My sister, receive His help today.

“And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you” John 14:16-17, ESV.

Jesus told His disciples it is expedient (or profitable) for you that I go away. He told them He would send another Comforter, who is the Holy Spirit, and He would abide with us forever. He would guide us into all truth and show us things to come. My sister, I challenge you to receive and make full use of the help of Holy Spirit today. There will never be a moment when you do not need Him. Reach up and reach out your hands and say, “Holy Spirit, lift me up! Holy Spirit, fill my cup! Holy Spirit, guide me! Holy Spirit, transform me!”

Prayer: Yes, Father. I receive the help of your precious Holy Spirit. I need your help. I can’t make it without you. I can’t do anything without you. But with you, nothing’s impossible. So I cry out to you, Holy Spirit. I ask you to guide me, strengthen me, and help me resist the temptation of the enemy and persevere by faith. You are precious to me. I receive your help now and forever. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

(Read John 16:7-15)

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11 thoughts on “My sister, receive His help today.”

  1. Holy Spirit have your way in life. You are the porter and I am the clay mould me make into who I was made to be. Fill me with your presents. I say Holy Spirit have your way in my life.

    1. I absolutely love this word. Amen and amen. Blessings my sister in Christ and all my sisters who read DOTK

    2. Holy Spirt Transform Me, Holy Spirit I Receive it, Holy Spirit Lift Me Up, Holy Spirit Use Me, Holy Spirit I Love You Holy Spirt Have Your Way on My Life, Thank You For Speaking into My Life I needed You Holy Spirit, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah ❤🙏❤🙏❤🙏

  2. Thank you Holy Spirit for speaking to my heart Oh God continue to work in my life oh how marvelous taste and see what the Lord has to say trusting and believing God’s will for my life Hallelujah hallelujah praise with a dance in the name of Jesus Amen 🙏🏽👐🏾❤ again Thank you Holy Spirit for moving me out of the way and you stepping in glory to God❤

  3. Fill me up until I overflow, I want to run over!! Holy Spirit lead and guide me in every area of my life!! I Release Myself to You!

  4. Thank You God for Your Holy Spirit 🙌🏽 Hallelujah Praise God 🙌🏽 For it will be with me for the rest of my life💯 I thank You for sending me a comforter, that will guide and lead and deliver me🙌🏽 Hallelujah Praise God 🙌🏽 I thank You for Grace and Mercy 🙌🏽 Hallelujah Praise God 🙌🏽 preserve my faith, Help me resist the temptations of the enemies 🙌🏽 Hallelujah Praise God 🙌🏽 You are in me, and I am in You🙌🏽 Hallelujah Praise God 🙌🏽 and I am THANKFUL 🙌🏽 GLORYYYYYYYY HALLELUJAH 🙌🏽 PRAISE GOD 🙌🏽 NEVER EVER CAN MAKE IT WITHOUT YOU 🙌🏽 HALLELUJAH PRAISE GOD 🙌🏽 KEEP ME AND MY ENTIRE FAMILY COVERED IN YOUR HOLY SPIRIT 🙌🏽 HALLELUJAH PRAISE GOD 🙌🏽 HOLY SPIRIT, LIFT ME UP🙌🏽 HOLY SPIRIT, FILL ME UP🙌🏽 HOLY SPIRIT, GUIDE ME🙌🏽 HOLY SPIRIT, TRANSFORM ME🙌🏽 HALLELUJAH PRAISE GOD 🙌🏽 BLESS MY CHURCH, BLESS THE WOMEN’S MINISTRY AND BLESS MY PASTOR🙌🏽 WE NEED YOU, HOLY SPIRIT🙌🏽 LET YOUR PRECIOUS BLOOD RAIN DOWN ON US🙌🏽 HALLELUJAH, PRAISE GOD 🙌🏽 THANK YOU HOLY SPIRIT FOR DWELLING DEEP DOWN Inside of me 🙌🏽😓🙏🏽💯…..Something about the Holy Spirit, I can’t explain it but I got it🙌🏽😓 Hallelujah Praise God 🙌🏽 Thank YOU JESUS 🙌🏽 Amen and AMEN 🙌🏽❤️🙏🏽❤️

  5. ❤️🌷🎈😘🎊🙌🏼😍✨I am greatful and thankful for the blessed Holy Spirit. Who comfort heal direct and order my steps Daily 😃🙏🏿🤗🙏🏿

  6. Yes my LORD HOLY SPIRIT i Receive YOU in my heart I receive YOUR Help do only what YOU can do for the Glory of KING JESUS.” In JESUS CHRIST MIGHTY GLORIOUS NAME AMEN 💙⚘💙⚘💙⚘💙⚘💙⚘💙⚘💙⚘💙⚘💙

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