Have no part in it.

“For you bless the righteous, O LORD; you cover him with favor as with a shield” Psalms 5:12, ESV.

One day my husband had to make an important decision to leave his job due to corruption in top management. It was tough for him because his love for his coworkers had grown. Even though they behaved like heathens, he loved them as brothers. He turned down their advances to watch pornography at work. He turned down their invitations to drink alcohol. He wouldn’t curse with them or gossip, but was still able to be a friend and tell them about the Lord. When the moment of truth came, and they wanted him to lie. He said, “No, I will have no part in it.” And as he spoke with his supervisor, I listened in on the conversation and my heart remembers every word said. “Due to the dishonesty in the management, I can no longer work here. We don’t have to lie in order to get an extra buck. We can do things right and honor God, and He will bless us. Anytime you lie, it always catches up with you…” His words were filled with love, and his eyes were full of tears. His voice was stern, and his stance was firm. I’ve never been more attracted to him. After the conversation, I told him how proud I was of him and kissed his head.

The time will come when you will have to make a bold stand for the Lord, no matter the outcome. Do what you know in your heart is the right thing to do and pray that God leads your every step and fills your mouth with what to say. Remember, if you stay true to what’s right, God will bless you and make you a great blessing. You will not lack. He will supernaturally provide for you and your family. He will cover you with His favor. He will make a powerful statement to those around you that He is real and true.

Let’s pray. Father God, thank you for giving us the heart and mind to do what’s right. Help us to make a stand for you no matter where we are. If something’s not right, help us be courageous enough to say no. Help us stand for righteousness and honor you with our lives. As we do, we trust you to comfort our hearts and provide all that we need. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

(Read Philippians 4:19; Psalms 1)

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27 thoughts on “Have no part in it.”

  1. Yes Father. help me n my family to always to be real n truth. In you.. N when to say no to the wrong things in our surrounding .and that you will provide for us. N be at peace. So I thank you Father God .
    In Jesus name !
    Amen ! Glory,Glory Lord Jesus!

  2. This was an awesome message that we all need to take to heart in when to stand up for God. I pray that God will give us a spirit to discern not to go along we bad behavior, despite how people may feel. When we don’t take part in gossip at work it shows that we are more mature enough to know that’s wrong, and that gossip is a sin. Thank God for giving us the heart and mind on when to say no.

  3. Father I’m asking you to help me to always stand for what is right and ,for the truth. Lord when that time come for me to take that bold stand, give me your strength to do so. Lord help me do what is right at all times.Lord I choose not to have (No part in it.). In Jesus Christ name.

  4. I stepped out on faith! I had a high paying job and good benefits, but things were not right at my place of employment. I now have a part time with half the pay and feel wonderful, God has provided me and my husband with what we need and our Lord has never let us down and provides our every need. God is faithful all we have to do is just have faith and trust in his word. I love you Heavenly Father God, I love you Jesus Christ, I love you Holy Ghost.

  5. A wonderful testimony for the body of Christ during these times where corruption and lawlessness is considered to be right. Where human rights are placed above the Word of God and where everyone seems to have their own truths. Thank you God bless you I bet he got a much better proposition and walks in God’s favour.

  6. l agree totally with u sis Zebi. like Elijah the prophet, it is great to know that in the midst of moral decay n corruption there are still others who will not bow to baal. We will keep on keeping on, for He who has began a good work in us is faithful to accomplish it. You will end well !!!

  7. Father your word is a blessing indeed. We’re clothed with your truth; give us your spirit of obedience and please help us to do what is right at all times in your sight in Jesus Name…Amen ๐Ÿ™

    May God continue to bless DOTK ministry

  8. Yes Lord l will not compromise the gospel l will tell the truth let my words be your words Holy Spirit people need to hear the truth and even though they may not want to hear at the time it is those same people who come back when they are facing a great trial in their life you have called me to plant the seeds thank you father that you correct us in your most loving way thank you for your mercy thank you Jesus for your sacrifice on the cross at calvery l love you Lord.l am a blessed women everyday because l am yours.Thank you DOTK for this ministry and thank you to my friend Annett who blessed me with volume one of DOTK devotional book God Bless all of my sisters in Christ Jesus ๐Ÿ’œ

  9. OUR FATHER. THANK YOU JESUS FOR THIS DAY I SO DO LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART AND SOUL. YES Lord JESUS strength give unto me to Stand Bold In Your truth. no part in it. Thank you JESUS.๐Ÿ’œ

  10. I was just mediating on the Rosary when I thought of the action of Pontios Pilate’s wife. In the movie the Son of God, God reveled to her the vision of what was about to happen. He’s us unfairly being crucified, she shared the knowledge with her husband. When the day came pontius response was along the lines of we are already in hot water with ceaser we need to do this or lose the lifestyle.

    It came to me and I questioned about the times I’ve been in pontius Pilate’s wife position and my response. I just want you follow sister to think about it too.

    Thank you for today for the Lord has revealed to me to let anything that I know is not of his will go. It’s not enough to study and know his will but we have to live his will and apply it in every area of our life. Total submission to God is Loving God and living out the commandments Jesus gave us to love the Lord our God with all our heart soul and strength.

  11. Amenโ— GOD is SO GOOD๐Ÿ’ฏ Thank you for sharing this Beautiful as well as Powerful message ๐Ÿ‘ it totally reminds me of one of my favorite verses Psalm 37:25 ๐Ÿ‘‰ I have been young and I have been old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken nor begging ๐Ÿž bread๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ™Œโ—hallelujah๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰OUR GOD IS AWESOME๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐ŸŽ

  12. Going through something similar on my job, but can’t afford to quit. I have asked for a transfer, but was told that they were having a problem with getting someone else to fill my position. I cry out to the Father daily. I don’t have away but I know that GOD has one.
    I’am still waiting.

  13. Dear sister PML I know this is a tough one but God either has a better one elsewhere or wants You to shine your light there. Either way you have to trust Him. Stay in the Word and on your knees. Dear Father thank You that You care so much for us that even the hair on our head is counted by You. Father I ask in the name of Your Son Jesus to intervene here supernaturally. Please help her and show her very clear what to do. She wants to honour You in all her ways because You are worthy to receive all the honour and praise. We fear You and revere Your name. Thank You that You are the same yesterday today and forever and want just the best for us. We trust You and wait patiently for Your will to be done. Amen

  14. I praise you Lord for the good works you do in us. When we rest in you and meditate on you, you do a mighty work in us. You give us strength, guidance, wisdom and change us to be more like you. Thank you for our trials which you use to teach us and grow us up to be more like you. Thank you that you are molding us, shaping us, building our faith and trust in you. Thank you that you give us strength when we are weak. May what I say, do, think, see, honor you. May I put you first in everything in my life. Annoint my life and my loved ones and I know that you are because I have chosen a life of righteousness and am a women after you own heart. I desire to please you and live a God honoring Life above all else. I surrender all. I know you know whats best and my life is in the best hands when I have surrendered to you.I let go and let GOD take control.I pray that my time spent honors you. I pray I model you Jesus Christ to all those I brush shoulders with. I SURRENDER ALL. I SURRENDER ALL. I SURRENDER ALL. Heavenly Father thank you for teaching me that when I do this I am saying yes to your best. I say yes to you Lord. I want to be the salt of the earth Lord and never loose my saltiness.Let your light shine so brightly in me for your good works, your Glory and honor.My desperate plea to you Lord is you make me sensitive to your guidance, direction, wisdom and put me in perfect step with you and do this for my children and their decendents. May your light shine so very brightly in us for all to see so that the world will be a better place. All the Glory and honor is yours Lord.Take away all pride and have your way. I say yes to you and step out in faith because I know you have plans for only the best for me and my loved ones, plans to prosper and not to harm. Love you LORD GOD JESUS ABBA FATHER. I can trust you. I will trust you. I do trust you. I will not lean on my own understanding but trust you. You are so much bigger than we could possibly imagine. You know all things, past, present and forever in to the future so I say yes to your perfect will in my life and surrender all. You come first Lord. Thank you for your goodness and the blood of the cross. I go on my knees in in gratitude and thanks. Praise you for your sacrifice, love and undeserved grace and mercy. Thank you. Thank you Thank you. Thank you. Father God Thank you for the precious gift of children. I pray when they see me that they see you. Make them people of honesty and great character keeping their eyes on you always, resting in you always giving you Praise and Thanks always. Cover them and their decendents with the blood of Jesus, protect them from all evil and fullfill your deepest potential in their lives. Rest in the Lord, put God center and first in your life, surrender all and watch in amazement as he begins a mighty work in your life. Choose righteousness always. Feed on Gods word daily, rest in his precence daily, surrender all, say yes to the crumbs he puts before you and WOW look out sisters you will be saying yes to GODS best. My heavenly father I want to be your slave under your control because you have such big and wonderful plans for me. I want to please you so deeply and honor you. Be my mouth, eyes, ears, mind, heart. I want to be in union with you Lord God and in perfect step with you. Take control. I surrender all. I surrender all. Lord Bless me and my loved ones and their decendents, bless our mind, body, soul, spirit. I pray we are you hands and feet in perfect step with you. GOD bless you all. Let us feel your perfect love. Perfect love casts out fear. I choose righteousness and obedience.I want to go when you say go and do what you call me to do in your perfect timing.I love you LORD. Go in peace sisters. GOD BLESS. Amen

  15. DOTK, thank you for sharing this story. I was in the same stituation at my job. After more than 20 years of service, I was harassed, threatened and disrespectd. I couldn’t afford an attorney so I had to quit my job. I became very depressed. I didn’t know how I was going to make it or pay my bills. I prayed about it and I turned it over to God. God is fighting my battles and taking care of my every need. I’m so grateful that God took me out of that toxic environment. I pray for those that are still in it. Living in truth will set you free. Thank you Heavenly Father for your love and guidance. Many blessings to all of.

  16. Sisters, it pays to be truthful in our dealings as children of the light.
    Shun evil and be good always. The grace of God has been released on us. Amen

  17. God bless ur husband for the stance he took. A good example to all of us and whether he knows it or not he is soooo respected by the people at that job. And someone will come to know Jesus because ur husband lived by his convictions.

  18. The message is encouraging…I was recently laid off in March 2015..God has provided work as a contractor in various positions..I am still seeking for permanent placement and believing God will put me in the right place at the right time….Praising God inspite of the challenges of uncomfortableness, uncertainty in the workplace…

  19. Father give me the strength and integrity to do what is right in your sight and not just please man everyday of my life. Amen

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