“So don’t be afraid, little flock. For it gives your Father great happiness to give you the Kingdom.” Luke 12:32 (NLT)
Settle this within yourself this morning of how tremendously blessed you are. It’s not when you get the desires of your heart that you will become blessed. No, you are blessed right now! Discontentment can tell you that you need this or that before you can truly be happy. Only to find that when you finally get those things you really want, you are now on to the next thing. Never really satisfied. The people of Israel wandered in the desert for forty years, looking to reach the land that God had promised. Their hearts were full of complaints and murmurings. They were frustrated with God, with their situation, upset with Moses, and at each others’ throats because they couldn’t see how blessed they really were. Although living in tents isn’t the Ritz, living in God is. They had forgotten their rich heritage and the mighty God they served. It’s insulting to God when we don’t see how blessed we are already. If you know the King of kings and the Lord of lords. If you have a relationship with Almighty God. If you can go to Him and pray to Him. If you are a daughter of the King, then sister, you are blessed!
Prayer: Lord, You are so good and faithful to me. Thank You for all that You have done for me. Help me to walk throughout this day with a thankful heart. I have nothing to complain about and nothing to murmur about. I could be dead, but I’m alive. I could be lost, but I’m found in You. This means more to me than any substance. I’m Your daughter and You are my God and I’m content with that. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Amen ! I believe I am bless and highly favor, I will not murmur. I will not forget my rich heritage i am content with what you bless me with and more blessings to come to share and impart those blessings with others. Thank you precious Jesus Amen!..❤😚🤗
Yes sweet jesus my family an i are richly blessed. Thank you precious jesus. AMEN
It starts when we take our hands of the stirring wheel ans let him drive.If we let him stir.we will reach the destination he set for us.not the one we choose.Because his is the best!
Amen and the name of Jesus I’m your daughter Lord and I put all of my trust and you Lord.Thank God for the daughter of the King ministry daily devotion ❤
We all have to stick together.the bible say.we will be much brighter and much brighter well help others he want us to bring him more than u and I!
Heavenly Father thank You for this word this morning. It has put some things in perspective and allow me to be reminded how truly blessed I am.
Something we fill as the storm will never end.but he says the storm is just as important.because.we can u that to help some one else.Because we been THEIR we no how it fills so we can have the tools to help you!
Amen! Thanks for that reminder.The issues of life will cause you to forget that you are truly blessed.
How beautiful! Amen! What a gift this is-amazing! God bless you all and thank you. 🙏🏻😇❤️
Thank you Lord that we are Blessed going in and Blessed going out. Thank you Father that I am a BLESSED DOTK!! Blessings on all my sisters 💜
Peace & Blessings My Dearest DOTK Sister Lynne💖!!!
Thank You for Your Blessing & May The Lord Our God Bless You & Our DOTK Sisters Richly & Abundantly Forever More!💕
These Devotionals are spot on to my needs. Post Hurricane Maria our way of life has changed dramatically but I have seen the hand of Almighty God helping & blessing us each step of the way. Please pray for Puerto Rico & Spiritual revival here
Amen and amen!➕
Father in the Name of Jesus I pray for a mighty revival in Puerto Rico! May the Holy Spirit move in a very evident way touching many hearts! Amen ❤️
Yes prayers dear Zoraida for you and all your loved ones 💜
Lord bring all hearts in Puerto Rico to your saving grace. Amen💜
Peace & Blessings My DOTK Sisters💖!!
Lord, I Stand In Prayer & Agreement with..My Sisters…
Zoraida, Lavonne, Naivy & Lynne..for A Spirtual Revival in Puerto Rico..May this Spiritual Revival….
Lord, bring Love & Comfort To Them! Lord, Restore & Rebuild their LIVES, HOMES & FAMILIES..Lord, those that didn’t know You, allow them to NOW see Your Wondrous Works & come to You with a Thankful Heart..& those that do know You..continue to give them strength!
Good Morning lady’s Daughters of the Most High King nd Every1 I just want to say yes we R Blessed we R Truly Blessed Everyday God Bless us to C a New Day a day we’ve never seen B4 cuz everyday that God Bless us to C he’s Blessed us with another Day of life to serve him nd get closer to him so at this point I Pray Every1 will Have a Blessed Day PS Sign LIllie Ann
Amen! Thank you Jesus!
Praise God, Thank you LORD for this word today. I am BLESSED no matter what!!!! things happen in life, i still have to remember I am BLESSED in the LORD.Thank you Jesus for pointing this out to me today. In Jesus Name Amen 🙏👐🙆♀️🙌👍❤💛💚💙💖💞💕💕💕
Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Goodmorning my LORD.FATHER GOD JESUS HOLY SPIRIT. I am so Humbly Greatful my Beautiful GOD and KING my FATHER Yes I am Blessed. I receive and believe YOUR Word my LORD I LOVE YOU my FATHER, Thank You my Sister.Keisha all my LOVE You are Blessed ALOHA Always Sister Chrissy
Amen..Amen..Amen..OhLord..THANK YOU..AMEN!!!
🎤I’ve had some good days..
I’ve had some hills to climb..
I’ve had some weary days & some sleepless nights..
But when I..
When I look around..
And I think things over..
All of my good days, outweigh my bad days..
And I….
I Won’t Complain..
Sometimes the clouds hang low..
I can hardly see the road..
So I ask the question Lord..
Why..so much pain..
But He knows..
What’s best for me..
Although my weary eyes..they can’t see..
So I’ll just say..
Thank You Lord..
And I….
I Won’t Complain..
God, has been so good to me..
He’s been good to me..
More than this old world could ever be..
He’s been so good..
To me….
He dried..
All of my..
Tears away..
Turned my midnights into day..
So I’ll just say…..
Thank You Lord..
Thank You Lord..
Thank You Lord…..
Lord, Please Continue To Bless & Shine Your Light Of Love Upon Your Obedient Servant Sister Kesha, Her Awesome Team, This Amazing Ministry & My DOTK Sister/Family💖!!
Be Blessed, Stay Humble & Encouraged!!!
Love Always, Your DOTK Sister In Christ, Wendy💕
Amen my sweet sister….AMEN 👐👏💜
Peace & Blessings My DOTK Sister Rosemary💖!!!
God Bless You💕
Yes Amem..sweet Wendy💜
Amen thank you lord for all we have I gave it to you iam so bless thank you i love you every day that able to get out of the bed and do things amen hallelujah love you lord
Peace & Blessings My Dearest DOTK Sister Lynne💖!!!
God Bless You💕
HALLELUJAH! JESUS lover of my soul. Thank YOU LORD, for taking care of me as only a LOVING FATHER can! I give you the glory, the honor and ALL of the praise for being the author and the finisher of my faith. I love YOU FATHER. thank YOU for first loving me!♡
I’m so Blessed to know that I’m a Daughter of the King!! Too many times when the toil of life toss us this way and that way, we forget who we are! But thank God,who woke me up this morning and reminded me of who’s daughter I am!! Amen