The Story of Kesha

This morning, while doing an activity with the students, I had them write a short story about their lives. I would love it if you could do the same and share it here. Here’s mine. I truly hope you enjoy it!

“Once upon a time, there was a little girl. She was very tiny and stayed many weeks in the hospital. Premature is what they called it, but she was born right on time if you ask her. She loved playing outdoors and loved figuring things out. Growing up, her mother called her destructive; she preferred “scientific.” Her little sister called her weird; she preferred “unique.” Words mattered very much to her, and as a teenager, she began writing poetry. Her life felt like a Langston Hughes poem. Gritty. Truthful. Beautiful.

Coming to know the Lord was a game-changer for her. He was her First Love and her First Father. Growing up without a Dad in those early years made her long for one. She sought out fathers in church, movies, and television. And when Charles from Little House on the Prairie died in real life, it impacted her. She had to learn through life how to let God be her stability.

She met her soulmate in college, and they had six beautiful babies. Only with God’s help was she able to stay home for 19 years and raise them. Her family and close friends saw how well she managed her life and family and thought she was superwoman. But they soon realized she was not. She had a nervous breakdown in 2013 and tried to end it all. Everyone saw her rock bottom and couldn’t believe it. But God, right? He picked her up as gently and delicately as her premature birth and helped her regain her strength. He then gave her the mission to go and help her sisters discover their identity in Christ and their worth.

For the rest of her days, she continued to help her husband, raise her family, release her gifts into the earth, and help her sisters, but this time, she knew to do it with God every step of the way. She died in old age with a smile on her face. It freaked everyone out as they passed her casket. She went on to glory, full of years, and a life well-lived! God said to her, well done, My daughter, you may enter My rest!

The end.”

20 thoughts on “The Story of Kesha”

  1. I enjoyed reading you story. It speaks personally to me in certain situations as I was born premature as well. I agree you are amazing and I am glad the Lord kept you here to fulfill your purpose. Blessings, Shalom and Agape 👀🙏🏽♥️📖🙌🏽

  2. Here is my story.

    Bea’s Story
    Little did I know how my mom would shape me into the woman I am today. I was the first girl after four boys. As a little girl I longed for a friend to play with and along came 2 more sisters, who I could finally play with and have a friendship with. I was my Dad’s favorite and I was a joyful little girl till adversity struck in December of 1972. My mom had 8 kids and she struggled. She ended up having a mental breakdown when I was eight after she gave birth to my little sister – no. 7, and ended up with a mental illness after that- she had 4 psychotic episodes in my childhood- each time having to be taken away and hospitalized. Glory to God, she became a believer at first breakdown in 1972. God sent all the right people to help us in those turbulent years. That initial night changed my life forever. I encouraged my crying mother as she cried all night saying she was going to die- I didn’t sleep a wink! In the morning my eight year old self said- see you didn’t die. Since then subconsciously I’ve always try to help people in distress. I became a woman of compassion. My husband would always say to me- Bea- you can’t save the world. And he was right – only I knew Jesus could. I became a believer at 25 and poured my love and devotion on my family – my two sons and husband. I loved my husband and little did I know what awaited me in 2020 that forever changed my life. My husband had a mental crisis and one day during the locked up Covid hot August summer – everything came to a head – his demons got the best of him and he took his life. It devastated me. I went into momma bear mode – rushing to help my boys. I questioned God and was angry. He helped me and continues to heal me. It has given me a heart for widows. I now lead a widows group and minister to hurting people w compassion when I cross paths with them. My husband was right – I can’t save the world- but Jesus can. I just never thought this would be my story – but I will not have the enemy have the last word. I will live out my life with compassion and love for hurting people. Being a woman of virtue – guiding my two sons, grandson and God willing with many more to come. The Lord has much more in store for me! I have a bright future. I will love like Jesus.

    1. Beautiful, He used your pain for your purpose! God is so good and kudos to you Sis for not letting the enemy win! Jehovah Nissi!

  3. Beautiful story, beautiful life too!
    God does use the weak things to show His Glory….encourages me that He will make something good out of my me and my messes…nothing is impossible with God. My beautiful story is going to happen. Kind of in a lull right now and I’m barely hanging on to hope. Actually I wouldn’t have hope has it not been for a vision he gave me in August 2024. So though it tarry I wait for it…wait as in praying, smiling, singing His Praises, trusting and worshiping Him through it-this waiting time. The joy of the Lord is mine!

  4. I can Identify ,a mother of 5 became a widow with five little ones they are now adults my God still sustaining Me and help me raise them I’m now a grandma or four and one coming have a son Jose youth Pastor compassionate daughters a struggling son with addictions in recovery praise God! And have a lot of compassion and love for hurting people as well and the lover of my soul is truly Jesus!

  5. Darlene’s Story
    I started out as a child of an alcoholic mother and my father died when I was very young. I was told he was dead and wasn’t coming back and we were moving to another house. Physical abuse as well as mental abuse became worse after my father died. I had 3 older siblings and 3 younger siblings. I was the eight year old babysitter sometimes without lights or food. We were left alone often a neighbor would check on us and feed us. Someone called Social Services and we were put in Foster Care. Thank the Lord this was a blessing my own bed food love and security. My Foster Mom was a Christian Woman age 68 at the time. She never talked harsh to us she had a Sears Credit Card for our clothes and let us select items from the catalog . She made homemade food daily and someone was always at home. She made sure I got therapy because I was molested by one of my mother’s boyfriends. I was having Panic Attacks back to back after several years of therapy and medication they subsided. We went to church every Sunday and Wednesday. I received a Social Security check and my Foster Mom saved for me a car at 16. I worked at a grocery store after school. Life was good and she had a strict schedule for us and I am so thankful God placed her in our life. I later married and had 2 children boy and a girl. My daughter passed at the age of 26 years old from a blood disease.
    That really hurt and sent me back into Panic Disorder and my husband left the same year. After 30 years of marriage he constantly cheated but I wanted a real family so I prayed things would get better. I didn’t want to be alone not considering God was there all the time. Rejection fear and withdrawal from everything became my go to at 55 years old. An older woman took me under her wings and encouraged me along the way. I got back into Church and I literally had to learn to do things by myself. But God was always with me. My life wasn’t easy but I am a better person for all the trials and tribulations I endured. Thank you Jesus 🙌🏾🙏🏽❤️

  6. I LOVE how you wrote this!
    That’s an excellent, positive way to do your story.
    Your story is wonderful!
    Thank you!

  7. I loved reading your story. It was so well-written and I found myself smiling at the end. Thank you for sharing! And I am grateful to God, for using you in such a powerful way, in the ministry HE has given you. May the Lord continue to greatly bless both you and your entire family.

  8. Wondering why all the comments are mixing up,can read 17th Jan comments on 18th devotional write up making everything cluttered and hard to comprehend… Don’t know if any other person is experiencing this or just me… Need this to be rectify if possible pls….This devotional have been my daily meal for more than three years now and I enjoys it…
    More grace sis Keisha..
    Remain blessed 🙏

  9. Aimee’s Story

    My life is a testimony to God’s Glory and here is my story. It begins very fuzzy because I was abandoned and can only remember so much but do not know my birth story but God does and I bet it was beautiful. The first memory I have is how God protected me in a genocide, I was only 2 years old. My mom constantly abandoned me, until I was 6 when she finally left me and never came back. I was passed from home to home, but God was my rock. I kept growing in grace regardless of all the hurt and pain. I was adopted by my father who molested me for years and his wife who made my life a living hell but God continued to keep me, He was my strength. I was a dreamer and God would appear to me and show me that there was a better life. I tried to take my life but God did not allow me to die, He cancelled every attack of the enemy. I also met my soulmate in College, we got married and had 4 children, 2 lived and the other 2 are in heaven. God worked on my broken heart, and is still working to heal me and make me whole, while also working through me to be a light and His voice. If it wasn’t for God I would be dead, my story has so many layers, but ultimately it shows how there is not a single thing God cannot deliver us from. The enemy continues to attack me and accuse me, but God calls me His and I will continue to be who He created me to be till He calls me home. One day I will have a book

    God bless you Kesha, your story is amazing and I am so thankful for your obedience and these daily devotional
    Love, Aimee ❤️

  10. I read your story Kesha I heard your pain.I am a grateful recovering alcoholic and addict,I had to go through that because my God needed me to go out and carry his message to his people,I wouldn’t have understood if I hadn’t walked through it.God gives to his strongest warriors, salute to my strong sister warrior

  11. Isn’t much to say about my life. I was extremely shy and that made people consider me square. I wasn’t one of my moms favorites. I wasn’t anyone’s favorite.
    I constantly think about how teachers always helped the ‘pretty girls” in class and how my mom and her friend laughed in my face as a kid saying how no one wanted to watch me because I was a little ugly baby. I still look in the mirror and not see beauty. Regardless of how hard I try to go by what the word tells me.
    My maternal grandmother was an Eastern Star and my paternal grandfather a Mason but we were not brought up in a household that taught of God. At 52 I still feel as an immature babe on milk.
    What I can say is but God. He’s never taken his hands off me. Not even when I decided to pick up the Bible on my own and read the entire book, didn’t understand some things so I decided to go in the wrong direction on purpose. I wasn’t ready to lose my life at such a young age, I interpreted as physically.
    Eventually I came back to the word and I’m trying. I’m trying. I love the Lord. Thank you Father! Thank you Jesus!

  12. MY GOD CAN DO ANYTHING…..Thanks for this Keisha….An Amazing Read ….. Thanks for Sharing,…… I have been meaning to write ✍🏼 my Eulogy and date it…..even though I am only 63 & in good heath….. when it’s read at my service it will be like me talking from the Casket but everyone will know I wrote it long before. Let’s NOT Fear for the Future My Sisters 👯‍♀️ God will take good care of us

  13. Beautiful story sis. Keisha!

    My story.
    From a childhood filled with trauma & disfunction, to a teenager having two daughters by 18 yrs old. Witnessing a murder of my first baby’s dad being killed in front of me while 3 months pregnant, more trauma added to my ptsd I already had since a child. Attempted my 1st suicide at 9 yrs, then 15, then 21. Why Lord, just let me die. Hooked on drugs became a way to suffocate the pain, that took me into becoming a functional addict with now four beautiful daughters. Smiling on the outside but struggling so bad on the inside. I lost my only sister to an overdose, then her son that was killed after she passed. I couldn’t breathe! I couldn’t see tomorrow.
    Then one day my oldest daughter at 18 years of age was arrested and facing 20 yrs in prison. Her and I were very close, remember her daddy was killed in front of me so she had already experienced trauma in the womb, I sheltered all my kids and worked full time to keep us all together and when that ph call came in that my daughter was in jail brought me to surrender to the Lord. It was the best thing to ever happen to us both, she got saved in prison and I was instantly delivered from my over 30 year addiction! Out of the 20 years she did 1 year and went into a Christian recovery home for women where there she was used in a powerful way. She married and has a beautiful family. I married a great man of God and I’ve been serving in my church for over 20 years. Do I still have a little ptsd? I do see it trying to slip back into my life, but I stay close to the Lord, in my word and serving and reaching the hurting ppl of this world! The enemy tries to bring fear, but by the blood of the Lamb I’ve been truly set free. I can now face tomorrow!

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