The goal is a clean heart before God.

“Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, outcry and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and tenderhearted to one another, forgiving each other just as in Christ God forgave you” Ephesians 4:31-32, Berean Study Bible.

At 3am, I found myself awake and sharing with my husband my journey in learning to forgive and let things go. I still hadn’t gotten it right and continue to struggle at times. He said, imagine your heart is a kitchen sink. The goal is to have an empty sink because you are either choosing to let things go or you are addressing the matter in love. As he was speaking, Holy Spirit began to deal with my heart. He let me know with His help, I can keep a clear heart that’s not filled with grudges, and with His help, I can communicate and set healthy boundaries. I welcome His help.

I speak the same encouragement to you, my sister. All throughout the day, the Holy Spirit will help you maintain a heart free of resentment and unforgiveness. With His help, your heart will remain clean and clear. You will receive God’s help to either trust God and let the matter go or the courage to address it in love. The goal is a clean heart before God.

Prayer: Father, I love what you are doing in our hearts and minds. I love how you accept us as we are, but you love and care too much to let us stay as we are. We want to grow. We want to do things your way. We want to live free to enjoy life as you have it. Help us, Father, to keep a clean heart, and an empty sink. Help us either let it go or address it in love. Forgive us for holding on to things. We receive your love, your forgiveness, and your help. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

(Read Matthew 5:8; 1 Peter 4:7-8; Psalms 51:10)

8 thoughts on “The goal is a clean heart before God.”

  1. Your devotions are in such wonderful timing. What a wonderful way to deal with our struggles…..either let it go or deal with it in love. Clean, simple, and God ordained. Thank you. God’s blessings upon you. 🙏

  2. Good Morning Sister Kesha,
    Your word from God is speaking directly to me again. I have to learn to “address it in love”. Amen!

  3. Good morning,
    Sister Keisha, I find all the assignments that God give to you is a on time message. Continue to be obedient to His word . The world needs it and we need you. My prayer is that God will bless you 🙏 in hundreds folds for your faithfulness and transparency.

  4. Thank you for all your encouragement. My constant mantra is “Thank You, Lord, for handling that for me.” Now if it was just as easy to turn it over to the Lord and have all the dirty dishes in my kitchen sink disappear….lol

  5. Yes in JESUS Name Amen Thank You my Sister’s Kesha Dot-K Ministries Glory to GOD for this on time message. LOVE and GOD Bless You all Aloha Always Sister Chrissy Honolulu Hi ❤⚘❤⚘❤⚘❤⚘❤

  6. Dear Sister and Daughter of The King. To say amen to the goal is having a clean heat before Him. Coming to His throne of grace completely honest about what is going on in our hearts and minds, so He can help us overcome. Giving up all those negative thoughts and what we meditate on in our hearts. Going to Him in humility, with a child-like faith knowing that our Father is going to lead and guide us by His Holy Spirit as we seek Him for the answer. It’s a struggle sometimes because I have to deny my flesh of what I believe would make me feel better in a reaction to an issue. I have to ask myself about how much to I want to be right or clean in the eyes of The Lord. Learning how to be quick to hear, slow to speak and to not be lead by my feelings with being right in my heart and thoughts. To be able to have an disagreement and we discuss it in love, and still be able to come back together as a child to love again. It’s all about our relationships with God and our sisters and brothers in our natural and spiritual families!!! Maturing in God, His laws and the willingness to be obedient. By His grace I’m still learning and have a long way to go. May we practice His ways in our lives each day, that we will be who He called each of us to be in the earth.🙏✝️❤️❤️❤️


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