He will deliver you and honor you!

“He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him.” Psalms 91:15

While in prayer one morning, I was thanking God for how far He had brought me, and for His great deliverance in my life. Then, I heard the Lord say, “I’m not done.”

In Psalms 91:15, it says, “He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him.” Pause and think on that for a moment.

When God delivers you from the hand of the enemy, and when He rescues you from the power of darkness, He has plans to honor you. He has plans to prosper you. He has plans to bless you and make you a living witness and a blessing. You may have experienced some level of His glory and honor in your life, but I’m here to tell you by the Spirit of God, He’s not done with you! He’s not done until you get double for all of the trouble the enemy put you through! He’s not done until He clears your name and restores everything that was stolen from you! He’s not done until everyone who saw your demise watches His glory rise upon your life! He’s not done with you my sister and friend! There is so much more He has in store for you!

Just as He delivered Daniel from the lion’s den and set him in a great place, He will do the same for you because He loves you. Just as He gave Job twice as much as he had before his calamity, He will do the same for you because He loves you. Just as He blessed Joseph who suffered at the hands of his brothers, He will bless you. He will increase you. He will make your name great. He will deliver you, and honor you because He loves you!

Get this in your spirit today. Say it out loud from your mouth right now, “God’s not done with me! He has plans to give me a hope and a bright future. He has plans to prosper me. He is going to do great things, even greater than I could ever hope for or imagine because He loves me and He is good! Hallelujah! Amen!”

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21 thoughts on “He will deliver you and honor you!”

  1. Good morning my beautiful sisters!!!!

    Thank you Father for reminding me that you are not done blessing me yet!! I receive everything you have for me in the glorious name of Jesus!!

    Blessings sisters!!

    1. Amen! Thank you Heavenly Father for your unmeasurable blessings and your gifts that never end. 😃❤️😇 God bless you all and the world around us for our truest and greatest gift is the Lord our God and Jesus. Amen!!

  2. Praise Jesus Glory to God I am ready for a second touch from from my Holy Father I receive all he has for me and my family. What the locust has destroyed he will fully restore. The enemy will not be allowed to defeat my household. Thank you Jesus I love you amen

  3. Thank you God for delivering this blessing messages through this beautiful Ministry this was very touchable and needed thank you God again I see your work and you’re not done yet Glory in the name of Jesus I declare victory over everything that the enemy try to destroy oh Lord here I am claiming victory and the name of Jesus Amen

  4. Thank you so much for this post! I have lived under a veil of shame since I was 3 years old. The Lord has completely delivered me from this. It was sealed just 10 days ago. Last night God put it on my heart to write a short devotional to help others who are working through memories of sexual abuse.
    Your entry today is just another layer of confirmation that God has not only restored me but is going to pay back the years the enemy has taken from me.
    DOTK has played a role in my healing, the encouragement I’ve gathered from here has helped me significantly!! Thank you for allowing God to work thru you and this ministry!

    1. Thank God for DOTK!! Your ministry has blessed my life. This confirms restoration of my marriage. God”s plan for our life never change

  5. Thank YOU my” FATHER GOD” Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah I receive In “YOUR Mighty Glorious Name” JESUS” Amen. Thank “YOU” my “LORD JESUS”

  6. Hello Daughters of The Most High King I agree with today’s massage so ladys just stay encouraged cuz the best is yet to come whatever you’ve been Trusting nd believeing God for keep the Faith no matter WHAT The Devil make it look like. And when I Speak this to u I Say it to myself Also Have a Blessed Day

  7. Lord Thank you for restoring back to me that the enemy took. Let your glory shine through me. Thank you for being a faithful and good God.

    🎤And I rejoice today..
    For I shall recover it all..
    Faithful, Faithful..
    Faithful Is Our God..
    In reaping the harvest God promised me..
    Take back what the devil stole from me..
    And I rejoice today..
    For I shall recover it all🎶
    Lord, I Believe & Receive Your Word!!!
    Lord, Please Continue To Bless & Shine Your Light Of Love Upon Your Obedient Servant Sister Kesha, Her Awesome Team, This Amazing Ministry & My DOTK Sisters/Family💖!!
    Be Blessed, Stay Humble & Encouraged!!!
    Love Always, Your DOTK Sister In Christ, Wendy💕

  9. Good morning all, thank you my sister for listening to GOD I believe and receive this with thanksgiving in JESUS name. May the LORD continue to bless and keep you.

  10. I received and believe in the name of Jesus. I know He is not finished with me yet. There is so much more He promise to do in me and through me. I just want to continue avail myself to Him and let His Will be done. ………. Bless you sisters.

  11. I thank God daily for being with me, making His presence known, helping me through every storm and trial. I know that He can and will take all the bad things and use them for my good and His honor and glory. I know this because It is Written!. I trust Him in all things…can’t do this without Him. Thank you for the good devotionals. Keep it up. God bless you Linda! Carolyn

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