“My soul, wait silently for God alone, for my expectation is from Him.” Psalms 62:5
Wait patiently for God to do what He said He will do. So often we come right out of our time with God and we run to see if whether the situation has changed, but God is wanting us to wait patiently, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. When it comes to the heart, you don’t want a temporary fix, you want a permanent change. Just like God rolled up His sleeves and went to work in changing your heart overtime, let Him do the same for those you’ve been praying for.
Be blessed by this video from our DOTK Live Prayer.
Hallelujah thank you Jesus for your blessing encouragement prayer remove all stronghold God waiting patiently on the Lord for my future for my life for my relationship God continue to do your work and all marriage let your will be done in the name of Jesus Amen and to all wife’s and husbands stay strong out there and I say Amen again
Honey I had to just send another message and looking at this video again Kesha girl you got me praising shouting and everything girl you better say that prayer in the name of Jesus God said wait patiently and that’s what we do as believers knowing he’s working something out for the glory of God and girl you just blessed me Hallelujah praise God and may the Lord continue to bless you abundantly if you was around I give you a hug love you❤❤
Thank you Father, my soul will wait patiently on you, because you are in control of our lives and what ever you said you will do, it will come to pass only in your timing you are not a God that lies your promise is always yes! And Amen! . I love you Lord Amen…❤🤗
Thank you God for this word, i wait patiently for you. In Jesus Name Amen 🙏
AMEN Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Yes my LORD I wait Patiently on YOU Thank YOU my LORD FATHER GOD. Thank You Sister Keisha. I receive in JESUS CHRIST our LORD AMEN ALOHA Always Sister Chrissy
Amen..Amen..Amen..OH LORD AMEN!!!
My daughter is 29 years old, I have soooo many splinters in my knees & my tear ducts are DRIED UP but..I was NEVER Prayed Out!! I WAITED & I WAITED & I WAITED..When God showed up..He showed OUT!!! She is working HARD, NON STOP in our Church (she goes more than me..lol), she sings in not one but two choirs, she works in our Church Cafeteria & getting ready to start a Helping Hands Committee! He may not come when we want Him but He’s ALWAYS on time!!
Three beautiful grandchildren later, all I can say is..THANK YOU LORD, THANK YOU LORD, THANK YOU!!! I wouldn’t even give her a key to my house, she has NOW earned my trust to have a key! THANK YOU LORD..She’s going to be leading a song & guess what it is…”CHANGE”..WON’T HE DO IT?!!! THANK YOU JESUS..THANK YOU JESUS..THANK YOU!!!
Be Blessed, Stay Humble & Encouraged!!!
May God CONTINUE To Bless You Sister Keisha & Your Wonderful Team For This AWESOME MINISTRY & Love Always To My DOTK Sisters/Family
Your DOTK Sister In Christ, Wendy
Thank you Lord for that word. You promise that you will work out everything for good to those that love you, but in your own timing. So Father I pray and ask for patience Lord to WAIT for your perfect timing. I prayer Lord that you will change my husband’s heart so that he will love you and live his life pleasing to you. Thank You.
R.J….You better say that!!! I Sooooooo feel you!!!! I went back tooooo!!!
Girlllll, did Sister Keisha put that Prayer down or what?!?!!!!!
Shutchu mouf & keep on talking!!!! AMENNNNNN!!!