It’s at the end when the fight is the greatest.

“Be sober [well balanced and self-disciplined], be alert and cautious at all times. That enemy of yours, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion [fiercely hungry], seeking someone to devour. But resist him, be firm in your faith [against his attack—rooted, established, immovable], knowing that the same experiences of suffering are being experienced by your brothers and sisters throughout the world. [You do not suffer alone]” 1 Peter 5:8-9, Amplified, AMP.

As we prepare to enter a new year, I am led of the LORD to remind you to be very watchful and prayerful. It’s during this time of the year that we see an increase in depression, suicide, substance and alcohol abuse, violence, perversion and all kinds of evil. It’s during this time when the enemy tries his hardest to break up marriages and displace families. It’s at the end when the fight is the greatest. The LORD instructs us to “Be sober. Be vigilant.” This means to be alert and cautious at all times. Why? Because our adversary, the devil is fiercely hungry, heavily panting to destroy our lives.

It’s naive to think that just because you are saved, love Jesus and go to church, that you are somehow exempt from the devices and plots of the enemy. Don’t be naive. We have to do what God has instructed us to do and watch. Pray. Resist the enemy and his solicitations. Resist his temptation to sin. Resist staying upset and remaining in unforgiveness and offense with people. Resist the pull to leave your husband and children for someone else. Be firm in your faith my sister.

Times may be hard right now, but God encourages us in His Word saying, “After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace [who imparts His blessing and favor], who called you to His own eternal glory in Christ, will Himself complete, confirm, strengthen, and establish you [making you what you ought to be] (see 1 Peter 5:10). Amen.

Prayer: Father God, thank you for your great love for me. Thank you for teaching me how to live in this world as your daughter. Help me LORD not to be naive when it comes to the enemy. I know he hates me and wants to destroy me, but I also know you love and want to bless me beyond anything I can hope for. Help me LORD to stay alert, to stay watchful and prayerful. Protect me and help me to continue to seek you and obey you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

(Study 2 Corinthians 2:11; James 4:7)

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8 thoughts on “It’s at the end when the fight is the greatest.”

  1. What a great message to start a new year. Our Father awaken us to the enemy lies and tricks TODAY TODAY TODAY, thanks 🙏🏿 AMEN

  2. Yes, thank you Keisha for this word of encouragmen, I was also thinking about this .I pray in the name of Jesus that i stay alert and vigilant also through this coming year that God send his Angel to help me at time of prayer that i walk in holiness and in thy obedience of God. Blessings and strength to all my sister’s of daughters of the king this coming new year. Amen.

    1. Peace & Blessings My Dear Sister Maria💖!!!
      Thank You for Your Blessings!! May The Lord Continue To Bless & Protect You!
      Love Always💕

  3. And the name of Jesus God protect me and my family as I continue to be obedient to you and faithful to your word I send the enemy back to the pits of hell. I Trust You Lord with everything. My God and my savior continue to protect me and help me as I seek you first and Obey you in your words in the name of Jesus Amen. THANKS for the devotions

  4. Thank you Lord for reminding me because I am save doesn’t exempt me from the tricks of the enemy help me to watch as well as pray in Jesus name amen.

  5. Amen..Amen..Amen..Oh
    Lord My Soul Cries..AMEN..THANK YOU JESUS..THANK YOU JESUS..THANK YOU!!! Lord, I Thank You for keeping me on point..keeping me watchful & prayerful!! You are so right..I see FIRST HAND the tricks of the enemy at the end of the year..soooo many attempt suicide & many succeed..depression is REAL especially during the holiday season.
    Lord, as we see 2017 leave & usher in 2018, I ask You to keep Me, My Family, Friends & My DOTK Sisters, safe from all hurt harm or dangers seen & unseen, Lord keep us rooted & grounded in Your Word, Let Your Light Of Love Shine Through the world can see that we belong to You, Wherever we go, let our journey be a success, because of You…
    Lord, let us be…
    Always abiding in the word of the Lord..
    Your labor..
    Your labor..
    Is not in vain..
    Hang On In There🎵
    Lord, Please Continue To Bless & Shine Your Light Of Love Upon Your Obedient Servant Sister Kesha, Her Awesome Team, This Amazing Ministry & My DOTK Sisters/Family💖!!
    Be Blessed, Stay Humble & Encouraged!!!
    Love Always, Your DOTK Sister In Christ, Wendy💕

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