“Trust in and rely confidently on the Lord with all your heart and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know and acknowledge and recognize Him, and He will make your paths straight and smooth [removing obstacles that block your way]” Proverbs 3:5-6, Amplified
When we are in a place in our lives where we have more questions than answers, we need to trust Him. We need to trust that He is up to something good, even though we have no idea what that is. We need to trust that His plan for us is not for disaster, and that He is leading us to our future and hope. Let’s anticipate His good plan for us! Even when we look with our natural eyes, and we see things we do not understand, let’s choose to stand on our faith in Jesus! Let’s trust in and confidently rely upon His goodness and trustworthiness!
Instead of trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together to get a picture of where we are headed and what God is doing, let’s use the only piece of the puzzle we have in our hands. It is the piece of faith. Faith is defined as the complete trust or confidence in someone or something. As believers, we get to put our complete trust and confidence in Jesus! How awesome is that! As the God of our salvation, He wants us to trust Him and not be afraid.
Let’s rejoice in Him Who is our strength and song! Let’s trust Him beyond what we see! He wants us to look straight ahead and focus our gaze upon Him and Him alone, and refuse to look at the stormy skies or heed the voices of suspicion and fear. He wants us to put the hand up to the devil and his nonsense and say, “Talk to the right hand of the Father because I’m not listening to you anymore. I am trusting in the Lord and my gaze is focused on Him!”
Prayer: Father, I love You so much and I am so happy to be Your daughter! I want to trust You more. I am sorry for my lack of trust. Please forgive me and change me. You deserve my full trust! Give me unshakeable faith in You! Give me a heart to see what my eyes can not see. Give me feet to step into the unknown, knowing that You hold my future in Your hands, and that You absolutely will not fail me! Grant me more courage, my Lord! Grant me more strength where I am still weak! Let my faith rise! Let my trust in You explode and take me to new heights in You! Let me always remember that all of my hope is in You, Lord Jesus! Make me fearless because my trust is in the One Who goes before me! In the Mighty Name of Jesus I pray. Amen.
(Read Jeremiah 29:11; Isaiah 12:2; Proverbs 4:25-27; 2 Corinthians 5:7; Deuteronomy 31:6-8)
Another right on time message. Amen!
Thank you for posting this devotion its very timely to me the blessings of the Lord be upon you
Amen very good breakdown of the scriptures on totally trusting and relying on God thanks Sabrina for the word it was refreshing this morning
I put my trust in YOU Lord that You will release Jimmy your anointed from the correction center and give him beauty for ashes for the 25 years he’s served. I trust YOU Lord that You will bless my son Tim and his wife Michelle to be released from homelessness and be blessed with their own home. I trust YOU Lord that You will bless Melvin, Joe, Denise, Rodney and all the people that concerns me with health and strength. I trust YOU Lord that You will bless my son Torrian and his wife Sunny with a healthy happy baby in March. These blessings and more i ask in Jesus name amen 👐❤
Thank you God this again and again because your words are So true to me My heart is full with your Love God I trusted you all the way my future is and your hands and my eyes are you on you God thank you and Jesus name Amen
This is the cry of my heart! Make me fearless Lord I can’t do it on my own. Help me grow strong faith. Amen, Amen!
This couldn’t have come to me at a better time..God is so good and God is so real..just when you think and feel that you have been forgotten or a bit unworthy bcus of ur sins he does something to remind you that’s not true! He does something to show you its time to stop allowing the devil to hover ur mind to stop playing with your thoughts! Time to stop letting him dance on shoulders!!..He does something to show u..that even though you’ve been a bit lost he’s still always been right there ready and waiting to guide you…you just have to look up..pick ur head up.dust off tht devil,put ur hand in God’s n now Allow him to lead..and just TRUST that he’s got you..he always has and always will..
Hallelujah❗ 💜 💃👏💃
Let’s walk it out ❗🙌🙏🙏
Confidently DOTK❗👑 🌹
😘IN GOD WE TRUST ❗💯💓💕💖💞💘💌
As a wise friend likes to say, “Just do the next right thing.” It’s not about knowing all that may happen in order to trust but just being obedient one step at a time. “Trust and obey, for there is no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey.”
This is definitely an on time message once again! I will continue to pray and trust God to move the mountains that are in my life and others. When you are down to nothing, God is up to something! Hallelujah!!
Awesome word!!! Lord my deepest desire is to hear from you clearly and when I hear I ask for the Grace to promptly obey your voice. May delay and rationalisation of issues before action be a thing of the past. I know you speak to me and l hear your voice. “I know my sheep and my sheep knows my voice”. As I learn to trust you in all things, please grant me the Grace to wholly obey you. I love you Lord
Your dear,K K
Your speaking to me again Father. This is the scripture you have Always given me, since I’ve lost my father in 2007. I do struggle with leaning on my own understanding thinking I have it all figure out. But I Don’t. So without you I am nothing. I pray in Jesus name please Help me to Trust and to Lean on you not myself. Love your Daughter, Candice 😊
You are so good Father i trust you to be my strength. You are my hiding place where i can go when i feel weak. You always renew me.i know that you are continually blessing me. 💘 you Jesus
I love this scripture proverbs 3:5-6. Thank you for this word that reminds me of who God is and to trust Him. Trust Him even when I don’t understand or know what to do about all the stuff life brings you and throws my way. I know when I trust Him it’s being worked out for my good. Hallelujah! 😃 All of the praises belongs to you LORD!!!
Thank father I will trust you always.