Be a friend who loves them, while the LORD is the one who saves them.

“For the LORD your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs” Zephaniah 3:17, NLT.

“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.” Proverbs 17:17

I used to be the kind of person who would go to the ends of the earth and bend over backward to help someone in need. I would let their emergency become my emergency. And just so they could sleep at night, I would take on their situation and lose sleep trying to figure out how I would solve their problems and make everything alright. After many years of doing this, I realized God never intended for me to be anyone’s savior. The LORD taught me that people need a friend, someone to come alongside them with love and encouragement. They may need help locating the wisdom of God for their situation. This insight will set you free and will allow God room to do what only He can do. People do not need you to be their savior, they need a friend.

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16 thoughts on “Be a friend who loves them, while the LORD is the one who saves them.”

  1. Good stuff here. I struggle with being a fixer. And that’s not my purpose. Mine is to Love the Lord my God, and love my neighbor as myself. 😊

  2. This is me. I want everybody to be alright. Thank you Lord for this word on this morning
    Set me free in Jesus name

  3. Actual truth great King!! As a disciple of Christ we are here to lead our loved ones and friends to lean not on their own understanding but have a good talk and walk with the most high God!! Thank you for inspiring me with your Winning Wednesday thoughts πŸ‘ˆπŸ½πŸ’ƒπŸ½πŸ™ŒπŸ½πŸ™πŸ½

  4. Father thank you that you are in charge and I can lean on you for all things including my friendships help me to show your love to my neighbors friends and people that dislike me. I love and need you in my life always and forever thank you Jesus amen

  5. We renounce and repent of all acts known and unknowingly of Trying to be THE SAVIOR l PLEAD THE BLOOD OF JESUS against that spirit, I take Authority over it bind it curse it at the roots uprooted command it to go back from where it came from IN JESUS NAME .AND WE LOOSE YOUR SPIRIT HEAVILY FATHER down upon your children imitators of You ABBY DADDY We declare and decree IN JESUS NAME Us decreasing and You INCREASEING IN JESUS HOLY MIGHTY NAME

  6. Thank you God for the word this is so true we can be a friend and encourage them to trust God Love

  7. Thank you for the word and understanding. I always was that person trying to help people get through their life and struggles. Taking on the roles of the mother , father, sister, brother, counselor, doctor, ect ect. . I guess because of my profession as a Veteran RN/Soilder I felt the need to heal everyone and everything.

  8. I needed this! I love helping my friends but at times feel unappreciated! I must let God heal and continue to carry out His word! He’s able to do all things! My Savior!

  9. Glory to the Lord most high.
    You used to be in this situation, well, I am in this situation and it hurt when this same friends show no gratitude or betray you.
    That is why, I am among those that this message is meant for, I’m blessed.
    Now I know my place.

  10. Amen..Amen..Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Ohh Lord, I Thank YouπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ!! I Thank You Lord!! I Thank You..I Thank You..I Thank You!! I BELIEVE & RECEIVE THIS BLESSED, AWESOME & MIGHTY CONFIRMING WORD!!! I TOO was that person..”The Great Fixer”..Whewww & it wore me OUT!!! I had to LEARN to be JUST a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on, a DIRECTOR & ENCOURAGER..NOT SAVIOR!! Directing them to His Word..My Favorite Bible Verses Proverbs 3:5-6 & Encouraging them to TRUST The Process..that HE IS ABLE & they CAN do it/make it! There was a time I was taking on sooo much of my friends/familys “stuff” that I ALMOST lost myself..I HAD TOO LEARN..I COULDN’T SAVE THE WORLD..(but I tried😊) THANK YOU LORD FOR WISDOM!!!! You gotta know when to hold & when to foldπŸ˜‰..People will take, take, take & NEVER give, give, give..if you let about a glass being half emptyπŸ˜• glass is NOW half full😊..I just wanna be a GOOD & LOVING FRIEND TILL THE END😍
    Lord, Please Continue To Bless & Shine Your Light Of Love Upon Your Obedient Servant Sister Kesha, Her Awesome Team, This Amazing Ministry, My Sister Felicia & My DOTK SistersπŸ’–!!
    Be Blessed, Stay Humble & Encouraged!!!
    Love Always, Your DOTK Sister In Christ, WendyπŸ’•

  11. I am feeling so blessed right now after reading this . It is often hard at times to tell friends & family no to helping them out again and again but at some point in time we have to let go and Let God. I love this life changing message. We can’t save everyone its not our place. So I will sit small till my names called

  12. Amen!!! I praise Him…
    I needed this message, I have always been a giver, but the ones I gave the most too,used me the most. I repent Father for mixing my place up with your place… and I thank you 😊 that when they used me up, you were there to pick me up and heal my heart ❀️. GOD CAN Take CARE Of THEM LIKE HE TAKES CARE OF ME!!!

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