The Lord is holding you securely.

“Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.” Matthew 5:8

My sister, I don’t know what happened that completely rocked you, but God is fully aware. He knows every detail, and He’s concerned about you. If you put a woman through enough hurt, she can transform into someone God never intended her to be. But not you. You’re not just any woman; you are God’s daughter and my sister. No matter what we endure on this side of eternity, our faith will remain in God. Our hearts will remain turned towards Him, and our arms will continue reaching to help others. When life happens, I imagine God riding the winds to get to me. Imagine your Father riding the winds to get to you and hold you in His arms. He rushes to your aid and helps you. He is your strength. He is your shield. He makes your feet like the feet of a deer, able to climb impossible and dangerous mountains with ease.

Let’s pray: Father God, I pray for my sister reading this now. I pray you will undergird her with your strength and power. Hold her securely in you, Father. Be the anchor of her soul. May she receive the help of your Holy Spirit. Everything meant for her harm will turn around for her good. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

“The Lord God is my strength [my source of courage, my invincible army]; He has made my feet [steady and sure] like hinds’ feet And makes me walk [forward with spiritual confidence] on my high places [of challenge and responsibility]” Habakkuk 3:19, Amplified.

(Read Psalms 104:3)

6 thoughts on “The Lord is holding you securely.”

  1. I was typing this in my notes when the notification of today’s devotional came in…GOD is so good to hold on to us/me! So thankful!

    I typed this because there were several intense family dinners one night in particular as I drove home thinking about HIS beautiful creation and speaking/singing in tongues and HE said this is what I mean by look at YOU- Jenn! You aren’t letting them pull you down or become attached to things that won’t last (one day that fancy home etc plus their works will burn) … but you allow yourself to be mine and humble yourself to give me praise even when you are hurting. I love it how you concentrate on the good, eternal things! And you keep smiling and laughing too.”

  2. Ohhhhhhh my Dad ( ABBA FATHER ) 1st Peter 4 vs 12-19 at night Your voice Exdus 14 – 14 Then this morning DOTK MY MY MY MY THANK YOU GOD THE FATHER GOD THE SON GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT i love ❤️ YOU

  3. Thank your Lord for undergirding me with your strength and power and for holding me securely in you, Father. Be the anchor of my soul. so I may receive the help of your Holy Spirit. Everything meant for my harm will turn around for my good. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  4. Thankÿou for your faithfulness.. I don’t understand how I could get to this point of not recognizing who Iam at times. So many blows to the chest. This was really on time divine appointment to carry me further. Thankyou sister 💓

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