“Who has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began” 2 Timothy 1:9, NKJV.
These three words, “Identity, Purpose, and Grace”, are key to making an impact in the earth for God’s glory.
Identity is knowing who you are. If you want to know why the enemy is fighting you so hard, one reason is because he doesn’t want you to ever discover who you are! Because if you were to somehow grab hold of your identity in Christ, my sister, you would be unstoppable! How do you discover identity? You open your Bible and you find everywhere it says “In whom”, “In Him”, “In Christ”, and “Through Christ”.
If you’re finding it difficult to discover and believe your true identity in Christ, one reason is because of the strongholds the enemy has built in your mind. Strongholds in the mind distort how we see everything…God, ourselves, and others. These strongholds are called strong for a reason and they can only be destroyed by the power of the Holy Ghost. The first step is to lay your hand on your head and pray, “Father God, I ask that you completely destroy every single stronghold in my mind that the enemy has built over the course of my life. By your power, level it to the ground in Jesus name. Then open my eyes LORD to see who I am in you and who you are in me. Correct every distorted view that I have of you, myself and others. Renew my mind with the truth of your Word, and help me believe what you’ve said about me. In Jesus’ name.” It’s then important to meditate on Scriptures that affirm who you are.
Next, is purpose. Why are you here? Once you discover your identity, it’s time to let God reveal to you His divine purpose and plan for your life. People of God around you will confirm what God has shown you, and no matter how big it is, you are more than able to fulfill it because it’s by God’s grace and power, not yours.
Then, it’s grace that you will receive from the LORD. Grace is the supernatural ability to do what you can’t do in your own strength. How do you receive His grace? You ask the Lord simply to help you to do what He has purposed you to do. His grace is always with you, ready and willing to help you!
Prayer: LORD, I thank you for speaking to me. I pray that you help me understand more fully who I am in you, what your purpose is for my life, and help me to fulfill your purpose by your grace and power. Be glorified in the earth and be glorified in my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Suggested Audio: “Who I Am in Christ” audio reading on our DOTK app or video section on our Facebook fan page. It’s also very important that you not only hear Scripture, but read it for yourselves.
Oh heavenly father thank you for delivering this encouragement devotion for me and other readers on this Tuesday morning God show me who I am in Christ Jesus fulfill my purpose and your plan for my future in my life in the name of Jesus please remove all strongholds help me oh Lord thank you Dolk family for delivering this devotion
My God, my God!!!! Confirmation
Hello, God bless you sister. I Thanks God for your life and your ministry, which have been a blessing to my life. Can you please share the chapter and verse of 2Timothy that comes with this message? Thank you in advanve!
Thank you for inquiring about the Scripture. It helped us see the typo. It’s “Who has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began” 2 Timothy 1:9, NKJV.
Lord, I BEG, PLEAD TO YOU, PLEASE…REMOVE THESE STRONGHOLDS FROM MY LIFE!!! So I can & will be able to do Your Will!!! I knew the enemy was attacking me because the greater was/is coming!! And he knows what You have for me, but what God has for me it is for ME!!!
LORD, I THANK YOU!!! PLEASE Continue To USE Me to be a testimony for You & an encourager to others!
Be Blessed, Stay Humble & Encouraged!!!
Love & God Keep Your Loving Arms Around Sister Keisha & My DOTK Sisters..In Jesus’ Holy Name, Your Sister In Christ,