Let God minister to you and through you!

“But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.” 2 Peter 3:17

Many times when we are in a position to serve others, we can forget that true ministry begins with our own personal relationship with the Lord. Sometimes we can focus on being used to help others grow that we fail to let God continue His growth in us. God doesn’t just want us to be conduits of His love and vessels used by Him, He wants to keep on touching our lives on a continual basis and use us to touch others. He wants to minister to us as well as through us.

The next time you go to God in prayer, wait and see how God wants to touch your heart personally and afterwards focus on praying for those you have a burden for. The next time you open your Bible, ask God what is it He wants you to know for your own spiritual growth before you study to teach someone else. Let God minister to you and through you.

He has a special word of encouragement, a message of hope, invaluable wisdom and rich knowledge to give YOU because He cares about you too, not only those in your life.

Prayer: Yes Father, thank you for caring so much for me that you desire to minister to my heart too. I ask that you minister to and through me. Help me receive from you what you are wanting me to receive in my personal time with you. Before you use me to touch anyone’s life today, touch my heart, fill me with your Holy Spirit, and minister to every part of my soul. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

(Read 2 Peter 1:1-10)

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7 thoughts on “Let God minister to you and through you!”

  1. Oh God Thank you for everything you teach me please continue to touch my heart fill me up Oh God with your Holy Spirit and my life and the name of Jesus Amen 🙏🙌👐Gorly

  2. Touch me oh lord from the top my head to the bottom of my feet use me how you want to use me and thank you for this blessed day your name I pray and help me to walk the way you want me to walk please watch over my Family your name I pray amen

  3. Thank You that You supply us with everything we need and that You work through us. Own effort is deadworks and can not please You. Help us and teach us Holy Spirit how to submit to You and to humble ourselves for You to work through us. May God only be glorified in what we think, say and do. Amen

  4. Thank Abba for your love for us. We honor You with our lives. Help us to listen carefully to what it is that You want to tell us and also to be obedient to You (Your Word) at all times. My hearts desire is to imitate You but it is not always easy to do. Help me to keep my eyes on You Abba……
    In Jesus Name

  5. Amen..Amen..Amen!!!!
    Thank You Lord!!!🙌🙌Thank You..Thank You..Thank You for being the MAIN & ONLY SOURCE OF MY BEING..FOR CONTINUALLY TOUCHING MY LIFE!! WITHOUT YOU THERE IS NO ME!! THANK YOU LORD!! Lord, I Thank You for having..A Word, A Message, Wisdom & Knowledge just for ME!!! Lord, YOU KNOW my heart better than I do..so I THANK YOU for Loving, Thinking & Caring about ME!! I JUST LOVE YOU LORD💓😍❤😍💝
    Lord, Please Continue To Bless & Shine Your Light Of Love Upon Your Obedient Servant Sister Kesha, Her Awesome Team, This Amazing Ministry, My Sister Felicia & My DOTK Sisters💖!!
    Be Blessed, Stay Humble & Encouraged!!!
    Love Always, Your DOTK Sister In Christ, Wendy💕

  6. Each and every prayer is beautiful and I just thank God for all that he do for me and All of his children. Thank God he is no respector of persons; God is; loving unconditionally / In spite of whom we are. God is the ONLY answer to mankind.

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