“Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ” 1 Peter 1:13, ESV
“Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ” 2 Corinthians 10:5, NKJV.
I have never experienced being drunk with alcohol. I don’t know what it feels like to be completely out of it, as though I’ve just been on a bad roller coaster. But even though I don’t know what alcohol intoxication feels like, I have experienced a different type of intoxication that is just as terrible and far more dangerous. It’s the state of being completely wasted in my mind. It was as if every negative thought was a shot glass filled with toxic substance and the enemy was standing by saying “chug, chug, chug!” After a while of consuming the negative thoughts, my words became toxic and my behavior changed dramatically.
When we allow ourselves to consistently think on negative thoughts and have an undisciplined thought-life, before long we are no longer our real selves. So many people have done all sorts of things that are out of character while in a state of intoxication in their minds. My sisters, we must learn to discipline our thought life and meditate on the right things. You can apply what I call the “Three Second Rule”. It’s when you don’t give more than three seconds to negative thoughts. That’s what you do when you’re determined to have a disciplined mind. When those thoughts come that are contrary to Gods Word, say out of your mouth, “No I am not thinking on those negative thoughts in Jesus’ name! I take them captive in the obedience of Christ. I cast down every ungodly imagination. I rebuke every negative thought. It will get none of my time or attention!”
We must stay sober and vigilant in our minds because if we sit and think on negative thoughts too long, we are bound to say and do things we will regret. It’s only after we sober up that we realize how terrible we behaved and the consequences of our negative thinking. Every action begins with a thought. So watch your thoughts. If we can change how we think, we can change how we respond to people and situations in our lives.
Prayer: Father God, forgive me for all of the negative thinking I have allowed in my life. You gave me the mind of Christ. You gave me a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind. Holy Spirit, I ask that You teach me how to keep a disciplined thought life. Help me learn to watch my thoughts when I’m at work, when I’m alone, when I’m at church, and when I’m around my family. Help me to think on the right things, so I can do the right things and respond is a way that pleases You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Amen and Jesus name Amen again
I love this because i needed this. Thank you for sharing. Amen
Thanks, will always keep this in mind.
That was awesome
Thank you so much for beautiful writing about being sober minded. I needed to be reminded of those things. I will practice your techniques right away. May the blessing of the lord over take you this year. Love Rosalind ,Gardner
Its important not to allow negitive talking people to rob you of your serenity.
This is SO true! Jesus says out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Matthew. 12:34 & Luke 6:45 Toxic thinking also deteriorates our own physical body as well as harming those we speak wrongful words to. Jesus, let the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart be acceptable to you!!
Father you keep whatever is committed to You, so I commit my mind and thoughts to you for safekeeping ,that I would only think on those things that would bring glory to your name,and encourage others. Thank you for keeping my mind.📖🙏👼
Yes LORD, Thank you again for this word today In Jesus Name Amen 🙏🕇🕇🕇
What we are full of will be what controls us. Fill us up LORD with Your Spirit!
Please pray for me i deal blasphmous thoughts againylt everything of God its heartbreaking and its horrible :(((( i just want them gone
Yes, then they are gone in Jesus name.
You have the same mind as Christ since you surrendered your life to Him and became born again. You are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus and nothing, absolutely no evil thought can change that. That’s who I am.
Just saying that and believing makes all the difference.
Go ahead and declare it!
My prayer to my lord all the time is for him to keep my mind , with the mind we serve the lord, we need to keep our minds continually in Gods word , l know the Holyspirit will always help me to remember the things of God for my mind. I need Jesus to help me all of my life. ThankyouJESUS I Love YOU . If it where not for you loving me first, i don’t know were i would be, iam so grateful Father God.💕with all my, love your Daughter DELILAH, with all praise to you. 💃💃💃🙌 hallelujah.
The battle is constant in my mind! This is an on time Word! God Bless DOTK!
Father God help me discipline Mt thoughts
I really enjoy this devotion. It makes you think on how much we do focus on the negative.