“For God knew his people in advance, and he chose them to become like his Son, so that his Son would be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters.” Romans 8:29, NLT
Our destiny is to look like Jesus on the inside and to behave like Jesus on the outside. Many of us are spiritual powerhouses, can pray the house down, sing the roof off, hang off the chandeliers when we praise the Lord, and can administrate duties with a spirit of excellence. We appear like strong mighty lions, but who are we inwardly? Do we love just as loud? Forgive just as strong? Are we as obedient to God as our prayers are powerful?
These are things of the heart that matter most to God. The nuts and bolts of a woman of character is how she responds when it’s time to let go, how she behaves when she doesn’t get her way, how she acts when her gift and calling is ignored, and what she does when she experiences failure. Let God break off everything that doesn’t look like Him. The lying has to stop. The bad attitude, no more. The laziness and procrastination, no more. The unforgiveness and resentment, that’s not becoming of you. No more erotic romance novels and sexual perversion. The pride and arrogance, no ma’am. The selfishness, not you woman of God. No more making a person your idol. Time to tell fear and timidity goodbye. You can be the woman you know in your heart you were created to be.
Let God break these things off so you can develop His character. You are chosen and are predestined for a great work that will bring God great glory, but His work in you is where it all begins.
Prayer: Yes, Lord. I know whatever You reveal to me that needs changing in my life, You will help change it. You are with me. In Jesus name, Amen.
(Read Proverbs 31:30-31; 2 Peter 1:4-8)
I simply Loved this message! Makes for a Profound Monday & words of Truth was inbedded in this msg JUST FOR ME! TY!
Thank you Lord for help me and change my life around for your Kingdom you are my help and everything around me change be for your good here I am God filled me up and Jesus name Amen
Yes Oh Lord. Help us be women of noble character. Man looks on the outward appearance but you Lord look at our heart. So please Let the words of our mouth and the meditation of our hearts be pleasing and acceptable in your sight..We want to be like you Jesus♡
Amen hallelujah TGBTG!
an on time word….Lord reveal in me those things that are not of you. Those things that bring You shame, those things that are uncharacteristic of the Sprit you poured into me. When ever i fall short let me never be too proud to say Lord forgive me, Lord help me. When i look in the mirror at this creation called ME help me lord to see me as you see me. Build me up where i am torn down and humble me where i need humilaty. In Jesus name…Amen
Ouch and amen… A powerful word just for me today. #WOW
And me. I am right in the middle of all those upsets with my husband myself and my 12 year old daughter. Everything is on my nerves and I feel hard and don’t care right now. But I do care. It’s hard, way hard. I am always trying but always fail. Why? Because I can’t see being miss Suzy sweet heart victim to others that don’t try as hard either. Please pray for me. I am starting to shut down but I am stilling struggling to hold on. Tug of war
Hmmm it is well says the woman of faith to the prophet dispite the death of her son . As a daughter of Most High God I have seen tough times sleepless nights weeping periods and right now are still things so hard to understand but one thing I hold on and will not let go is the fact that Jesus my Lord knows it all and He loves me so I’m in His aim for change to be like Him to His glory Amen
This is an on time message for me. Empty me oh Lord, I want to be more like you inside & out.
Thank you for this message. I love it and I love God. This has been my prayer all week long and will continue to be. I thank God that He has already given me the power to live a Christian life and cease believing the lies fro from the enemy.
Praise God this message was my breakthrough i can now move on to be completely be what God design me to be. I have been trying to hold everybody together and falling apart in the process i pray for the strength to live the promise life God has For me…
Thank you Daughter of the 👑