this name He wants us to know Him by. And I beleive the part about Him teaching us how to respond bc He is Wisdom and in John15:26 the Spirit of Truth proceeds from Papa and will testify …about Jesus and we will testify also. We will speak … his truths and we will speak of Jesus! amen. Thank you so much.

  34. Father, I thank You for restoring all the years the enemy has stolen from me; especially the years with You. Thank you, Jesus, for always having my back. Amen and Amen

  35. Thank you Father for you are a Restorer. Lord, restored all my lost to me multiple.
    I believe you and I believe your power.

  36. Thank You, Heavenly Father for being my everything! My great Restorer, Provider, and Healer! I’m seeking You in all that I do and trusting in Your holy Word! I declare that 2025 is my year to claim all that was diminished or lost in 2024! Thank You, Jesus! 🙌🏽♥️✝️ Thank you for this much needed devotional to remind me of God’s promises and faithfulness, Kesha 🩷

  37. I receive!

    I look forward to the devotionals every morning! Most times it speaks to me as a on time word! Bless you sister!

  38. I wish the prayers didn’t always address God as if we are ALL failing to do certain things in our journey bc we aren’t.

  39. Dear Lord, Allow me to share my gifts and talents to uplift You and Your Holy Word. The light in me is because of You, and I want everyone to see how wondrous Your works are! 🙌🏽✝️♥️ Thank you, Kesha, for this “key” devotional! 🩷

  40. Amen & Thank You, Lord! You are so good to me & I’m eternally grateful. I pray I’ll always be worthy of Your love & goodness.

    I thank you also, Sister Kesha, for this loving, uplifting prayer.

    May our Father’s love & goodness be upon all of His children & may He grant us peace ❤️ 🙏 🕊

  41. He reminded me about 16 months ago when I was at a gas station, standing by car getting gas all a sudden I clearly heard HIS VOICE. He said to Isaiah 41:10, and then three other times I’ve seen this guy in his work truck and GOD said HE wants me to get to know him because I could show him the way to Jesus.

  42. I praise God of the Universe, the sovereign King of all creation who is worthy of all glory in the universe.
    Thank you Keisha for God has used you to help us and bless us with His words.
    Lord, create us a generous heart to share your words to others who sees your goodness n be exalted n glorified

  43. Lord, please continue to be my light in the day and in darkness. Your Word forever stands true and I want to continually have it in my heart, mind, and soul. Allow me to not forget your truths whenever I face adversity and to always remain in You – my Keeper, Provider, Waymaker, and Restorer 🙌🏽♥️✝️ Thank you for this reminder, Kesha 🩷

  44. Thank you for this sweet devotional and reminding me of scriptures to claim when the mountain I’m climbing is hard and bringing me back to the valley of scriptures to pray to God to help me through the storm that is within me.

  45. As I look back over my life, You provided me with tons of experiences that need to be shared with others. You have always been faithful, and I will continue to trust in You as I navigate through life’s journeys. Allow others to see your splendor and glorious works as I speak of how You’ve taken me to and gotten me through it all. I love You, Lord! 🙌🏽♥️🙏🏾 Thank you, Kesha, for these words to encourage us to trust Him every step of the way. 🩷

  46. Hallelujah & Amen! Dear Father God, I pray that my walk with You will be 1 full of faith rather than fear, full of joy rather than sadness. Please keep me in oneness with You. I thank You for all of the blessings You have given me. Please grant us peace through You. In the name of my Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ I pray ❤️🙏🕊😊

  47. Thank You, Lord! You are altogether worthy and wonderful to me! I cannot thank you enough for these millions of victories you given me. I’m still in awe of your action today! Oh how I love You!!🙌🏽♥️🙏🏾 Thank you for sharing, Kesha. Your experiences are just the “keys” we need! 🩷

  48. Good morning. I normally like to share the Devotionals, but today, that button isn’t working. I’m not sure if that’s intentional, but I want you to know.

  49. My experiences with God go as far as I can remember. Until the situation I have been in for quite some time. God has saved me from death.
    He put that lock on my lips when I had been held at gunpoint. When I left that job someone else
    did not have the same blessing. He lost his life less than 2 months
    after I resigned from my employment from that company.
    30 years of ministry with children bringing Glory to God and sharing with others about Jesus Christ! Such an exciting blessing to do when presented with the opportunity to share the real Gospel of Jesus Christ!
    Thank you for this devotional to enhance the walk with God.
    May God bless you as you bless us for God’s glory!

  50. My bff came by- the tumors in her body are shrinking and no new ones have formed!! This has been a very long battle for her and we give God the glory!!

  51. Wow good word, and yes I totally agree I’ve seen it happen so often, and I think we’ll God wants us to enjoy him and yes see his work in our lives.
    Thank you for the reminder.

  52. Thank you Jesus 🙏🏻 by my choice I decree and declare and come into FULL AGREEMENT with this prayer over mines and my childrens life’s in Jesus name!!! 💓 Thank you Father God!!! Hallelujah!! Be glorified in our life’s Father God 🙏🏻 for your will, your purpose and your Glory in Jesus Christ name 🙏🏻 amen amen and AMEN ❤️🙏🏻🙌🏻❤️

  53. Thank you for this special word. You are truly touched by God because I’ve been praying for the last week about this exact thing. I’ve been in a long term relationship but my mate tells me lies he’s done big and little. He shows me his dedication to our relationship but I don’t want to continue if he can’t get to the root cause and fix why he lies. He issues letting people in and all I can say is I don’t have anymore time to wait or mental emotional capacity to be hurt by these untruths that I come across with him from time to time. He’s causing me to not trust myself and the God given intuition that the Lord has blessed me with. Thank you for this word and prayer. I’m surrendering this all to God and will continue to do my part yet protect myself. If God wills that he stays around and honors me in a better way then it will be God’s Will if not I just pray that the Lord pulls me through whatever decision the Lord sees fit. In Jesus Name I pray…Amen

  54. Yes LORD, I really am shaking my head yes, that I will not give in, I will not give up! You have already promised me the victory…lol…I know how this story ends! Praise God!

  55. Woman of God! You bring life to those who read the devotionals each day. Reading every day has brought healing, deliverance to my life and peace . Bless you may Lord continue to anoint you,

  56. Thank you sis for this prayer. This is what has truly been in my heart! Blessings and much love to you….

  57. This was food for my soul. Thank you Jesus for all that you do and all that you are. I love you lord 💓 💖

  58. Amen! I receive this and I speak it over every one of my sisters reading this! Thank you Father for this word!

  59. Wow I praise God for Friday’s devotion! It is very much what I needed to hear. Just last night I cried so hard. I woke up with a headache. My eyes are still swollen… I cried so hard because there’s a lot that’s been going on in my life. I have received so many prophecies and now these people are being found out to be warlocks and witches And I’m a single mother and I’m struggling financially, and there was a man I was involved with who was a pastor, but this person didn’t wanna marry, but he was OK trying to be intimate and I’ve had a hard break when it comes to men and even friends. Sometimes I hold onto people longer than I should so when I read your devotion this morning, It brought me relief because I cried out to the Lord last night, and I told him to please see my heart and how I’m trying so hard to do things the right way to distance myself from the wrong people to live an upright life, and that he blessed me and my children…..

  60. I have been blessed to be able to follow you. You speak truth. God has touched you in the greatest way. Through God’s words, I have received every single blessing, encouragement, faithfulness, actual fulfillment in knowing God, the Holy Spirit and our Lord and Savior. I am blessed because of your courage to speak your truth. May God bless you and your loved ones. Continue to reach out. We are in uncertain times and we all need love. Thank you.

  61. This is on time for me as I just finished a 2- day fast with Free Chapel !!!
    Oh yea!! Exactly what I have been praying for!!❤️❤️❤️💖

    In all areas of my life. Time to move Forward . He will make a way!!
    He will perfect those things that concern me””” Yes and Amen!!!!

  62. Lord, please provide me discernment when it comes to sowing into certain friendships. Come what may. 🙌🏽♥️🙏🏾Another thought-provoking devotional, Kesha. Thank you🩷.

  63. Amen !! Praise God for you are almighty , Matthew 19:26 Say, But Jesus beheld them , And said unto them, With man this is impossible, But with God all things are Possible 💕

  64. Yahweh is the way! Not my will but Your will will be done, Father! When we place total trust in You, marvelous breakthroughs and actions happen! I’m a witness to His greatness and wonders! 🙌🏽♥️🙏🏾 Thank You, Sister, for this reminder to not lean into your own understanding. 🩷

  65. Thank you for reminding me to trust in HIM. The other day I asked GOD some questions about what did HE want to think, do, say etc. I heard one thing, Romans 8:28. This hasn’t been the easiest season but He sure has helped me to grow in ways I never thought possible. Just the last few days I have been bold for HIS KINGDOM and the outcomes were/are good!

  66. Father God, thank you for your love and mercy. Even in the most difficult situations we can fully trust you to make everything good for us. Praise your mighty name.

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