Prophesy Over It!

“As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations,) before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were.” Romans 4:17, NIV.

One night while helping my son with his homework, I tried everything to help him understand, but he was saying all the wrongs answers. I wondered if he was challenged mentally or simply not trying hard enough. Feeling frustrated, I felt myself about to call him stupid. I don’t call my children names, but I was about to on this evening. Then Holy Spirit arrested my tongue and said, “Don’t you call him that!” So I looked him in the eyes and said, “You are smart and you can learn!” I told him to speak it out loud. He said, “I am smart and I can learn!” It took a lot of encouragement and hard work, but he became a straight A student. He became what I called him.

In the heat of the moment, Satan tempts us to say what we see, but God will arrest our tongue and say, “Don’t you call it that!” He wants us to not live in fear, but in faith. No matter how frustrated you may feel right now. No matter how tempted you are to say what you see in the natural, I challenge you to prophesy over it! Prophesy over your husband and children. Prophesy to your bank account. Prophesy to your pantry. Prophesy to the empty pews in your church. Speak over everything that appears slow and unresponsive, empty and desolate, and call those things that be not as though they were.

Prayer: Father God, arrest my tongue. Bridle it. Help me to walk by faith and not by sight. Strengthen me when I feel frustrated. I yield my tongue to you and I pray that you help me call those things that be not as though they were. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

(Read 2 Corinthians 5:7; Ephesians 4:29)

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15 thoughts on “Prophesy Over It!”

  1. Thank you Jesus for this word……to speak it into existence! I receive this in the Almighty Name of Jesus. Amen.

  2. Thank you Lord for this wordTo help me to speak paint as they are I am not as I see them and your precious and holy name amen

  3. Thank you Jesus for teaching us how to call thing as if it was…by Faith im standing in the gap for my Family for Salvation..They will be Filled with your Love and see things like you do Lord.Let them be Vessels you will use!! Amen! 🙏💗😘🌷

  4. Thank You Lord for your Word. Look with faith and not by sight. Look at everyone and everything how You see them and not how they appear. Arrest my tongue Holy Spirit when negative words are quick. And I rebuke wrong thoughts and words uttered.
    Thank You Lord for this reminder

  5. Amen..Amen..Amen!!!!!!!!!!
    LORD, OHHH LORD I THANK YOU🙌🙌!! Lord I Thank You & I Praise Your Holy, Mighty, Righteous & Precious Name🙌👏💃!!! LORD, I THANK YOU for this BLESSED, MIGHTY & TIMELY CONFIRMING WORD OF….. “PROPHECY OVER IT” that I BELIEVE & RECEIVE..WHOLEHEARTEDLY❤!
    Lord, I WILL CONTINUOUSLY Ask & Pray that You Bridle My Tongue & Help Me To Call Those Things That Be Not As Though They Were! I WILL Speak/Prophecy Over ALL Things..In Jesus’ Holy, Mighty, Righteous & Precious Name!! THANK YOU LORD FOR This TRULY Encouraging & Reminding WORD!! THANK YOU LORD!!
    LORD I JUST LOVE YOU!!!💓😍💞😊💝🤗💗😙
    Lord, Please Continue To Bless & Shine Your Light Of Love Upon Your Obedient Servant Sister Kesha, Her Awesome Team, This AMAZING MINISTRY, My Sister Felicia & My DOTK Sisters💖!!
    Be Blessed, Stay Humble & Encouraged!!!
    Love Always, Your DOTK Sister In Christ, Wendy💕

  6. This was right on time for me. It really opened my eyes and my heart to “ call those things that are not as though they were”. I feel encouraged and strengthened by this. Thank you and God bless you.

      1. Peace & Blessings My Dear Sister Kimberly💖!!!
        🎙I Pray for you..
        You Pray for me..
        We’re all apart of God’s Body..
        It IS His Will..
        That EVERY need be supplied..
        You are important to me..
        I need you to survive..
        You are important to me..
        Stay Encouraged My Sister!
        Love Always,
        Your DOTK Sister In Christ💕🌺🍁

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