Don't Be Double-Minded

“A double minded man is unstable in all his ways” James 1:8

The biblical meaning for double mindedness is to have two spirits; to vacilate between two opinions or purposes.

When I first met my husband, he asked me out for dinner and over time a great friendship began to form. As our feelings grew stronger for each other, we began discussing marriage. However, the more we talked about marriage, I became increasingly afraid. The question that kept running through my head was, “What if he’s not the one for me?” I began to take him through a time of double minded behavior that almost ruined our relationship. One week I was all starry-eyed over him with all defenses down. The next week I was unsure and distant. This went on for months until he finally asked, “What do you want?” Thank God I made the right choice and married him. a perfect fit for me.

Double minded behavior can potentially ruin not only your relationship with people, but also your relationship with the Lord. Just like my husband wanted me to make a decision, we must serve God with a made up mind.

Prayer: Father God, I bind all double mindedness in my life. I choose You. I choose life. Help me maintain a single mind and heart. In Jesus name, Amen.

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6 thoughts on “Don't Be Double-Minded”

  1. Lord please let us always have the mind of Christ…Taking every thought captive in Christ…Ty for this word this morning..bless all us ladies Father in Jesus name♡

  2. Thank you Father God for your grace and mercy. I thank you for being Lord over my life. That you take all thoughts in captivity . Thank you Father God for your undying love for me.

  3. Father help me not only walk as you would, talk as you would, but also control my thoughts to think as you would. I know you love me Lord and want what’s best for me. In the name of Jesus I pray.

  4. Thank you Lord for this word may we stay steady in your word by faith claiming your truth always in Jesus name

  5. Thank you Sisters for every word of encouragement. We must hold on to Gods promises in the midst of every test… confident that the teacher has the answers. Happy Mother’s Day to each of you. Continued Grace N Favor to dot-k ministry.

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