The Spirit of Unity

“Now the God of patience and consolation grant you to be likeminded one toward another according to Christ Jesus: That ye may with one mind and one mouth glorify God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 15:5-6

Ask any parent, and they will tell you they love to see their children working together even when they have differences between them. It’s the same with our heavenly Father; He loves to see His children working together—putting our differences to the side.

Jesus Himself prayed that we might be one as He and the Father are one (see John 17:21-23). I believe His prayer is being answered. We are seeing followers of Christ—from all denominations and cultural backgrounds—come together. It is because we’re realizing we are stronger together than we are apart. We understand that although we look different, sound different, pray, and worship differently, we all love Jesus and want to see people come to know Him.

Because of this spirit of unity that God is bringing to the Body of Christ, we will see a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and we will see great miracles, signs, and wonders. We will see record numbers of the lost being reached. We will see nations turn to God in repentance, all because we, His church, decided to put our differences aside and be the church God has called us to be!

Prayer: Father God, thank you for speaking to our hearts. Remove any spirit within us that seeks to divide. That did not come from you. Help us to glorify you with one heart and one mind. Help us to be the church you’ve called us to be. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

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5 thoughts on “The Spirit of Unity”

  1. Romans 15:5-6 Praise the Lord! God intends for His Church in these last days to have unity. Let us be unified in seeking God’s will, in Spirit and in Truth, and obeying His commands from a heart of love. Let us accept His grace and gift of salvation through faith in Jesus; lovingly living lives according to His commission to preach, teach and baptise, care for the disadvantaged, heal the sick, befriend the lonely, feed and clothe the poor. Not of works but from a heart transformed by His love. This is the unity God requires, let us not be found lacking in love and unity, when Jesus returns for His remnant.
    (Rev 12:17 ….the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.)

    1. Thank YOU my LORD FATHER GOD,” in JESUS Name AMEN Thank You my Sister’s Kesha Dotk Ministrie GLORY TO GOD,” Timely message indee. LOVE and GOD BLESS You All Sister Chrissy Honolulu Hawai’i 😙💖⚘🔥🕊

  2. Thank you God please continue to help us be the disciples of God Church you have called us be in the name of Jesus Amen ❤🙏

  3. Thank You Lord for a wonderful and blessed day🙌🏽 All praises belongs to You🙌🏽 Hallelujah, Praise God 🙌🏽 I thank You, God for helping me, by the removal of any bad spirit that seek to bring division between You and me🙌🏽. Rebuke that spirit in the Power Holy Blood of JESUS 🙌🏽HALLELUJAH, Praise God 🙌🏽 Lord, I am seeking an outpouring blessing of Your Holy Spirit, that will fill my mind, heart, soul, spirit and deliver me with the anointing of Your Holy Spirit 🙌🏽 that were the enemies meant it for Division and You meant it for UNITY and Restoration.🙌🏽 Hallelujah 🙌🏽 Praise, the Lord🙌🏽 Help me to Glorify You, with one Mind, One ❤️ Heart and one Spirit 🙌🏽 Hallelujah 🙌🏽 Whatever differences I have towards others, help me put that aside, so that we can come together in Unity and continue to build up Your KINGDOM 🙌🏽 HALLELUJAH 🙌🏽 It’s all about You God🙌🏽 Less of me, and more of YOU🙌🏽 HALLELUJAH 🙌🏽 I thank You for speaking directly to my ❤️ heart 🙌🏽 Hallelujah, Praise God 🙌🏽 I realize when we all are on one accord, in You are in the midst. THERE IS POWER 🙌🏽 HALLELUJAH 🙌🏽 MIGHTY POWER IN THE NAME OF JESUS 🙌🏽 God I receive this message and I believe it🙌🏽 These are the things I pray and ask in Your Precious Son Jesus name 🙏🏽 Amen and Amen..BE ENCOURAGED 🙏🏽♥️🙌🏽♥️

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