From DOTK Live aired on 3/30/23 β€œWhen God gives you a dream!” Kesha Trippett

Scriptures: Genesis 37:8; Ephesians 6:16; Colossians 3:16; Romans 10:17; 2 Timothy 1:9

hey there my beautiful powerful strong
mighty great
redeemed of God Loved by God purchased by God
chosen by God appointed by God called by God caring compassionate
sisters of mine beautiful sisters of mine sweet sugar is
sweet sisters of mine Hallelujah Fearless confident
fiery bold courageous creative
free sisters of mine how y’all doing how you
doing how you doing how you doing how you doing how you doing how you doing God is good
on today he is good good morning hi Christine hi
Mercy hi Janelle hi Cynthia hey my beautiful sisters
hey Pamela how you doing Mama praise God God is good God is so good
Hallelujah I feel led to get on here today God placed on my heart hey Felicia God
place in my heart to get on here today and I’m just flowing with him
got a word for anybody that needs a word right now hi Samantha praise God let’s
go ahead and get into it God is good father God we pray in the name of Jesus we thank you for this time
we thank you for this day father you are so good you are so true and you are so
faithful and you love us so much thank you for your love thank you for your goodness thank you for your wisdom your
understanding and knowledge thank you your holy spirit is with us to lead us into all truth and father we ask that
you lead us into your truth today Father lead us me and my sisters into all truth today
help me Lord God my tongue is yielded to you to say whatever you give me to say
father is yield and I pray my sister’s ears and their hearts are yielded to you as well to receive from you father all
of us are yielded right now and we pray holy spirit that you have your way in Jesus name we give you all the glory all
of the honor for what’s going to take place today right now in Jesus name
amen amen amen amen amen praise God
the Lord of God hallelujah thank you Lord
not a lawyer I was um the past few days guys been
ministering to my heart and I I’ve been hearing the word dream right
been hearing the word dream and been thinking about I was reading
Psalms 126 and in Psalms 1 26 it talks about how when the Lord
brought the people out of captivity they said that they were like them that
dream they said we were like them that dream
when God brought them out of captivity they were like them that dream
and that word dream stood out to me because lately
God has been revealing some dreams to me he has been
reminded me of some dreams that I have and I’ve just been hearing that not just for me but the entire body of Christ he
said this is a very special time very precious time he’s reminding people
of deep deep dreams that that you’ve probably forgotten about you’re probably forgotten
and God is just bringing those dreams back to your remembrance things that you said I would love to do
that I would love to create that I would love to go there I would love to do that
particular thing and God is reminding us of deep deep-hearted dreams right and he’s even
given us new dreams helping us expanding our vision and
expanding our our desires helping us to dream bigger right
and so the while this is taking place the Lord began to remind me about Joseph
and how Joseph had a dream the Bible talks about in Genesis chapter 37 my
sisters talks about in Genesis chapter 37 how God gave Joseph A Dream
not only did Joseph have a robe of Many Colors given to to given to him by his
dad Not only was he born of of of his father’s favorite wife
Rachel but he not only did he have these things
he was his dad’s favorite born of that of his dad’s favorite wife
uh given a robe of many colors but he also had a dream
and so his Step Brothers heard the dream Joseph shared the dream
with them he’s a sight of the body like guys guess what I had a dream shared
that dream with his brothers the Bible says in Genesis chapter 37
verse 8. the B part of that verse says so they hated him even more for his dreams
and for his words and then God gave him another dream
so right when he was experiencing this amazing time in his life where he’s
receiving all of his all of this love from his father at the same time that he’s experiencing
love and favor and experiencing these dreams he’s experiencing deep hatred
and so the Lord began to talk to me right he’s getting to talk to me and he said at the same time that you’re
experiencing dreams being revealed to you I’m showing you things I’m showing you things that
you’ve never known I’m expanding your vision I’m causing causing you to see
things I’m causing you to become aware of what my dreams are for you not just
what you’re dreaming in your heart but God has he’s beginning to awaken his people and open our eyes to what his
dreams are for us and what he’s wanting to do for us
and the thing that’s happening is you’re beginning to agree with God and you’re
beginning to say okay I can see myself doing that okay okay okay lord I can’t
see myself going there I can’t see myself becoming that I can do that okay
father I received that dream I receive that Lord wow that’s what you’ve shown
me wow and you’re receiving God’s love you’re receiving his favor you’re
receiving that robe of Many Colors you’re receiving who you are in Christ you’re lining right up with it you’re
agreeing with it you’re receiving it and you’re beginning to accept it even more
and so in this beautiful time in your life in this precious time in your life
there is nothing new Under the Sun nothing new the same devil that influenced Joseph’s
step-brothers is influencing and working in people today that same Spirit of
hatred it’s it’s working and operating and whoever gives them him boys whoever
wants to yield themselves to be used by the devil in this day and time to operate in any type of Envy jealousy and
hatred the devil is looking for somebody to use
he’s looking for somebody to use and and sometimes it’s the people right in your house people right in your family people
right close to you and that’s he says as deep as the dreams
are as deep as it is God says there’s there’s gonna come some deep hurts
there’s gonna come some deep hatred there’s gonna come some deep effect deep
attacks from the enemy that’s gonna it’s gonna cut deep one because you you can see that
somebody in the world coming at you like that but you didn’t expect that from this particular person you didn’t expect
them to do that to you you didn’t expect them to come at you like that you
thought they were for you you thought they were on your side you thought they were with you and they come at you like
that and oppose you and come against your calling and come against what God showed you and come against anything
that God has put in your heart to do you didn’t expect that from them
but God says there’s nothing new Under the Sun my sisters there’s nothing new Under the Sun
that same spirit is looking to influence somebody so that they can come at you
you’re in this season of dreams you’re in this season of purpose you’re in this time in your life and it’s the most
beautiful time because you’re finally beginning to agree with it you’re finally beginning to say okay Lord I
receive that I I submit myself to that yes Lord I wear this robe of Many Colors
yes Lord I’m wearing your love I’m wearing your favorite I choose to receive it father
yes Shine Your Light On Me father Yes I receive everything you say about me
just like Joseph and then right when you begin to experience dreams
and you begin to talk about those dreams God don’t want you to muzzle yourself
Joseph wasn’t wrong he wasn’t in error to talk about those dreams his brothers
were in error you’re not an error to talk about what God is doing in your life you’re not an error to share what
God has shown you you’re not an error you’re not an error if God is telling you to Proclaim his goodness in your
life you’re not an error to talk about those things Joseph had as much freedom to talk about the goodness of God as he
wanted to it was on his brothers to say yes that’s right you are love yes that’s
right you are going to be great yes that’s right you are going to be a mighty force in this earth yes that’s
right you are favored by God that was for them to to acknowledge yes
yes but what did they do the Bible says they
hated him even more so much so they sold him into slavery
and we know that story we know how God turned that thing around for him
can you imagine how Joseph felt can you imagine how that must have felt
to have your own Brothers do that to you
but what did God do and what did God how did God lead Joseph to respond
Joseph had a faith response that God God loves me
God favors me God is with me in this dream that he’s given me
it will still come to pass we are like Joseph in this time
we are and no matter what hatred no matter what has been done that looks like it’s
throwing you off the course that God has for you it looks like it looked like the actions of
somebody do you of course just like with Joseph but what we find is that actually God
used that it was necessary that Joseph ended up in Egypt God allowed that
God allowed it he’ll allow the attacks of the enemy
he’ll allow the adversity the opposition all of it the rejection all of it
to put you even more into his perfect plan perfect will for your life God
allows it because it really is working together for your good the enemy means
it for harm but God always means it for good
and so God will God will allow it because he knows the devil is so ignorant he has not learned by now God
is the only one that’s all wise he’s most high God all wise God
and the devil still thinks that he can outsmart God he still thinks that he can outsmart god
with you and your plan and God’s purpose for your life he still thinks that he can put in
somebody’s heart to come against God’s plan for your life and he can still think he still thinks that it’s gonna
work they can somehow avert God’s plan and and destroy your
destiny and destroy those dreams and destroy your purpose and take you completely off course
look if I heard of this much if I cause this person to come at her if
I cause this person to reject her if I cause this person to leave her surely
that will distract her that will hinder her and it will cause her to go off course
surely those dreams will not come to pass now surely God won’t love her now
she don’t look so favorite by God now
but nothing that happens to you changes your position in God nothing that
happens to you changes how favorite you are in God’s sight and how he feels
about you you are still so loved you are still so favored you are still wrong
with a robe of Many Colors God has still put dreams in you and those dreams will come to pass they will come to pass they
will come to pass they will
because you didn’t give yourself those dreams God gave those to you he revealed those things to you and
everything he has shown you will come to pass in God’s perfect timing in his
perfect way you will be everything God created you to be and you will do
everything God created you to do before it’s all said and done before you
check out of here you ain’t going nowhere until you fulfill every single detail of God’s purpose and plan for
your life you’re not going anywhere until you live a full life
a full life an abundant life
a dream realized life and you’re gonna live in that dream
and you’re gonna live in the favor of God and you’re gonna see his goodness in the land of the living
there’s nothing nobody can do no matter who allows themselves to be used by the
enemy to come at you
it’s only gonna work for your favor and so I agree with God you agree with
God and you keep on agreeing with God don’t you start questioning what God has called you to do don’t start questioning
now no you agreed at first and now you continue to agree you are that woman
you are called to do that great thing you are that Kingdom woman you are her
you are that and you are gonna operate on that level and you are going to be that woman that does that work that’s
going to bring God create Glory and you continue to agree with it and
you continue to agree with yes you are so loved by God and yes you are so favored by God you may be in a pit right
now you may be in an uncomfortable situation right now but you keep on believing that God loves
you he favors you he’s with you and his dreams for your life will come to pass
in his perfect timing in his perfect way all of his working together for your
good and what the enemy meant for your harm God is turning around for your good
because he loves you the Bible says in Ephesians chapter 6.
what do we needed to do what are we needing to do what’s our attitude what’s our attitude what’s our response right
Ephesians chapter 6. talks about the whole armor right
whether he what does he say is the is the one that we need to Above All Above All pieces of armor what do we need to
put on right now what do we need to focus on right now above all Ephesians chapter 6.
trying to find it verse is it verse 16 verse 16 above all taking the shield of
faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one
above all taking the shield of faith
that Shield was a type of Shield that covers the whole body you hold it up it covers the
whole body your head your body your feet every part of you covered you hold that
thing up and it quenches every single fiery Dart of the enemy my husband was
sharing with me some things that he had read recently about how the Roman soldiers
how they would take that iron and cover it with layers and layers and layers of
leather then it was soak that leather they would soak that shield in water and
what that would do is whenever they would do this before battle and whenever
battle would come whenever they were in battle because they had these layers and layers of leather covering that iron and
they had everything soaked in water whenever those darts that was fiery
darts coming at them it would extinguish and put out those darts
and so God says I want my people what is faith faith comes by hearing
faith comes by hearing hearing by the word of God Romans 10 to 10 I believe
Romans 10 let me get that right 10 17 is it Romans 10 17.
I want to make sure I tell you right
Romans 10 yeah Romans 10 17 so then faith comes by
hearing and hearing by the word of God right and so your faith your faith it’s like
it’s like soaking so that leather upon leather upon leather
that Shield of faith you hearing the word of God you’re hearing the word of God you hear it and you hear it and
you’re hearing it you’re hearing the word of God today and what is that that’s another layer of leather
covering your Shield covering the faith that you already have the Bible talks about also in Colossians
chapter 3 verse 16 about letting the word of Christ dwell in you richly in
all wisdom and so and so when God says you develop Faith by hearing the word of
God and receiving the word of God it doesn’t mean that he wants you to do this all day right with your head
focused on the Bible not doing anything because your head is focused in the in the Bible and you’re
just reading scripture all day no you take the scripture that means that God has allowed to really resonate with you
you take that scripture and all throughout the day you’re just letting it dwell in you you just letting it
abide with you you just you’re just thinking about it you’re meditating on it you’re saying it out of your mouth thinking about it meditating on it
speaking that out of your mouth all throughout the day all throughout the day
all throughout the day you just thinking about it how can I apply to this word in my life how does this word what does
this word mean to me what is this scripture mean to me what is this story in the Bible means to me
how can I how can this change my my attitude and my perspective and how I
respond today in situations that I face today
and you let it abide in you that’s like soaking that shield in water you know
the battle is coming you know it’s coming the devil’s not just gonna sit back and let you be all
loved and favored and all walking and blessings and walking in the goodness of God and he don’t come at you
you know the battle’s Gonna Come and so what are you doing you learn that
word soak [Music] you let it soak
by meditating all right this is how God sees me all right okay be anxious for nothing but in
everything my prayer is supplication with Thanksgiving this my request be made known unto God
and the God of Peace will guard My Heart Guard my mind through Christ Jesus Keisha lashante tripping be anxious for
nothing Lacey Tifa Pamela Catherine
Julia be anxious for nothing be anxious for nothing but in everything
by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving let my requests be made known unto God
and the God of Peace be anxious for nothing and you’re saying
that and you’re thinking about it you’re meditating on it you’re soaking you’re soaking
when that fiery Dart come and it will come
it’s gonna hit against that Shield of faith and it may even surprise you
to where you like man I didn’t snap wow
wow I didn’t respond Negative they came at me with hatred and I responded in
love they came in me one way but I responded
I didn’t even I didn’t say anything usually I got a whole lot to say
but I was able to keep my mouth
that Shield of Faith what is faith faith is confidence that God is who he says he is and he
will do what he says he will do faith is a full persuasion it’s a full
Assurance of the character of God the word of God the nature of God God’s
presence in your life anything that coming true it just hits against that Shield that’s covering your
entire body [Music]
and you’ll be ready you’ll be ready for the tense you’ll be ready for the storm you’ll be
ready even some of you don’t don’t some of you
some of you don’t even know the level the depth of God’s word in you
you didn’t even know you don’t even know how deeply that word has been a has been abiding in you you don’t know I know
people see you as powerful and people see you as a strong woman of God and all of that but you don’t even know how
strong you are until you put in a test you don’t even know how deep that word
has been in you until you see those darts coming
and you’re staying and you’re able to respond in faith and you’re still able to continue to
move forward in where God has called you to do and told you to do you’re still able to move forward it
didn’t throw you off it didn’t throw you off but you keep on advancing and you keep
on moving forward and God’s plan and purpose for your life that fiery dark didn’t work this time
why because you got that Shield of Faith covering you
and your confidence is not in yourself anymore your confidence is in the isn’t
a God that you serve your confidence is in him
your trust is in him praise God
praise God and so God he’s he that’s he wants our
response to be a faith response with all the hate
you have faith that God loves you you have faith that he has called you
you have faith and he favors you just like with Joseph he had those many dreams all that love from his father all
that favor from his father the blessings of his father the dreams from his Heavenly Father
even with all the hate you never once see Joseph retaliating you never once
see Joseph just going off on all his brothers and some of you so they say he would
have been Justified to just cut all of them out he would have been Justified
moving on to see Joseph doing none of that right
even when his brothers came his Step Brothers came to see him and they didn’t even know that that was his brother even
when they came to Egypt because there was a famine in the land Joseph could have had all of them
executed and said hey these persons they could have been on the most wanted list
the most wanted list is it as soon as this is what they look
like and they’re the reason why I ended up here as soon as you see them execute them
he had the power he had the position he had the authority and there’s nothing
that tests character like power that that’s what shows who you really
are when you’re put in a position where you can execute your enemy and you can
execute and you can do something against those who did something against you but you choose not to do that you choose not
to go there you choose to love that’s what shows our character is power
and Joseph had the power he had the authority he had the authority
he chose to love and I believe in it by the spirit of God
I believe that God is going to help us have the same character he’s developing US in US the same character
the same the same character the same Integrity the same humility
Same Heart I love Dr Marlon Martin Luther King Jr
he talked about how Darkness can’t drive out Darkness
only light can do that hatred can’t drive out hate only only love can do that
and so the more we respond somebody responded to you and hate comes
at you with hate and then you respond and hate that this multiplies it
and it does us no good you will never see not one post whether
on that K or on my personal page or anywhere where I’m talking about my haters
hey that’s beneath me it’s beneath me
you will never never
I don’t I don’t give them free promotion I don’t give Nobody Free marketing
you’ll never hear me talk about my haters and what my haters said and what my haters are doing
you know why because God has shown me the real culprit is the hater of all haters
and it’s the devil he’s the real culprit
so I’m gonna rebuke him and love my brother I’m gonna rebuke the devil and
love my sister I’m not the mess beneath me
uh so you don’t you don’t you don’t you don’t you don’t spend time talking about that you pray and you rebuke the enemy
that’s influencing all that behavior and you recognize it for what it really is
and you see the real enemy behind it all it was the devil operating in Joseph’s
Step Brothers nobody but the devil trying to trying to stop God’s plan
the devil didn’t like that Joseph was so loved by his father the devil didn’t like that he was so favored by his
father the devil didn’t like that he had a role of Many Colors because the devil missed his opportunity he got kicked out
of heaven and there’s no way he can get put back
and so he was operating and because his brothers in beat him it
opened a door and this why we gotta be careful my sisters about Envy you got to
be careful because it opens a door
learn to bless your sisters bless your brothers bless anybody that you see is
is is demonstrating it’s they’re showing that God loves them God is favoring them God is with them God is anointing them
God is blessing them you make yourself you may want to say uh I don’t like her I don’t like it but you make yourself
bless them make yourself speak well of them make yourself pray for them
or it opens the door the enemy will use you to comment he will choose you
we can either be greatly used by God to bless and help
or we can be greatly used by the devil to come at and attack and Hate
we get to choose it’s a work of the flesh
but the doorway was Envy the doorway was jealousy
the doorway was I wish God showed me he loved me like that I wish God Favored me
like that it’s a pure desire pure desire for the love of God a pure desire for God to be glorified in
your life a pure desire to receive dreams and vision and Revelation a pure desire to walk in the
anointing of God in the power of God like you see somebody else walking in it it’s a pure desire but instead of taking
that desire to God and saying Lord I pray that you explode on my life the way you’re exploding on their life I pray
that you use remodeling the way you’re using them I pray father God that you just pour your love all over me father
help me see how much you love me help me see how much you favor me help me see that you are no respecter of persons
and what you’ve done for one you will do for the other and receive your love for me I receive
your faithfulness in my life I receive your favor for me I receive your robe of
righteousness I receive your crown on my head I receive what you say about me
you take that to God and so his stepbrothers felt like step
children instead of his his father’s children
and some of you may feel like step children
but God says you’ve been crafted in we’ve been grafted in we are his precious children
he don’t love one more than the other he left us all the same
but you just have some agreeing I’ve agreed with him
and so he pause it on me I agree with how much God loves me I agree with how
much he favors me I agree with his purpose for my life I agree I come in so
full agreement every day I am chosen of God I’m called by God I’m empowered by
God I’m strengthened by God I’m so loved by God even on my worst day God loves me
even on my worst day I’m so favored by God
he loves me and it has nothing to do with what I’ve done or haven’t done I’m saved and
called with a holy calling not according to my works but according to God’s on purpose and Grace which he gave me in
Christ Jesus before the world began second Timothy chapter 1 verse 9.
praise God they hated Joseph because he agreed with
it so much so he began to talk about it
and you know when you agree with God because you began to talk about it you can’t hold it in
God loves me God favors me God loves me
you begin to share it and that’s when the hate comes
because you agree you’re not that depressed person no more
that people can control it and manipulate you’re not that person no more
you agree with who God says you are you agree with him
you agree with this new identity that God has given you you’re not that person that was hooked on drugs no more
all wasted you become a threat to the kingdom of
darkness when you agree
as long as people see more in you than you see in yourself
you’re not going to experience a whole lot of opposition opposition
but wait until you begin to see it put it to begin you begin to say hold on
hold on hold on I am who God says I am
I do have what God says I have hold on wake up hold on
I am a daughter of the king hold on hold up just hold up
I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus Redeemed by the blood of Jesus I am I do
have a relationship with God wait hold on
God has called you to do great things
I am crowned
that foreign
that right there
it’s a level of confidence confidence
and so yes you will have a text you will have hatred you will have persecution don’t
think it’s strange the Bible says think it not strange when different things when you fall into
different Temptations and adversity and people comment you don’t think it’s strange
when these things happen in your life whether from people who don’t know you
or people that do know you or think they know you but they don’t really know you
they think they do but they don’t know you they only know what you’ve given them they only know the information you’ve given them and they’re working
off of limited information and I hear that some people in your life they’re working off of limited information
they’re only working on they’re only working with what you’ve already shared with them and what they’ve already seen
but they didn’t see the vision that God gave you they didn’t see the dream that God gave you and you’ve been very quite
full and careful not to shares too much you can know somebody for years and
still only show them a little part of Who You Are and give them a little bit of information
while you’re still figuring them out and so people are coming at you
because they’re only working with a little bit of information and so they’re ignorant
they’re ignorant but you know who you are
and that’s what you have to do that’s what you have to do you have to remind yourself you have to
say Allah I know who I am I know who I am so I hate come at you
that’s that Faith right that Faith You Know Who You Are You Know Who You Are
it will extinguish every single fiery dark and it will help you it’ll help you work
walk in love because this person they don’t know you but you know who you are
and you’re not going to stoop down you’re not going to get on that level you’re not gonna you’re not gonna you’re not gonna respond and hate you’re not
gonna do all of that your love will drive out hate your light
will drive out Darkness yes it will because you are a kingdom woman
and you agree with God and you know who he is and you know who you are
You Know Who You Are praise God
what can we do with with every single comment that you see on a post that you
make Facebook gives you three options three options of responding right
what are those options like reply
hide three options for every single comment no matter who it is
you can either like it and choose your emoji happy sad right wow whatever
angry or you can choose to reply to say something back or you can hide it
what have I done with hateful comments I love that you guys all love me on here I
love that you guys received from me on here but there are some people that don’t like me and I don’t it doesn’t
bother me what do I do some people some people post hateful comments
Some people post ignorant comments what do I do hide
hide love covers a multitude of sin
you just hide it I don’t want anybody looking at you wrong I don’t want anybody knowing that
you said that crazy comment it’s gonna hide it so that I don’t have
to see it and nobody else has to see it I’m just gonna hide it
and keep on moving keep on doing what God’s called me to do and keep on living the life he’s giving
me to live and those are the three responses that you have in life anytime somebody comes at you whether
online in person you have those three options and you can
ask God father what do you want me to do with this how did you want me to respond to this
father you can either like it reply to it or
hide it and you move on you know everything will have to be a
conversation you just hide it and you keep moving your destiny is more
important I hear God saying your destiny is more important than all these side squabbles
squabbles and bites and bickering and misunderstandings and your destiny is
more important my sisters all right I’ll get off into all this side stuff
side drama you ain’t got time for it you don’t
keep moving forward keep moving forward keep moving forward
release people to the Lord Lord I let you I’ll let you handle them I’ll let you deal with that
wow you stay focused on the dream that God has put in your heart
train that he’s given you you keep thinking about that whatsoever
is true whatsoever is praiseworthy whatsoever is pure whatsoever of love you think on
those things right think on that instead of thinking about all the haters and all the people that
don’t like you people that don’t understand you people that just don’t get you that make that puts you in a negative space
why how you gonna fulfill your dreams and your destiny in that negative space
so you don’t think about all that don’t post about it don’t think about it you just move forward don’t talk about it
keep moving eyes front in the military they say eyes front
eyes front it puts you in a negative space
makes you negative [Music] no you protect your peace
no God is filled you he has given you peace of mind you protect that peace of mind
if somebody is very negative and they are choosing to be negative they’re choosing to stay where they are no
matter what I say no matter what I do I can’t be around it
you know you try to try to lift somebody’s Spirits you’re trying to make them help them know that it’s gonna be
okay sometimes people want to stay there
all right I’m moving forward and I trust God to minister to you
I trust God I tried it I tried to stop and give you a lift but you want to keep walking
and that’s what some people do you see some people stuck on the side of the road with a busted tire and you try to
come in and help change the tire but what you find is everybody don’t want to change everybody don’t want to go everybody
don’t want to lift they want to stay there stuck and complain about life and
just stay there and talk about what happened to them and how they got in the accident and what somebody did to them
and they’re using that as an excuse not to move forward not to fulfill God’s purpose and plan for their life
and so what happened outside of them has gotten in the hatred that was going on outside got
in we want God to put the guard our minds and guard our hearts keep our hearts
right keep our spirit right keep our hearts pure to where no matter what goes on around
me Lord don’t let it get in here don’t let it get in here
don’t let it get in here help me help me to keep an a a forward view help me to
keep my mind staying on you I don’t want this to stop me I don’t want this to stop me I don’t want this to hinder me
yeah this happened to me but ain’t gonna let it happen in me I’m gonna keep on moving forward
okay and fulfill those dreams fulfill that purpose
glory to God fulfill that purpose God gave you praise God you can do all things through
Christ who gives you strength that’s not just a scripture that’s true
praise God Jesus the Overcomer lives in you my
sisters greater is he who’s in you than he that’s in the world my sisters you are
more than a conqueror through him who loves you you are a daughter of the king
you are a kingdom woman Mighty beautiful strong intelligent all
of those things be who you are be who you are
[Music] Lord of God you guys are about to see God do some things I’m not gonna say I’m
not gonna say anything y’all just within these next few months just watch what God does okay watch what he does
mark my word mark my word you about to see
some things that’s gonna make you go wow only God only God could have done that
only God only God
of God he’s he’s doing some great things and I’m so excited about it
I don’t feel led to say it I just feel led to say watch
this watch and that I feel that same way about you guys God is going to do some great things
not just this year but in the next few months you just stay focused
you stay focused okay say Focus put your blinders on
put your music in your ear whatever you got to do stay focused you do that okay
you guys gonna do some great things within the next few months that’s gonna blow people’s mind
absolutely blow their mind and they’re gonna know only God could have done that for her only God

glory to God Hallelujah father God we love you we thank you
you are our faithful father you are our good father you are so true and you love
us father we thank you Holy Ghost thank you for ministering to our hearts today thank you for ministering to me and my
sisters Lord thank you for touching our hearts and giving us wisdom and Revelation and knowledge thank you Holy
Ghost for leading us into truth today thank you for helping us to get it follow whatever you wanting us to to
know father you’re helping us that understanding and get it thank you Lord the light bulb is coming on thank you
Father in this precious time of Dreams being revealed in this precious time of
you Awakening dream and Awakening vision and purpose and all of these things in US father
in this precious time of us finally agreeing with you and stop fighting with you all the time I agree but agreeing
with you from a deep soul level we agree with you now we agree father that we are loved by you
we are created we are called by you we’re favored by you we’re chosen by you hand-picked by you we agree with you
Lord you have robed us with a robe of many colors we agree with the vision and the dreams
and the purpose and the plan that you have given us father and in this precious time of agreement
with you in alignment with you that’s when the hate wanna come that’s when the devil want to stir up some stuff but we
thank you Lord that nothing can stop your plan for our lives Lord it only it only pushes us closer to it
being fulfilled we thank you Lord whatever the enemy means for our harm you work it all together for our good
we thank you Lord help us be sober and Vigilant help us not be surprised or thrown off
by anything that comes at us Lord help us to be sober vigilant
in the name of Jesus help us to love the Lord God help us to respond in faith
help us to respond right forgive us for any time we didn’t respond right father
to anything that came at us we pray father God it’s your word dwells
richly in our hearts it dwells richly help us to meditate on it help us to meditate on what you’ve said what you’ve
spoken to us in the name of Jesus that is dwelled richly in US Lord God in all
wisdom in Jesus name help us to stay submitted to you father in the name of
Jesus if you want to suggest government and not even talk about it Lord not even come at somebody and tell them what they
did wrong help us to cover it if that’s what you want us to do and if you want us to say something Lord God let it be
said with a whole season of Grace in the name of Jesus
thank you Lord for your wisdom thank you Lord in the name of Jesus we thank you
Father Hallelujah we thank you for your Rich plans
we thank you for your Rich plans we thank you Lord you took us from hopeless
it’s a hopeful it took us from a dark place it put us in a light place it took
us to from an impoverished place to a rich and fulfilling place
it took us from a bound place to a free place we’re so thankful
we’re so thankful help us stay focused I pray for divine Focus for us father in
the name of Jesus help us to continue to make forward steps
forward steps forward steps
help us Lord God God our hearts God our minds with all my sister’s hearts and mine touch their hearts touch their
minds in the name of Jesus help them not get into any side
conversations any side dramas in his side fights Lord God to try to hinder
them and throw them off thank you Lord God any fiery daughter the enemy is hidden right up against
that Shield of Faith that’s covering their entire being is covering their entire being father
no Darkness come that’s thrown at them Lord It’s penetrating through fathers hidden against that faith
that deep faith that deep rooted faith that deep root of the confidence that
they have in you that deep rooted trust that they have in you father they know you father they know who you
are they know who they are glory to God in the name of Jesus
in the name of Jesus Heaven Lord in Jesus name
glory to God hallelujah thank you Father thank you
Lord thank you Father Hallelujah glory to God glory to God glory to God thank
you Lord hallelujah hallelujah Hallelujah you’re like Joseph I hear
that y’all says you’re like Joseph my daughter you will remain confident
no matter what you go through no matter where the enemy
attacks you no matter how he comes at you
no matter where you find yourself in life God says I am blessing you with Divine
confidence and you will remain confident just as my servant Joseph did you will remain
confident that I love you God says you will remain confident that I favor you
you’re gonna remain confident that I have robed you and I have crowned you and I have redeemed you and I have
watched you and I have forgiven you and I have done this great thing in you you will remain confident that nothing and
nothing nothing can cause my plan and your purpose purpose for your life to be altered in any kind of way you’ll remain
confident that what I have shown you will come to pass you will remain
confident that you are who I say you are you have what I say you have and you
will do everything I’ve called you to do you will remain confident in who I am my character my nature my word that I’ve
spoken over you you will remain confident I am blessing you my daughter with Divine confidence
Divine confidence is yours it’s yours it’s yours
it’s yours Hallelujah so keep storing up God says keep
stirring up keep stirring up keep letting my word dwell in you richly in all wisdom
teaching it and admonishing one another in Psalms and hymns and spiritual Psalms just like my words saying
let my word dwell in you so richly
let my word soak in you let it soak in you
and every single dark that comes at you no matter whether it’s from a distance
or whether it’s up close it will not penetrate
your faith will will put it out it will pull out you will extinguish everything
every single Dart of the enemy you will extinguish it you will put it out
you will put it out with your love the Lord says Faith Works by love you
will put it out with your love you will put it out with your love alone you will put it out with your
with you put it out with your love you are capable God says I am expanding
your capacity to love you are capable you are capable you just have to believe
that God’s love has been shut Up On You by his holy ghost he has filled your
heart with his love and you may think that you’re working with just a little bit of love depending on how much you
prayed that day but God says but whether you prayed or not today he says you have you are working with a limitless ability
a limitless capacity to love your faith is working by love
praise God and you will never be able to hate the way people hate
I hear it I hear that I’m tired
[Music] the spirit of God said you will never be
able to hate the way people hate you will never be able to hate
the way people hate because of the work he’s performed in your heart he’s giving you a new mind
he’s giving you a new heart [Music]
because of his work in you you will never be able to hate
but only be able to love he will only be able to love
it will only be able to love even when you want to hate you won’t be able to do it
because God has filled you he has shed his love abroad in your heart by the Holy Ghost
he’s going to help you operate in wisdom because loving that way you can’t put you in some situations where people
abuse you and take advantage of you and so God is not he has future with his love but he’s
also going to fill you with wisdom he’s gonna fill you with wisdom
Godly wisdom but you’ll never be able to hate
never no matter what happens to you you’re not built that way
you guys workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works
not hateful works not dark works I have fleshly works
you’re created in Christ Jesus I took good works and my sister that’s all you
know how to do no matter what’s done to you no matter what it’s done to you all you
know how to do is good works the good work of love the good work of
forgiveness the good work of helping people the good work of serving people
you only know how to do good works because that’s what you’re designed by God
you can’t do nothing else praise God glory to God
hallelujah hallelujah I pray God bless you today
I pray he loved on you today I pray he gave you some some wisdom today and I
love you I’m gonna let God continue to minister to your heart praise God love you love you love you so much but God
loves you so much more [Music] God bless you