Be Content

“Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” Hebrews 13:5, NKJV

There’s a song that says, “I need more, more, more. Jesus, more of you.” It’s a beautiful song by Joann Rosario that reminds us of our constant need of the Lord. Over the course of my life, I have often changed the words of that song to, “I need more, more, more. Jesus, more and more stuff!”

Today, we don’t hear a lot about the sin of covetousness, but it’s rampant among Christians. We want a bigger house, a nicer car, a better living room set. A bigger church, a nicer figure, a better job. Notice the pattern? Bigger, nicer, better. Anything that we feel would make us happier, we want it desperately and feel discontent until we have it. But a sign of a mature believer is when we have learned how to be content. The apostle Paul said, “I have learned in whatsoever state I’m in to be content” (see Philippians 4:11). This is coming from someone who was imprisoned several times and who suffered unbelievably while in ministry. How could he have learned contentment? The Holy Spirit taught him, just as He is teaching God’s people today.

The enemy will always tell you that happiness is somewhere other than where you are right now. Don’t believe him. Instead, make the best out of where you are.

God doesn’t mind us wanting more, He just wants us to be happy with what we have while we pursue better. It makes no sense at all to be grumpy while you wait on your Boaz, grumpy while you wait to have children, grumpy while you wait for a vacation, grumpy while you wait to get a more spacious house. God doesn’t respond to our grumpiness. He responds to our faith. A key indicator that we are in faith is our contentment in Him. Choose to be happy and satisfied with what you have, and God will bless you. Enjoy where you are while you get to where you’re going. Understand contentment doesn’t mean complacency. It is truly liberating when we no longer allow our circumstances to have control over our happiness.

Prayer: Father God, I thank you for preaching to me today by your Holy Ghost. Help me Lord to learn how to be content with what you’ve given me. Teach me by your Holy Ghost to be happy with myself and not be covetous. Forgive me Lord of all sin in my heart. Set me free by your power and love to live a content life through Jesus. Amen.

Posted in: Uncategorized

16 thoughts on “Be Content”

  1. Much needed word today. I had a situation yesterday at work that made me think I wasn’t being appreciated. Our contentment comes from Jesus. I pray I would know him more and his power of his resurrection. Thank you! Be blessed!

  2. I so needed to hear this. I’ve been grumbling lately about having to sleep on my friends couch and not having a place of my own. I’m starting to catch myself doing that, then I stop and ask myself this question. Would you rather be sleeping in your car or on the street? Of course not! It’s so easy to grumble, but being thankful brings contentment. In the meantime, I trust God will provide the means for me to have a place of my own in his time. Until then, contentment is my friend:).

  3. Thank you LORD, HELP me to be content where I am.HELP me to enjoy where i am. Thank you Jesus In Jesus Name Amen.

  4. Only you my lord are able to take my grumbling and turn it into contentment only you can give me peace when there is turmole in my life only you can change and forgive my sinful nature you are my king my sours e I need more of you everyday thank you I love you Jesus holy sprite father

  5. Thank you Father God for your words if its God’s will for me to have more it will be But I praise God for what I have today Praise God and everyday for the Beautiful Blessing ahead and for the Blessing I have received Thank you God for your Love and the name of Jesus Amen Thank you God

  6. yes contentment is also my friend. In this era of hardship and instability, our only source of hope is in the finished work of Christ. The rest that comes from Christ gives me the strength to strive on even against the odds of life. My place in Christ is to remain content.

  7. Laws of the Heart❗ 🙌🙋😄😃😊😁😍😉💜💌What a perfect and timely devotion…I it’s ALL ABOUT KINGDOM BIZNESS❗❗❗ THANK YOU SWEET JESUS👑👑 stay in position DOTK💯✔✔✔💓💕💖💞💎🌷🌹🌸💐🌺🌻🌈SHINE4JESUS🌞🌞🌞🙌👏👏💍👣👣👣Ty💝🎉🎉🎉

  8. I have also changed the lyrics of the song from more more of you Jesus to more more stuff Jesus. I pray that the Lord will enable me to be content with what I have and not grumble. i shall count my blessings henceforth. god bless you DOTK.

  9. Remind this heart Oh Lord. Where would I be without you. Thank You. All good t hi ings come from God our father.

  10. Thanks for sharing this message in my real time of need…I was so disappointed with my things… thanks again for your encouragement

  11. What a timely word as my daughter and I move into another homeless hostel. I shall rejoice cause God is with me . Even to the end of time. Glory to His name 🤗🙆💙

  12. DOTK,
    God bless your ministry! You are saving women everywhere. I was touched to hear so many of you share your need for a home. Be encouraged! God will provide. Listen to your heart and seek him for answers. God knows and He cares for you! I operate in gratefulness and marvel at how gracious God is . Begin to pray the 23rd Psalm: “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want ______. Complete that sentence with the desire of your heart and repeat it to yourself throughout the day. God will turn your tears to joy. Practice: “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want for peace.” Whatever you need from God, ask it. Walk in faith and contentment knowing a God will fix it for you!

  13. Lord, thank you for your truth. I’ll be satisfy God; Let me not be envious of anyone or wanting anything that doesn’t bring glory to your name or blesses others. Please remove that which will hinder me from moving forward. I will wait on you Lord and be content with what you’ve blessed me with. Help me to always be a blessing to others. AMEN

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