“A man’s heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps.” Proverbs 16:9
Even when things don’t go as planned, God is still in control. One day while sitting in the waiting room of an office, I noticed a woman having a heated discussion with someone on the phone. All of the plans in my day had gone completely haywire and I felt frustrated. Trying to make the best of it, I chose to sit and read a book. As I sat there I asked the LORD if He wanted me to go and encourage this woman. Thoughts came to me saying, “People don’t do that anymore. You will look crazy walking up to a stranger to talk to them about God in this office building.” I didn’t pay those thoughts any attention. I got up, walked to her and began to encourage her. She began to cry as I asked her if she knew the LORD, which she did. I then prayed for her and she even prayed for me. We then gave each other a hug and thanked God for orchestrating that moment in our day.
She needed the encouraging words I shared with her and I needed to be reminded that my day belongs to the LORD and when plans change, to simply flow with Him.
You may spend time planning your day, but leave room for God to interrupt it and change it if He sees fit. He orders our steps and guides us along the way. Our lives are not our own. We would experience less frustration if we learn to say, “Lord, thank you for the life you have given me and thank you for this day, but my life belongs to you and this day is yours. No matter the plans in my heart, I’m open to flow with you.”
Prayer: Father, you are my God and you are sovereign over my life. I give this day to you. You are free to change my plans however you want. I may not always understand it with my head, but I know in my heart that you know best. When plans change, help me to make the best of it. Help me learn to flow with you and trust you completely. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Good morning Jesus I love you Thank you that you are with me even when life gets messy and you feel like your losing your way. God’s will be done on Earth as in heaven amen
Thank you. I needed this. I have been sick from Crohns for all of 2017, hospitalized 10x, being fed thru an IV in my neck, lost my job because of inability to work, major strain on my marriage & kids, etc. I was so hopeful 2018 would be different, but now I am scheduled for another surgery in a week and a half.
Letting go, trusting God and going with His flow is exactly what I needed to hear.
God bless
Kelly Hyde,Im praying for you sweetie it’s not your fault that your dealing with this,God allowed this for a reason,He doesn’t do anything in vain.Theres a reason and a purpose in every season.(He’s using you that He may get the Glory from your story)!!! If I could say anything sister,(Learn how to accept what God allows).That could be hard to do ,this I know!But you can do it!This is the portion of your cup,God chose you for a season such as this! Remember,(your in good hands)God sees all , knows all ,and have the answer for it all!Be encouraged,its not going to always be like this!(seasons change)God bless,i will be praying for you and your family.In Jesus Christ name!!!!
The Lord bless you with His healing power dear sister Kelly💜
Peace & Blessings Sister Kelly💖!!
I Stand In Prayer & Agreement with Our Sisters, B. Positive & Lynne…
Be not dismayed..STAY ENCOURAGED!!! Have FAITH!!!
It gets greater later!!
Love Always💕
Thank you God for delivery this devotion though this ministry your plans for my future oh God continue to help me to learn to flow with you and the name of Jesus Amen ❤❤👐
My eyes are open 👀! Thank you!
Praying for you as I also am going through surgeries and health problems. I’m sorry it’s affecting your husband and kids but also know you are blessed to have them
Praying the Lord bless you too dear sister Dannette with Mighty His healing power💜
Our days DO indeed belong to God.
Thank you for the reminder.
Father I love you,and I thank you for these words of wisdom,because this is just what I was dealing with,”learning to accept what God allows” Going with His flow and His plans!!!!!!Praise God all mighty!!!Let me not forget who I am and who’s I am .Holy spirit,please remind me continually through busy days that I am in good hands and help me to stay on course and be productive keeping my eyes on you Father in all things.I feel the enemy trying very hard to distract me,help me to be INTENTIONAL in all things!!!!In Jesus name I pray!!!
Yes very well said B. Positive. I feel so like this. Thank you for sharing my sister.. Bless the Lord Oh My Soul and all that is within me. Bless His Holy Name. Please lead and guide me in Your way and always follow Your voice Father💜
Peace & Blessings My Dearest Sister Lynne💖!!
You better sangggg🎵🎵🎵🎵😁😁😁😁😁😁
Love You Always💕
Amen and Amen!!!!
Peace & Blessings Sister B. Positive💖!!
Love Always💕
This was sent to me from a dear friend and a sister to me but I wasn’t able to really read any of it due to my being in a vehicle with sum children and awaiting return of the children father, whom I have been “seeing”. Today was the birthday party for the oldest of the children, whom I love so much, they all hold a very skeptical in my heart!!! We were all planning on having the party at a bowling alley, and I was brought home to get ready to go. But time kept getting later and I called and txt the father, but to get no reply by call or txt, letting me know I wasn’t going to b picked up for the party, and it crushed me so deeply, I have so many questions I wouldn’t know where or how to even begin, if he did call or txt me… Then I read this. WOW!!!!! I needed to read this, u see I haven’t been to church in a couple months. And I been feeling His calling and that I have to find where He wants me to attend A.S.A.P!!!!! Thank u for sharing!!!
special*** not skeptical!!!
I do believe that God is in control. Thank you for this devotional. Prayers sent to those affected by health issues that God will heal you all.
🎤Order my steps in Your Word Dear Lord..
Lead me, guide me, everyday..
Send Your Anointing Father I Pray..
Order my steps in Your Word..
Please order my steps in Your Word..
I want to walk worthy..
According to Your Will..
Please order my steps Lord..
And I’ll do Your Blessed Will..
The world is ever changing..
But You are still the same..
If You Order My Steps..
I’ll Praise Your Name..
Order my steps..
With Your Word..
Guide My Feet..
With Your Word..
Bridle My Tongue..
With Your Word..
Guard My Heart..
With Your Word..
Please, Order My Steps In Your Word..
Please, Order My Steps In Your Word…🎵
Lord, Please Continue To Bless & Shine Your Light Of Love Upon Your Obedient Servant Sister Kesha, Her Awesome Team, This Amazing Ministry & My DOTK Sisters/ Family💖!!
Be Blessed, Stay Humble & Encouraged!!!
Love Always, Your DOTK Sister In Christ, Wendy💕
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