My sister…

My sister, if you’re having sex with people you are not married to, it will throw your entire system (your spirit, soul and body) into total chaos and confusion. You have to renounce every person you joined yourself to and declare that you are yielding your body to God’s Spirit alone. Then yes you’ll have to delete them, change your number and block and keep on blocking them, doing whatever you got to do to live and walk in the supernatural peace God desires you to walk in.

(Read Romans 6:16; 1 Corinthians 14:33)

14 thoughts on “My sister…”

  1. Dear Heavenly Father please keep me from falling into sin. When any thing eluded me from the
    Remove these persons and things from me in
    Jesus name ,Amen

    And so it is .So be it and I agree.

  2. James 5:16-20
    King James Version

    The word of God says…

    16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed.
    (Set free and Delivered)
    The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

    God speaks to me almost daily, in my DOTK Devotional and let’s me know He is still looking out for me and steering me in the right direction, when I listen.. I’ve been suffering with guilt and regret due to my sin and disobdience. I always say, If God lost any sleep, it would be because of me. There was another devotional that was titled, NO MORE GAMES, NO MORE.. and I was into spades more than Gods word..needless to say, I quit that very second and haven’t played since.

    I needed this too!

    Just last night, I felt God very strong and I walked away before committing sin, again!

    I pray for a Godly husband and want to know what true love feels like, not lust!

    Please agree with me in prayer.. Thank You!

  3. Its east for you married folk to say that. I think we too fast to judge and make people feel. Why we so quick to condemn. Teach the word with gentleness and love and due time people will put away what’s not right through spiritual maturity. Married people are quick to tell ya this. Sisters you will get there lean on God love on God and fill and eventually you wont want to do this I have been celibate now for 10 years . Being so hard and fast does t work. This make you judge and condemn yaself

    1. Sister it’s not judgement that it’s being said it’s love Been there done that but by Gods (Grace and Mercy) I was set free!
      I pray for my unmarried Sisters

  4. Thank you so much for these last 2 devotionals…. I’m 16 and I desire purity but I allowed myself to be caught up in lustful temptations (due to impatience and desire) last night and ended up sinning over the phone with a guy I’ve never built an actual connection with, all because I wanted to take my mind off of the truth, please may you pray for me that I may have the courage to confess my sins to at least one family member and that they will help support me and help me get out of this loop.
    Thank you again, this devotional brought me to tears my body, soul and spirit is for God and for God alone but I’ve been giving it away to vain idols.

    1. Praying for you beautiful sister. Do not let the enemy have your precious youth. Continue to seek the Lord and if you make a mistake confess it to God and mean it by turning away from whatever the sin is that so easily besets you. God has a great a beautiful future in store for you! Blessings💕

  5. Follow God’s heart with your body and love your self marriage are not marriage be Obedience to the word of God God will meet you there And he will give you peace in the decisions you make In pray in the name of Jesus🙏🏽❤ Gods words will help you and give you praise labels love your body ❤

  6. Thank you for all your daily devotional post. I have really enjoyed them and God has used them to bless me . God bless you

  7. Turn away from sin and hear the good news. So many dead ends and broken hearts and disappointments. Pray for the broken men who project their incompleteness onto caring loving women.

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