Try Me, Squeeze Me, Push Me!

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect” Romans 12:2, ESV.

Whenever you walk into a toy store you might see a plush animal on the shelf with a label that says, “Squeeze Me”. Then you squeeze it and the toy begins to sing, say “Hello”, or spin around joyfully. It’s not afraid of being squeezed. It’s not afraid of being pushed. The toy is not afraid of being tried by you because it has within it a set of programmed responses built into its’ design.

When we surrender our lives to the Lord by receiving Jesus as our Savior, we receive a new design, a new heart and mind of Christ, and a new reborn spirit. Everything about our old self is passed away, and we are made new in Christ! However, it takes time to learn who we are and Who He is in us. It is during this time of learning that the devil comes after us the most because he is seeking to discourage us in our walk with God. He will try you, have someone push you, cause a negative situation to to arise to get you to respond like your old self. He knows you’re on your way to learning who you are and who God is in you, so he develops a plot to discourage you in your faith.

However, as we dig into Scripture and learn who we are in Christ and Who He is in us and as we grow in Him, we can learn to live without fear because we know anything done against us will only cause a Kingdom response. When you know who lives within you and the power you now possess in the Lord, you don’t have to fear being squeezed, pushed and tried. You can rest in knowing, “God lives in me, so try me! The creator of the entire universe knows me by name, so go ahead and squeeze me! The Maker of the heavens and earth gave me life, so push me and I will respond in a way that pleases my God!”

God is after our responses.

He doesn’t just want you to say you know Him, He wants you to show that you know Him. One day you will see the purpose of being squeezed, pushed and tried is to show that God lives in you!

Prayer: Father God, thank You for making me new in Christ. Help me to become fully acquainted with this new life I have in You. Help me to see Who You are in me. Change my responses. Help me Lord to not become discouraged when I don’t respond properly to being tried. Thank You that You are working in me. Help me learn how to respond in a way that pleases You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

(Memorize 2 Corinthians 5:17)

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17 thoughts on “Try Me, Squeeze Me, Push Me!”

  1. Amen,Thank youDOTK I really need this word of inspiration, oh my lord help me in being tested for your glory! Amen.

    1. Dear Everlasting Father i thank you for the journey so far ,walking with You and as I draw near to You and You draw nearer to me I have a very strong assurance that You are always with us and Your Victory is in me I am unshakeable, immovable nomater what the situation may be, I will speak the word of God and they will disappear because I know He that in me is greater than he that in the world. I am victorious! Thank you DOTK for this inspiring message this is who will are in Christ Jesus, we speak what God says and to every giant that comes our ways. Thank you God Father the Son and the HolyGhost for always there for us ,help us sustain us, provide for us, keep us and hide us under your pavilion in Jesus Mighty Name Amen.

  2. Thank you God for working with me and my faith walk with you I trust you God all the way and the midst of it all God I’m with you all the way Amen and Amen again

  3. Praise the Lord for this word, Thank you God for all the times I’ve been squeezed and pushed and been tried. Thank you now when these things happen i remember who lives in me and God will take care of it. I’m still growing as a Christian Daughter. Thank you Father for giving me all of what I need, In Jesus Name Amen ๐Ÿ•‡๐Ÿ•‡๐Ÿ•‡

  4. Praise God for his mercy and grace towards us.He has provided a way of escape for us to overcome every trial and temptation in this world. Thank you Jesus for the Holy Spirit living in us.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ‘ผ๐Ÿ“–

  5. Thank You Lord for He that lives in me is You . This word means so much to me and my love ones ,so that we will always be aware of Your present with us at all times know matter what ,where, and when , because You said that You will never leave us ,I am walking by Faith and not by sight. Because He that is in me is greater then he that is of the world. I trust and believe in my Father in heaven. Thank You Lord, InYour Son Jesus name Amen.

    1. Thank you Lord, work through me. Give the strength to hold on when I go back to work next week. Give me wisdom to know when and what to comment on. even when i am squeezed, pushed or tried. I am asking this in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ Amen.

  6. Thank you God for being my Father and giving me strength and wisdom. Please give me knowledge when to speak and what to speak.

  7. DOTK, ๐Ÿ‘‘Beautiful write ๐Ÿ“Tyโ—๐ŸŒทBecause I know who I am in CHRIST JESUS…๐Ÿ‘‘ and a NEW THING is definitely being done in my life…๐Ÿ™Œ I should have done better today,๐Ÿ˜‘everything seems to be going wrong,๐Ÿ™ My Mama told me that the devil never takes a day off and that is so very true..๐Ÿ™…so the enemy showed up today…๐Ÿ‘Šand he is so mad at me… he using my kids to try to side track me.. ๐Ÿ˜•๐Ÿ˜ขI fell short and I didn’t Please OUR FATHER in HEAVEN๐Ÿ˜ขand as I repented๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™ I can feel SWEET HOLY SPIRIT๐Ÿ”ฅ comforting me…๐Ÿ’–letting me know that I AM LOVED and FORGIVENโ—โ€ ๐Ÿ“–๐Ÿ’ก๐Ÿƒ I wont give up ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’ƒor give in, but some days I feel real tired…๐Ÿ˜–๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ™ I got to run this race..nd keep my eyes on the prize๐Ÿ’’ stay PUSHING ๐Ÿ™and PRESSING IN INTERCEDING๐Ÿ™ on my loveones behalf, IN THE MIGHTY NAME of JESUS๐Ÿ‘‘ Please keep Us Uplifted in Prayer,๐Ÿ™ I Love yall and Pray for yall Sistersโ—๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’ฏ ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿ‰๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ๐Ÿ

  8. GoodmorningDOTK! This one hits home i just moved near familymembers i work so when i come home I’m ask can i come home with you it is driving me crazy its like i can’t even breath with out them and i don’t want to responed in a bad or harmful way. Know matter what i look like in my face the inside deal is i am in rage that people just don’t think about you needing time to yourselves pray for me i just made 50 and its not seating will with in me.ThanksDOTK

  9. I didn’t get to read this devotional on Tuesday, but now that I can go back and reflect I am learning how the Holy Spirit moves within us. My husband and I were greatly tested on Tuesday. We allowed God to guide us and now I can truly say I can hear what God has been telling us all along. Glory to his kingdom. Wow! I am speechless. We serve an amazing Lord.

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