“The Lord is good, a strength and stronghold in the day of trouble; He knows [He recognizes, cares for, and understands fully] those who take refuge and trust in Him” Nahum 1:7, Amplified.
Even when what you’re going through doesn’t feel good, when the report doesn’t sound good, and the situation doesn’t look good, God remains good. To cease to be good would go against His nature and character. Just as God is love, God is good, and if you trust Him, I mean really trust Him; you will see Him work all things together for good because you love Him and you are called according to His purpose (see Romans 8:28).
Say from your heart: “Yes, my God, just as you are love, you are good! No matter how it feels, no matter how it looks, and no matter how it sounds, I choose to trust in your goodness. I trust that you are working all things according to your divine purpose and plan. You cannot lie and you never change. No matter what I experience on earth, help me to remember and expect you to be good. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”
God is good all the time. Yes, He cares for us because He made us in His image. He knows us, He formed us, He created us, & He ordained us. He will make sure all things work together for His divine purpose. We will praise Him, magnify His Holy name, & lead others to Christ. Not only can we trust in His goodness, we can rest in his goodness.
Well Hello Every1 Daughter’s of The Most High King anyway I had to say something about this massage today cuz I’m going though a situation right Now as I Speak so with that being said I have only 1 thing to say God was talking to me and I Thank God for his word Pray yall I am I’m going to keep fighting and Praying for more Wisdom knowledge and Faith Have a Blessed Day Every1
We will always Trust in the Lord.Me and my family,grands,daughter and her family. Trust. the Lord and all he do and will continue to do in Jesus Name.Amen Amrn Amen.
Lord, I Thank You & I WILL Praise Your Holy Name at ALL times!!..In spite of what the situation may look or sound like..I KNOW where MY help comes from!!
🎤My help cometh from the Lord🎵
This Devotion reminds me of my FAVORITE Bible Verse..
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust In The Lord With All Thine Heart & Lean Not To Thine Own Understanding, In All Thy Ways Acknowledge Him & He Will Direct Your Path💓
I make it a “personal mission” of mine..to live by this Bible Verse! It does & has made life so much easier..less stress, worry & concerns about things I have absolutely no control over! If I were to say I NEVER have concerns, I’d be telling an untruth..but when I remind myself of this Blessed Verse..ALL cares & concerns that are beyond my scope..”ease on down the road”..because I KNOW..I have a Father Who Can Do ALL Things!! Thank You Lord..Thank You..Thank You..Thank You for ALWAYS Keeping Your Loving Arms Around Me, Guiding & Directing ME!!! & ALWAYS Having A Ram In The Bush!!! Thank You Lord!!!
Lord, Please Continue To Bless & Shine Your Light Of Love Upon Your Obedient Servant Sister Kesha, Her Awesome Team, This Amazing Ministry, My Sister Felicia & My DOTK Sisters💖!!
Be Blessed, Stay Humble & Encouraged!!!
Love Always, Your DOTK Sister In Christ, Wendy💕
Yes God is good all the time. He changed me in 2015 from streets and abuse and saved me from death. I know in my ❤ and soul and mind that Jesus is my Lord and Saviour. No other than He can change us. I 💘 you Father,Jesus,and Holy Spirit.
This is an awesome website. Very encouraging and uplifting.
Peace & Blessings My Dear Sister Sandra💖!!!
Thank God for Change!!!
Yesssss this is AWESOME & BLESSED!!
Like some people have to have a cup of coffee to get their day started..I have to have..DOTK..to get my day started❤
Be Blessed My Sister & Stay Encouraged!!!
Love Always,
Your DOTK Sister In Christ💕