“But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31
I put on my shoes and headed to the front door. I was going for a jog around my neighborhood. It wasn’t just any jog, it was the one you take after having recovered from surgery. The air felt like it was welcoming me back. I had been away, having a baby and healing from a c-section. I had been immersed in motherhood and making our new house into a home. I had been holding my daughter, and going up and down the stairs checking on my other children, trying to make sure they didn’t feel like “other” children, but loved.
My body needed this run, and so I began to run, pacing myself and controlling my breathing. I didn’t expect too much because I knew I hadn’t ran in so long. When I got halfway around the neighborhood, my brain told me I was tired and I should stop, but I continued to push forward. I tuned out the thoughts in my head telling me to quit, and I kept running, telling myself if I made it this far, I can make it even farther. And I did. I finished.
As I approached my house, the LORD began to teach me as He always does through ordinary life experiences. I didn’t think I could make it halfway around the block, but what I didn’t know was God had been preparing me the whole time. While carrying my daughter for months, He was strengthening my arms. And every time I ventured up and down the stairs, He was building the muscles in my legs. I was simply living my life and He was preparing me to run my race without quitting.
I prophesy to you right now: You will run and not get weary. You will walk and will not faint. With every experience, both good and bad, God has been preparing you all along to run your race without quitting. You will mount up with wings as an eagle and you will soar! You are being strengthened as you live your life. When your mind tells you to quit, you will say, “No I’m going to keep going. If I made it this far, I can go even farther. I’m going to finish my race.” And you will by the grace of God.
Amen and amen Praise God I needed this today its been rough but God.
Wow.. When I first read the scripture, I was ok. This is my favorite verse. But then as I read the devotional I almost stopped bc I thought this is not for me. But I kept reading and Praise the Lord for God giving you the prophesy that He did.. that was for me. I’ve been battling all week a battle in my mind .. Why do I even try it seems I can’t get any where. Moving up in my job.. a financial break thru.. the list goes on and on.. I said God I just need you to speak to me and let me know I’m doing what I want me to do.. And Praise the Lord thru your obedience He did.. I’m just going to keep Pressing thru my mess and I’ll smile thru my trial.. God Bless you
So very true!! Many times I decide to listen to the video in my brain. The Spirit of God is the one to keep listening for.
The Lord has finish with me because he has started he will bring it to a successful end I believe.
Amen. Lying here awake wanting to just quit . Praying for renewed strength and this pops up
Peace & Blessings My Dear Sister Lin💖!!!
The Lord gives you what & who you need when you need it & them!!
You Prayed for Renewed Strength & He Answered!!
Now Take It, Thank Him For It & RUN WIT IT!!!! 👟👟🙌🙌
Love Always,
Your DOTK Sister💕🌻
Spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically EXHAUSTED! Wanting to give up, feeling within my spirit that which is greater than myself propelling me forward, reading this devotion affirmation!
Give it to God my sister and rest in him. He knows keep praying without ceasing. Keep your eyes on things above not on things below. Walk by faith not by sight keep praising him.
you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. In Jesus name
when ever I feel discouraged and want to give up I feel prompted to open this devotional and every time the Lord speaks to my heart. Going through some disappointments and don’t know how to pick myself up or where to even start but I will keep pressing…. His Grace will indeed abound. God bless you sister for laying yourself on the table as a bread to feed and sustain others. God bless you
God is good, hallelujah! From being bound to sexual slavery as a child, and a pattern of self destruction through my early adult life leading to toxic, abusive relationships, God saw His daughter and pulled her from the gates of hell with His love. He has given me a heart of compassion, love, forgiveness and servantcy that through the Holy Spirit, I glorify God! I give God praise for the bad times as well as the good. I wouldn’t be the woman I am today had I not had to struggle and face turmoil. Thank you God that I needed you! Now and forever more! Amen
Peace & Blessings My Dear Sister Felicity💖!!!
May God CONTINUE To Bless You!!! THANK YOU LORD For Your Unconditional Love That Has Given My Sister A Loving Heart..In Spite Of..THANK YOU LORD🙌🙌🙌
Love Always,
Your DOTK Sister💕🌹
This sooo blessed me, just sitting, wondering what will my NEXT move be….he’s preparing me and I’m ready!!! Glory Be to God!!! Thanks my Sister!!! It is soo good to know that ALL is well in your life. God has used this Ministry to BLESS my soul sooo many times. Now I would like to speak blessings into your lives. 💛
Amen, I will not quit I will run this race, I’ve come this far why quit. In Jesus Name Amen 💃💃💃🙆♀️🙆♀️🙆♀️🌷⚘
Thank you Lord, I know I didnt come this far to be let down. I trust you. 🙏🙏🙏
Amen. Who do I trust? You Jesus’. In Your Holy Name, Amen.
To you my sister, I thank you for the devotion. thank you.
Thank YOU my LORD FATHER GOD. I believe I receive I TRUST in YOU my LORD JESUS. Thank YOU for Helping me through my LORD HOLY SPIRIT. Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah GLORY GLORY GLORY TO GOD Thank You Sister’s Kesha Dotk Ministrie GLORY TO GOD.” Soooooo on time Thank YOU my LORD JESUS.” GLORY GLORY GLORY TO GOD.”❤⚘❤⚘❤⚘❤⚘❤⚘❤⚘❤⚘❤
Thankyou God for always being by my side while I’m running this race! I will run and not become weary for Thow art with me!
Thank you dear sister and bless you for sharing your life today, and inspiring us to say again, I WILL NOT GIVE UP! Always remembering the Lord is doing a strengthening work in us that we may not see right now. The Lord is building muscles. I have not come this far to give up. I will finish my race. Thank you
Lord.I love You Jesus💜
Amen Thank you God for your love pushing me to keep running this race glory to God keep preparing me oh God and the name of Jesus Amen again 💖💖🙏
Thank you for the uplifting devotional. This is my favorite verse, and when I read your words, God spoke to me and reminded me to apply the lesson to an unpleasant confrontation my husband and I must face together very soon. I am resolved that we will calmly support each other and push through to the end. Please pray God will direct every word we say to the other person.
Thank You Lord🙌🙌!!..Thank You..Thank You..Thank You for preparing me to run & STAY in the race!! Lord, I Thank You!!!
Lord, I Believe & Receive This Blessed, Awesome & Timely Prophetic Word From Your Obedient Servant & My Dear Sister Kesha!! THANK YOU LORD!!! Lord, I Thank You for Your Grace!!!
🎤My testimony is real..
I came this far by Faith..
My road ain’t always been smooth..
But I don’t look like what I’ve been through..
Truth is I’m kept, Bless by the best & one word describes the rest..
Everybody say..GRACE
My Faith, my future looks bright..
He’s brought me from a mighty long way..
I walk by Faith & not by sight..
Oh yeah that’s how I made it where I am today..
I don’t deserve it (undeserved)
I’m talking bout me (unearned)
YOU KNOW ME, You know me better than I do (unmerited)
(Favor) I made some mistakes (undeserved) & I’m not right all the time (unearned)..
But I KNOW (unmerited) He’s a friend of mine (favor)
THANK YOU LORD (undeserved) for keeping ME (unearned)
I can’t (unmerited) I can’t, I can’t THANK YOU ENOUGH (FAVOR)
Yeah GRACE oh..
Time & time again..
Oh GRACE (GRACE) You NEVER left my side..
Everybody say..GRACE
NOBODY can do me like YOU do..
THANK YOU for bringing me through..
GRACE is sufficient for me..
Sometimes I feel like I can’t make it, but I’m making it, it’s ALL because of Your GRACE..
God Is Good All The Time & All The Time God is Good..
Amazing GRACE how sweet..
Your GRACE is sweet..
Lord, I Thank You For Being Sweet To Me🎶
Lord, Please Continue To Bless & Shine Your Light Of Love Upon Your Obedient Servant Sister Kesha, Her Awesome Team, This Amazing Ministry, My Sister Felicia & My DOTK Sisters💖!!
Be Blessed, Stay Humble & Encouraged!!!
Love Always, Your DOTK Sister In Christ, Wendy💕
May God CONTINUE To Bless You & Yours ABUNDANTLY & CONTINUE To Shine His Light Of Love, Happiness & Good Health Towards You & Yours!❤
This I Pray In Jesus’ Holy Name..Amen🙏
Ty my dearest sister Wendy for your beautiful songs. Really faith building! Bless you & love you always 💖
Peace & Blessings My Dearest Sister Lynne💖!!!
Loving You ALWAYS💕
Yes Lord yes thank you Jesus I love you God