“For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.” John 3:17
On June 12, 2016, a mass shooting took place in Orlando, Florida, USA. In this tragedy, 50 people died and 53 were injured. It has been said to be the worst terrorist event on US soil since 9/11. The location of the shooting was a gay night club and had taken place at 2am in the morning. The shooter, shot and killed by police, had pledged allegiance to the Islamic State of Iraq before the attack.
Upon hearing the news, nothing in me said, “That’s what those gay people get. They should not be living that way.” Nothing in me said, “That’s God’s judgment on the LGBT community!” Nothing in me was judgmental or hateful. I didn’t see sexual orientation when the mass shooting took place, all I saw was precious lives lost. My heart sank and I began to pray for the families of those who were lost. In the face of tragedy, the only thing that matters is the people we lose. As we walk from day to day, the only thing that matters is the people we lose.
Jesus saw people and had compassion on them. The Bible says, “Jesus didn’t come into the world to condemn the world, but that they through Him might be saved.” We must see people, not their sexual orientation, not their different religious beliefs, not their tattoos or piercings. We must see people with the eyes of Jesus. Our generation has become like modern day Pharisees. We’re too busy being critical and judgmental that we can’t see. We think ourselves to be spiritual, but we are void of compassion. We must ask the Lord to help us see people with His eyes. Feel with His heart. Touch with His hands. We can’t help anyone, and are utterly useless, when we are being judgmental and condemning in our hearts.
See with His eyes. Feel with His heart. Touch with His hands.
Prayer: Lord, forgive me if I’ve been critical, judgmental and condemning. That’s not of you. Touch my eyes. Help me see people with your eyes. Help me feel with your heart. Help me touch the world with your hands. Don’t let me become void of compassion. Don’t let me be so busy judging others that I forget how you saw me and saved me. You didn’t condemn me. You didn’t judge me. You saw my need. This world needs Jesus more now than ever, but if I don’t grow in compassion I won’t be able to help anyone. Grow me up Lord. Mature me in your love. Help me see people with your eyes, no matter their lifestyle choices. Be glorified in my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Awesome word, Amen
Touching how much person will appreciate this when I send it? It doesn’t matter what they feel the Love of God MATTERS, this touch my heart, blessings to you and family may God continue to bless you and conintue to speak the Mind of Christ. Blessings Sisters
Yes thank you for this! These are the kinds of words that our world needs to see as far as our Christian views go…I think often times our world sees Christians as judgemental and condemning when that should not be the case…when I heard about this horrific act I did not once think about the sexual orientation of the individuals but just the sheer sadness and devastation the victims and their families were experiencing…I prayed for their hearts, for peace, and for love…while we know our biblical truths, we must also remember that we can’t reach the world if we are blinded by judgement…like this devotion said we must “See with His eyes. Feel with His heart. Touch with His hands.” Thanks you for this reminder…have a safe and blessed day all!
Thanks for those words so much needed to hear that.. Every day I ask God to let people see you and not me.. Father thank you for your tender mercy.. In Jesus name
Amen , ever word you said is so true…People is so quick to judge and don’t know what that person is going Through.
Another beautiful message ladies. Thank you and amen.
Amen and Amen!
Praise God and bless His Holy Name!
Let us not forget! Open our eyes Lord God and allow us to not be judgmental! Teach us to Love one another!
Because Jesus is LOVE!!!
Bless those who are lost Lord God; help them to find their way and to seek their salvation in you and in no one else; Lord God! Bless the souls of those who lost their lives. And that they may have had a chance to call upon the name of the Lord Jesus! And for those who are still fighting for their lives right now Father, that they will know that they can still be saved through and by You. As the sinner hung on the cross next to You Lord God. Bless and keep their families in your perfect peace during this time.
In Jesus name I pray.
Amen, another fruitful word. We need to be more like Jesus. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotton son that whosoever believe in him shall not perish but have everlasting life. We need to win them by our LOVE.
Yes warrior Amen. By our love.
You said this so beautifully. I live near the incident and it’s such a sad ordeal. Praying for the families that have been impacted.
Praise God for this Word today,Jesus came to save the lost,He hates the sin but loves the sinner.Jesus is love and we need to show that love to everyone no exclusions.
Yes yes yes!!!! Thank you for your words!!! And for sharing the truth of who Jesus is!!!
Awesome word my sister ,we need to see that these were sons,daughters,freinds and who these humans are that a label.The bible said we sbould love our brothers and sisters all the time not sometimes.My heart goes out to those families whose lost their love ones .May they find comfort in his arms.
Thank you for this word today. Let’s keep the families and survivors include prayer In Jesus Name Amen
Thank you for this word today. Let’s keep the families and survivors in prayer. In Jesus Name Amen
“Peace be on to You” i am not a member of dot-k but i do get the Devotionals every morning.-Thank You- and is the first thing i look forward to reading everyday!! I often share with my daughter and brother….these Devotionals are so encouraging
That help me focus more on Our LORD …
As i was reading todays about the Very Sad News in Orlando,FL i could not hold my tears and i broke down right there at the bus stop….i feel a deep sense of lives lost and the distraught feel about their lost eternity with Our LORD … i do not agree with the lifestyle they had, BUT i do agree in their opportunity for Salvation, and i am NoOne to judge Anybody regardless of how the live or do…My Jesus came to offer Eternal Life TO ALL !!! We should Have That kind of Love!!!
Im hurting and praying for all the ones that have “challenges” in their lives !!! Let’s pray together for All,… including ourselves to keep temptations and evil away from us and be able to finish the course !!! Thank You Again…my name is Hylda…..
Awesome words I do not want to be a Pharisee I would rather error on the side of mercy and compassion my prayers go out to the family I love you Lord Jesus
So beautiful and so important! Father God help us to become more like Jesus Your Son. Holy Spirit help me to yield to You becoming less of me and more of You. Amen
Beautiful message!
Help me Lord to love people the way you love me
Bless those families who lost love ones due to this tragic incident.
Lord have mercy on us all
This is exactly what I explained to my 9 year old this morning as we were watching the news. Beautiful.
Amen DOTK💝 I totally agree❗ 💯 GOOD WORD📖🍓🍉🍌🍇🍒👉Today is the day of Salvation❗💓💕💖🙏🙏🙏🙏🕛🕧🕐🕜 REPENT❗ JESUS👑👑👑 IS COMING SOON❗⏳ hallelujahhhh❗🎁🎉💝🙌👏👏💥💡💡💡 🙆🙋😄😀😊😘💌💍
Prayers for all the families👪👪 my HE💔RT aches for them ❗😢🙏🙏🙏 LORD HAVE MERCY❗🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Amen! God is Love!
Lord help them to see the way you see touch the way you touch feel them people’s heart with the love of Jesus Christ this was a awesome devotion thank you Dotk family prayers go out to all family member Lord you touch them family members and you touch this world we all need you in the name of Jesus Amen
Loved this!!!
Sometimes there’s a mean, self righteous, loud group of religious folks spewing hatred in the name of Jesus, but that is not the example he set for us in the gospels. He had compassion. Compassion for others is the key, judgement and condemnation come easy, but compassion for people that are “different” from us or what we think they should be, takes prayer and study, self denial, dying unto self to do what is right.
Great word!!! I was really touched by the word. It reminds me of an earlier devotion. I even advised that it be pasted at vantage points. I’m going to do same with this one too.
Yes.. thank you for this word. Bless these hurting ones Lord. The Lord spoke to me a long time ago. .”Don’t you dare judge anyone until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes” We all need the love of Jesus.♡
Lord my God we pray that we may see things through your eyes and to understand why you do what you do for you alone are Holy and Mighty and are deserving of our praise.
I want to give a testimony to this very thing. And I will make a long story short. My son was murdered on April 6, 2016. After almost 2 years back and forth with court, I agreed to a plea bargain. On the day that we met to do necessary protocol, my reaction to the one responsible for my son’s death when I spoke to him even surprised me. For a week and a half prior, I fasted and prayed hard. And I have always asked God to let me see people through His eyes. Needless to say, the day He decides to do just that is the day I am to speak to the guy who fired the fatal shot. My heart literally broke into a million pieces and at that very moment, all I wanted to do was love up on him. A lot of people can’t understand how I could have felt that way. I was just as surprised as anyone else. Always be aware that when God does show you how He sees people, you never know who it will be.
Amen and amen thanks for this wonderful words