
“When my heart was grieved and I was pierced within, I was senseless and ignorant; I was a brute beast before You.” Psalm 73:21-22

Have you ever been called “toxic”? Now, that’s a word that has gained popularity in recent years. No one likes being called toxic. No one. It’s defined as poisonous, or very harmful, or unpleasant in a pervasive or insidious way. It first appeared in the 1660s as toxique in French, from Latin toxicum “poison,” and from Greek toxikon (poison) for use on arrows.

King David wrote how he became a senseless and ignorant brute beast when experiencing the sharp pain of heartache. He understood toxic behavior. What is God’s view? He reminds us of our true identity in Christ. He calls us His daughters, and that is what He wants us to focus on and identify with as He works on the healing and transformation that’s taking place inside all of our hearts and minds.

Truth is, hurting people hurt people. It is also true that apart from Christ, we all are in pretty bad shape and will do some bad things that harm each other. We need the Holy Spirit to heal from the inside, and a community of believers that will love and accept us where we are while we heal and learn His ways.

Jesus took and carried away all of our sins, all of our griefs. He paid the ultimate price so we could experience His power to live in such a way that brings honor to His name. If someone still wants to call you toxic and see you that way, let that be between them and God, but you know who you are. You know who you are.

Prayer: Father, I ask that you heal the pain and hurt that has caused toxic behavior in my life. Forgive me and help me forgive anyone who has hurt me. I reject the label of being toxic and I will not label my sisters in Christ that way. I refuse it, and I receive who you say I am. Father, heal my heart and soul, and help me learn how to treat people right. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

5 thoughts on “Toxic”

  1. If someone still wants to call you toxic and see you that way, let that be between them and God, but you know who you are.

    I think if someone is calling us that it has a reason, and that reason or behavior might be true. Even thought we are renewed through christ that doesn’t mean we are perfect and we just have to ignore a person when she points my damaging behavior. Let’s be humble enough to accept when we have to change something is not reflecting christ

    1. I agree, we should be humble enough to see what needs changing and take it to the Lord.
      There’s also the possibility that you’ve already done this and that person still wants to judge you based on the “old you”, especially if you have parted ways so they don’t realize all that God has done IN you; this is when you let it remain between them and God. He always has a way of letting your good fruits shine for His glory. This is being humble as well.

  2. Oh! That is a negative word and I have been said many of times by me. I know I have called a relationship or 2 that I ha e to be “Toxic” because of what the men have put me through and what they were dealing with I their lives and they didn’t want to change to make it better. I know I don’t want to be around any toxicity, dysfunction, or negativity. If I can’t help you, I surly don’t want to hurt you. Especially, if you’re hurting already because I want to leave you in better shape when you leave than the way you came. That’s why I limit myself around people if I can’t help build them up, because I don’t want to bring them down or them bring me down. I want to continually to have a heart of gratitude and contentment with thanksgiving!!! The Lord have been mighty good through the trails and tribulations because He’s been my Sustainer and much more!!! Being toxic or being in it isn’t good for anyone. Then, we have to know our purpose and knowing the will of our Father and stepping out on faith. And knowing the enemy is already defeated.πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ


  3. Good timing Sister Kesha. While this devotion is always appropriate, it is even moreso lately. I thank our Father for you & your shared wisdom. May God bless us all & grant us peace β€οΈπŸ™πŸ•Š

  4. Yes, may the Lord help me to be sensitive to my actions and ways that is toxic in His sight in my life as well as others. In Jesus’ name. Blessings, Shalom and Agape πŸ‘€πŸ™πŸ½πŸ“–β€πŸ™πŸ½

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