“As soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, He said to the ruler of the synagogue, “Do not be afraid; only believe.”” Mark 5:36, NKJV
Only believe.
“As soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, He said to the ruler of the synagogue, “Do not be afraid; only believe.”” Mark 5:36, NKJV
Only believe.
Thank you for blessing my life everyday I am struggle with my faith at times and believing that i am lovable and loving. because of the negative things of my past praying and my daily talks with God I won’t give up. Thank you for the words of god you give each day .
I believe the word of the Lord
Ask God to help you see yourself and love yourself like He sees and loves you. Your whole world will change!
God loves you so much. When Jesus was on the cross, your face came to him and he chose to die for you. Be encouraged when we struggle it’s because there’s a blessing coming next!
Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are continually before me.
Isaiah 49:16 ESV
You have kept a record of my days of wondering you have stored my tears in your bottle and counted each one of them. Psalm 56: 8 CEV
Keep pushing sister. We’re all fighting the same thing daily. We share and sharpen each other. The word says Iron sharpens Iron. Amen
Daughter of the king has been a blessing for me and sharing it with others don’t give up keep on believing and God will increase and show up in a mighty way the enemy wish to tear you down and believe his lies.know who you are in Christ seek him He is the only one that matters with His validation not man. Blessings
Thank you for those two simple words. It took me awhile to do just that in my Walk With God. God is using you to help women and men all over the world to find Savation and to Trust In Him. God Bless You and I am Blessed to have you in my Life
Never forget !!! You have no past it’s covered with the blood of our precious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ❤❤❤❤
Yes he is Amen sister
Yes he is Amen sister love you sister
I believe! Thank you for sharing God’s word with all of us who hunger for more of Him. God bless you in all that concerns you.
I believe, I know that God is with us. I have this thing that I do when I study, I like to write down the daily devotionals sometimes.what was amazing bout writing down my devotional is that I didn’t know God was going to use me for this cause but he did. I was in a place, that had no spiritual growth in the place. All you felt was negative negative Energies. I then started to pray,when all of a sudden I heard a voice say open your note book. When I opened my book it had pass and present devotionals that were our tools we need to help us get through that day. The next thing I heard Good say was make some copies of this devotional which says this: “my Princess walk in my confidence.”and I left some of them on the table. One lady came up to me with the devotional in her ✋ and she said thank you this is what we need around here because people in this place is not getting along probably along with other things. I was thankful to be able to share God’s word with those who read and benefits from it. Thank God, and thank you for delivering the daily devotional because they surely help. Have a great day. God bless.
Amen-Lord I believe!
Good morning ladies..Thank you for motivating me every morning to seek the Lord ..Have a blessed day..
I thank you for reminding me and others to Believe and stand on His word. Sometimes we get so distracted and lose our way causing faith to go out the window and our minds to wonder off, forgetting what His promises.
Blessings My Sisters Only Believe!
Good morning to all. I wanted to say thanks for the daily words of encouragement its food for thought and it gives me the pleasure of spreading the good news with others
Lord I believe. Help me in my unbelief. I need you with my health and that of my precious son. It has been such a long trial. You have been so faithful through my life and always come through. So my heart waits on you, because even though I may not see the wisdom of Your hand, I know I can trust the love of Your heart. Thank you Lord.I need You. I love you Jesus 💜
Press through and dont quit!
Isaiah 43:2
Choose to see God working in the tough spots.He is so faithful💓
Peace & Blessings My Dearest Sister Lynne💖!!!
In His Word, He said..”By His Stripes We Are Healed”
Lord, I Come To You As Humbly As I Know How & I Ask You Lord To PLEASE Send A “SUPERNATURAL HEALING” To My Sister Lynne & Her Precious Son! Lord, You Know Better Than I Just How Long She Has Been Going Through..Father God, I Ask You To PLEASE TOUCH & HEAL HER..FROM THE CROWN OF HER HEAD TO THE TIPS OF HER TOES..TOUCH HER LORD & MAKE HER WHOLE & PAIN FREE AGAIN!!! These Things I Pray In Jesus’ Holy Name..Amen🙏
🎤Lord, I need Thee..
Oh I need Thee..
Every hour, I need Thee..
Bless Me, Bless Me..
My Saviour..
I come..
Oh Lord, I come..
I Come, To Thee🎶
Stay Encouraged Lynne💝
Loving You ALWAYS💕🌹
Good morning my sister’s. I look forward every morning for this. God have you to speak to me direct in so many of these devotions. Sunday the 15th is one I won’t forget. Everything is for me. I thank God that He has CHOOSEN you my sister to minister to us. These devotions are really an inspiration in my life. God’s grace and mercy continue to keep you and strengthens you.
I believe, I know that God is with us. I have this thing that I do when I study, I like to write down the daily devotionals sometimes.what was amazing bout writing down my devotional is that I didn’t know God was going to use me for this cause but he did. I was in a place, that had no spiritual growth in the place. All you felt was negative negative Energies. I then started to pray,when all of a sudden I heard a voice say open your note book. When I opened my book it had pass and present devotionals that were our tools we need to help us get through that day. The next thing I heard Good say was make some copies of this devotional which says this: “my Princess walk in my confidence.”and I left some of them on the table. One lady came up to me with the devotional in her ✋ and she said thank you this is what we need around here because people in this place is not getting along probably along with other things. I was thankful to be able to share God’s word with those who read and benefits from it. Thank God, and thank you for delivering the daily devotional because they surely help. Have a great day. God bless.
Lord I will not fear. I will believe! I will trust you through this difficult time. I will lean on you!
Our God is faithful! He is the Almighty! He is the Everlasting! He is the Beginning and the End! He is the author of our faith! He is Ruler of All! He is our Way maker! He is our Promise Keeper! His Love is Neverending! No matter your situation He is Worthy! Lord, You are worthy of all our praise! Lord, you are worthy of all our worship! Thank you Father, Your word is alive and active within us 🙌 🙌
Thank you Father that EVERYTHING WE NEED is in You! Every unanswered question we can find in your presence. We bless you – Lover of our souls!
Be Blessed ladies
Peace & Blessings My Dear Sister Portia D💖!!!
THANK YOU LORD..for being OUR ALL & ALL!!!🙌🙌🙌
Love You Always💕
This is soooo prophetic!!!! I needed this THIS morning, July 17, 2018. Thanks!!!! 💛
Thank you Lord God Almighty for Your Word. You are a on time God. Thank you Lord for helping my unbelief that I will believe never doubting You nor myself ever again. I am trusting in You THE GODHEAD.
💞💞Greetings 💞💞
💞Women Of God 💞
Jeremiah 17:7 – 10
Father God,things might
be muddled and messy
right now in some areas of my life,Lord,but today
I simply lift these up to
You in faith. The path
I’ve walked with You up
to now is marked with
many monuments of
Your restoration and
redemption. In each of
these seemingly impossible situations
along my way,You have
Worked to bring about
Wholeness. That’s why
I refuse to stress out
about what’s amiss
today. I will do what I
know is right and leave
the rest in Your capable
hands Lord. I trust Your
Unfailing Love for me __
a love You have shown
to me in SO many
wonderful ways while I
have walked with You,
Lord,and I don’t even
wonder anymore if
You’re there.
💞I know You are…😇 💞 In Jesus Name.💞
Amen, Amen!!!…
Psalms 143: 5, 8
“As I look back and see
God’s Faithfulness,I’m
filled with expectation of
all that God has in store
for me in the future,and
my heart overflows
with Joy. “
💞Father, I Love ❤️ You,
You’re my Everything!!..
💞Thank You for being
💞💞my Daddy💞💞
💞Your Daughter 💞
😘💕Love And Blessings
My Sisters
Well Said Sister Harris💖⚘. Truly from the abundance of Your Heart💖⚘. I Come in agreement in our LORD JESUS 💙⚘⚘⚘MIGHTY Beautiful Wonderful Glorious NAME💙⚘ AMEN AMEN AMEN 💖⚘💙⚘💖⚘💙⚘💖⚘💙⚘💖⚘💙⚘💖⚘💙⚘
Peace & Blessings My Dear Sister 😘💕Harris💖!!!
Isn’t it a BEAUTIFUL thing to KNOW that The Lord is ALWAYS there?!! THANK YOU LORD..for being ever so present & FAITHFUL!!
Stay Encouraged My Poetic Sister🎤💐!!!
Loving You ALWAYS💕
Yes Lord I believe and God words Thank you God ❤❤
TRUST. It’s all about TRUST. When faith seems weak, we must trust Him. The good Shepherd who cares for His sheep. He’s always right there.
Good Morning Daughter’s of The Most High King this massage was supper short but yet supper powerful ONLY BELIEVE Only Keep The Faith and what I got out of this very short but Awesome massage was whatever I’ve been believing God for Whatever you’ve been Believing God for just Keep the Faith cuz it’s about to Manifest Have a Blessed Day Every1
O 1 more little word of encouragement God’s word says WHEN THE ENEMY COMES IN LIKE A FLOOD God WILL RAISE UP A STANDARD AGAINST HIM
I Thank God for his blessings in our Life . us being able to get up and do for our self’s and others, us Staying in Faith and knowing God is in Control . And I Thank God for you so !!!!!!! Much for our Daily
Devotionals it really help’s me in Jesus name .Amen
Thank you Lillie for your up lifting message and prayers. I choose to believe every word of the Bible. I believe thru the witness of the Holy Spirit. I love you Jesus
God tends to show up right on time! Sometimes we go hunting for the answers to the “WHY” when God is simply telling us to just WAIT. He says “be still and know that I am God” God never comes physically but he send tons of blessings our way. Our God is a miracle worker that is stirring up something greater than we can all imagine. He truly favors us! Keep the faith sisters💕
Yes Amen dear sister Necie. Love and blessings 💕
Thank you Lord me and my family we believe and we receive in Jesus name amen amen amen
Amen,May Lord increase our faith like this and give us strength to stand firm.
Ohhh Lord I Thank You..From The Depths Of My Soul Lord..I Say Thank You🙌🙌..Thank You..Thank You..Thank YOU!!!
🎤Lordy, only believe, only believe..
All things are possible, if you’ll only believe..
My Lordy, only believe, only believe..
That all things are possible, if you’ll only believe..
I met God one morning,
My Soul feeling bad..
Heart heavy laden, I felt nothing but doubt ahead..
Well He lifted my burdens..
Yeah, right now I’m feeling glad..
Because, all things are possible, if you’ll only believe..
Only believe..
Oh Lord, I believe, yeah, I believe..
Lord, Please Continue To Bless & Shine Your Light Of Love Upon Your Obedient Servant Sister Kesha, Her Awesome Team, This Amazing Ministry, My Sister Felicia & My DOTK Sisters💖!!
Be Blessed, Stay Humble & Encouraged!!!
Love Always, Your DOTK Sister In Christ, Wendy💕