He Calls You Precious

“Since you were precious in My sight, you have been honored, and I have loved you…” Isaiah 43:4, NKJV.

One day while thinking of how Jesus gave His life as a sacrifice, I asked my husband if he could ever do the same for me. I asked if he would’ve been able to take that brutal punishment for me. He said, “I would like to think I could do that for you, but I honestly don’t know.” I posed the same question to my mother. She said, “As much as I love you, I couldn’t do that.” I wasn’t too disappointed by their responses because even Jesus didn’t want to go to the cross, but the important thing is, He did. He did it for you, and He did it for me.

As much as we crave the sacrificial love of others, no one on earth loves us as much as the Lord does. He saw you as worth dying for. He paid it all because you are precious to Him. Say out loud from your heart, “I am precious to God! He saw me as worth dying for. He paid the ultimate price for all of my sins. He so loves me!”

Since you know this, don’t ever call yourself worthless. It is an insult to the God who made you. And don’t ever call someone else worthless. Every soul is precious to God. He died for them too. The more we see ourselves as precious and valuable, the more we will begin to view others the same, and worth laying down our lives for. He is not asking you to go to the cross for anyone, but He is asking you to love others as He has loved you.

Prayer: Lord, I thank you for saving me. Thank you that you saw me as worth dying for. I am precious to you, and not me alone, but every soul is precious to you. Help me to view myself and others properly. You are precious to me, and I love you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

(Read James 5:7; John 15:12-13)

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8 thoughts on “He Calls You Precious”

  1. Thank you God for seeing that I am precious to you, Thank you for going to the Cross and Dying for me. Help me to see others precious as you see me precious, Thank you God in Jesus Name Amen πŸ™

  2. Thank you God you paid the price for me and all the others I’m worthy of the glory and praise he’s grace I thank you for it all and the name of the Jesus Amen

  3. Thanks you father for sending your only son to pay for my redemption, it was a perfect sacrifice words cannot express,but it all comes down to love.Jesus you’re precious.

  4. That is TRUE LOVE ,πŸ’―πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’– I never knew LOVE like this before β—πŸ’ƒOMGβ—β—πŸŽπŸŽ‰πŸ’DEAR JESUS πŸ‘‘I AM KEEPING MY EYES ON YOUβ—πŸ˜‡ OUR TREASURE for SUREβ—πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒDOTK🌞🌷BLESSINGSβ—πŸ˜„πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  5. Thank you Lord for always knowing when we need reminded of who we are in you, and all you gave to show us your everlasting love. May we give that same love to others who are hurting.

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