“For as he thinks in his heart, so is he…” Proverbs 23:7, NKJV
It doesn’t matter what people think about you. All that matters is what you think about yourself. What God has said about you doesn’t benefit you at all until you agree. What God thinks about you doesn’t benefit you at all until you choose to see. Remove your hands from your eyes, and see how great, see how beautiful, see how lovely He has made you.
Stop waiting for people to change their mind about you before you do what God has called you to do. Stop waiting for people to change their mind about you before you choose to believe. Move forward in God and let nothing stop you from fulfilling your purpose and reaching your destiny. Let nothing hinder you. The only power people’s thoughts about you have over your life is the power you give it. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, strip off every hold you’ve allowed others to have on you.
Say out loud from your heart, “No more will I allow what others think of me to hinder me. I choose to agree with God’s WORD. I choose to remove my hands from my eyes so I can see myself the way God sees me. What people think about me has no power. I strip it of all power I’ve given it in Jesus name. As I think in my heart, so am I. I am chosen by God and I will do great things. I am fearfully and wonderfully made and God loves me unconditionally. I will let His truth prophesy over me and be the biggest and loudest voice in my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”
Thank you once again for the encouragement. I feel I am doing what God has called me to do. Sometimes that does not mean the absence of everyone seeing the path that God has you on. I believe God is directing my steps. Psalm 23. His will and ways are the best things for our lives.
Amen Kathy..AMEN!!!
So true! The enemy doesn’t want us to know how valuable we are for His Kingdom and how much He values us. He made us so He knows our value, nobody has the right to devalue your worth, they were also made by Him. Believe what He says that you were wonderfully and fearfully made in His image, don’t allow lies of the enemy to keep you in unnecessarry bondage because of lack of knowledge and fear. Stepout and do what He says you can do : I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me!!
Amen Zebi..AMEN!!!
Confirmation AGAIN!!!
๐คIt’s a mighty good thing..
To be chosen by God..
It’s a mighty good thing..
To be chosen to serve..
You never complain..
When God called Your Name..
Though the road might be hard..
You’ll get a special reward..
Cause You’re chosen by God๐ต
I HAVE removed my hands from my eyes!! And NOW I see what God saw all along in me!! THANK YOU LORD, THANK YOU LORD, THANK YOU!!! For Your Grace & Mercy..Thank You Lord, that I AM Fearfully & Wonderfully Made..& YOU LOVE ME UNCONDITIONALLY!!! OH LORD THANK YOU!! Forget the naysayers..as long as I have YOUR stamp of approval..I’M GRADE “A”!! Lord, keep me humble, steadfast & unmoveable..Lord I just want to do Your Will..I want to continue to Encourage & Uplift Others..I want people to know about Your Love..that NEVER ends, Your Grace & Mercy..that WILL bring them through..I want them to know about FAITH..Oh Lord, just a little tiny bit, will produce SOOO MUCH, I want them to know just..HOW GOOD/FAITHFUL YOU ARE!! Lord, I ask You to Order My Steps..where You lead..I’ll follow! These things I Pray In Jesus’ Holy Name..Amen
May God CONTINUE To Bless & Shine His Light Of Love Upon Sister Keisha, Her Wonderful Team, This Awesome Ministry & My DOTK Sisters/Family๐
Love Always, Your DOTK Sister In Christ, Wendy๐