It is My will that you give Me thanks.

Heard God say, you’ve been praying to know His will. You’ve been saying, Lord, if only you will show me what you want me to do and I will do it. But God says, it is My will that you give Me thanks with all your heart for all I’ve already done for you. Let My blessings move you to tears as they did when I first gave them. Let My salvation bring you to your knees in deep gratitude like it did when I first saved you. This is My will for you.

Ref. 1 Thessalonians 5:18

10 thoughts on “It is My will that you give Me thanks.”

  1. My God,,,, thank you Lord for your Devine confirmations…. Thank you Jesus for letting me know you hear my prayers! … you never fail to show us you are right here with us and that you hear the pleas of our hearts…. Thank you … and thank you for our sister who you use to give us hope! We love you so much

  2. Thank you Jesus for saving my soul. My household. My loved ones. Thank you for being our God our helper our confidence or strength. Our very present help in times of trouble. You are our deliver. Thank you sister Keisha for your obedience to tge Spirit of God and sharing with us.

  3. Thank you ABBA,
    You are the rewarder of those whom diligently seek you, not for what you can give or do, you are able to do exceedingly, abundantly far more than we can ask, but for your will, your essence, your character!

    Thank you GOD, Jesus, Holy Spirit for your love, saving grace, gift of salvation, redemption, using us your humble servants for your glory and the good of others!

    May we continually ABIDE in you, reflect your light, produce spiritual fruits, multiply your presence on earth, persevere in faith until our work is complete or you return! 🕊️

    1. Thank you abba Father for this ministry and for Kesha laying her life down to share fresh manna from your heart . And for all the many times you have spared my life when I could of been taken . You always been there for me when I was weak. I love you daddy God .🌻🌻🌻

  4. Yes, let everything that has breathe, praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord. Thank you for the reminder. Blessings, Shalom and Agape 👀🙏🏽♥️📖🙌🏽

  5. Thank you Lord for saving me many many times and in all kinds ways You showed up to bring me through. I am blessed by You! I am here because of You and I give You glory!

  6. Thank You, GOD for everything You have done for me and my family and my friends. I love You, Lord. God, this journey have not been easy but You have been there with me through it all.

  7. Thank you Father God for all of your love in protection and then my strong provider and everything that you’ve ever done blessed your holy name Jesus you are so so faithful to me in the mist of everything
    You are good father God Thank you Father God in Jesus name Amen 🙏🏾

  8. Thank you Lord so much what you 🥲done in my life save me out of darkness bought me into the light I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you my obedience is knowing that I trust you and listen and do everything you say. You have always told me. Follow Me . Love you father your very special to me❤️

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