What does this Scripture mean to you?

“Throughout the coming ages we will be the visible display of the infinite, limitless riches of his grace and kindness, which was showered upon us in Jesus Christ” Ephesians 2:7, The Passion Translation.

Read this and share what this Scripture means to you.

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105 thoughts on “What does this Scripture mean to you?”

  1. Hello Sisters, The scripture means to me that we are the embodiment/examples of what it means to be saved by grace. We are God’s walking works of salvation.

    1. I believe this scriptures confirms we are protected by HIS grace and mercy. He delights in us. No matter what is going on, we will never be forsaken because we are daughter’s of the king. 💜 God bless!

      1. DotK be blessed!!!! The scriptures have taken me from the darkest places , God has shown me hidden truths that l can see in humanity, also the scriptures have been feeding my inner warrior and also taught me my mistakes , the scriptures have saved me from depression and oppression; even if we struggle daily is our sword! Thank you Kesha for this Devotional , has been very useful and meaningful, praises to Yeshua

      2. Dear sister this scripture to me shows in time to come we would in the physical display the limitless riches and love of His saving grace which He makes available through Jesus when we give our lives to Christ through salvation

        1. Hi, this scripture means to me that we are ab example to the rest of the world of what we are when we accept Jesus in our heart and allow God to direct us in life. Without God we are nothing. I love you Jesus!

        1. I feel like God is reassuring us of his abundance of mercy in kindness. It will exude out of us like oil in these trying days. We will be able to extend the mercy and kindness to others as our father gave to us. Thank you for having us to reflect on this word to day. I needed it

      3. This scripture means to me that we our the salt of the earth and it will soon be on visible display to show Gods Glory for everyone to see!

    2. This scripture means to me that as we continue to walk with the Lord . We illuminate his love and amazing grace to the world . They we will be living testimonies of the good and faithfulness of our Heavenly Father. And that in everything we do will glorify his name to the world . This is ultimately, the purpose of the body of Christ ❤️

    3. Hey Everyone,

      This scripture means to me that I am a living version for Others to taste and experience God’s kindness and grace.

    4. To me the scripture means that we are simply made in his image. Bound by his grace and mercy. We are his and he is ours.

    5. Scripture means that we have the assurance that there is a God who I bigger than anything and no matter what we face we will be victorious. Scripture guides my life and encourages me to keep going everyday.

    6. I agree to exactly how you responded but couldn’t myself find the words to express that in it’s entirety . Thank you . GOD BLESS your response .

  2. Our FAITH in Christ!It based on what we dont see but the strength because the same God. Do we have that I will let nothing separate me from the love of God faith no matter what it looks like in the natural… Faith is the substance of things hoped for but evidence of thing NOT seen

    1. I was reading in ps119 and love the Words…Hope is His Word. Believing His Word manifested is our Hope! Faith looking upon Jesus WHO IS ALL WE NEED

    2. I perceive that were covered by His blood. His children will be seen and have full access to all we need and want according to his will. If we shall remain faithful for The Lord is faithful. Praise God. Thanks Tdok family for this ministry has been truly a blessing. May Jesus continue to shower you all with His grace and mercy.

  3. Good Morning. Thank you for daily sharing God’s Word with us.
    In today’s Scripture, it shows us because of who God is, he will Continually gives us his Grace. His Grace will never stop. His Grace will take us straight to eternity. 🌹

  4. It means I can never earn or bargain for the never ending love, grace and mercy that God has shown and will continue to grant me because I received all of that and more when Jesus Christ died for my sins. So by living in this new life God has blessed me with, others will be able to see how much he truly loves His children.

  5. It means that to me in due time God will bring you to the place where you’re meant to be. He will let the fruits of his spirit show through you. His light will shine and all will see. Everything he has for you will overflow. A season of Riches you will see how powerful God is. No man can take from you what he will reward you with. There no limit. It can be a peace of mind down to the riches of material things and money. God is a merciful God. He loves his children even the ones that try and can’t seem to find their way. It’s the fact that are trying. He blesses them little by little. When you’re faithful over small things, he’s able to reward you with the something more than you can imagine.

        1. That is what is says to me… In the coming days. When it says in the coming days, we are looking at God’s timing which is much different from ours.
          This world will go through struggles, this is all part of Gods infinite plan. But as Christians- His children we will continue live by his example… Be his examples not fall into the despair because we know we understand!
          Show kindness to those who are not kind to you try as hard as you can in your human form to show HIS Mercy and Grace.

    1. Hallelujah, All Glory be to God, What an very blessed warm felt prayer. I thank God for speaking to my heart as I was receiving & been praying all the time. Thank You God for the confirmation. I truly believe that God will Always be by my side when certain things I don’t understand how He will do it. By my faith in God, I know everything gonna be ok. In Jesus name Amen. Love You Lord my Savior & Everything❤️❤️❤️❤️

      1. This scripture means for me to go and tell about Jesus,to let people know about our Lord and Savior.To be a living testimony about His love mercy and grace.

  6. We will display whose we are. People will want to know where the glow of peace is coming from. We will be walking testimonies. He will pour out His blessings upon us, in limitless amounts. Surely, God’s grace and mercy will follow us, for the rest of our days.. ✝️

    1. IThis is what the passage means to me also. Despite all the turmoil going on around us, God is yet protecting and blessing all who love Him and put their trust in Him.

  7. The scripture says to me that I am to reflect the character of GOD in my generation. That the same grace and kindness that Father God has extended to me through His son Jesus Christ, I am to pour out on others. God did this when I didn’t deserve it, should not I as His child, do the same? If I am his child, I should reflect the characteristics of my Father. My prayer is to look like my Daddy.

  8. Starting now on this day and throughout the rest of our lives we will display the grace and kindness that God has filled our heart, mind, soul and body with. We will pour out our kindness and grace to those hearts in need. We will bring the lost to be found, show the ones feeling unloved what true love is, we will bring life back into this world with kindness and grace. We will be the change that we want to see in this world.

  9. That we are going to see his goodness and mercy because we were saved by grace and he is going to Pour out his blessings on those of us that believe

  10. 🌾This scripture of what I feel what it means to me is. God never changes he’s still the same. No matter who I am or what I’ve done, I’m the apple of his eye and his grace is still the same even when I don’t deserve it. God traded in my ashes for beauty because of his Love for me. 🌾

    1. God constantly gives us grace so we can experience Heaven. The whole chapter discussed the love and peace of God. But I had to ask myself, God gives me Grace but do I give others Grace?

  11. This scripture to me means as time goes past and from generation to generation God is going to pour out limitless grace and mercy or kindness. And all generations will know of his grace and kindness because when God could have counted us out He counted us in! He saved Us and shed his blood way back on Calvary!

  12. In the coming years as we learn about & become more like Jesus we shall visually show the same love, kindness, grace and mercy, He has shown & I have witnessed to me & my Christian bros & sisters alike. You & I
    We have 2 hands, one to give & one to rec’v.. we are becoming the hands & feet of Jesus Christ

  13. This is the beauty of Christ in each of us. We are living testimonies of His mercy, grace and love. Others are drawn to Christ because we are a reflection of his glory. We are the legacy of the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross.

  14. Within these perilous, dark times we must continue to allow our lights to shine before men that others may see our good works and glorify GOD in heaven, we are the living representation of Jesus created in the image of GOD with the mindset of Jesus CHRIST, saved by GRACE that no man should boast, and that grace is renewed daily, his infinite givings of the things we don’t deserve! 🙌🏽❤️

      1. This passage means to me that we are indeed GOD’S WORKMANSHIP. FORE BECAUSE OF HIS CONTINUED GRACE, AND our continuous obedience; we call go to the FATHER. FROM STONES TO SAINTS!!! THANK YOU JESUS!!!

  15. To me this scripture means that God will pour wisdom, love, joy, mercy, kindness, into me to overflow so much that this dark world will see Christ in me. They will see me prosper where it looks that I will not make it. they will see and be drawn to God through all that I walk through. There is so much more that Christ will do through me, now is the time to press through what I feel are my limits, so Christ can shine ever more bright, so they know they can be more with Christ as well!

  16. It means that we are a living witness to who Jesus Christ is. People will want to know who he is because of the light that shines so brightly in this dark world.

  17. The Scriptures to me are His love letter.Every pageHe pours out grace mercy, He surrenders Himself as an invitation to come and join with him. So I will know Him, as my Abba Father.

  18. What this scripture means to me is that Because of Our Father’s Great Love For us, In Christ..We are The Extension of His Love And Light in His Chosen Vessels to Pour Himself out to others.

  19. To me it means that the true people of God will shine brighter than ever in this dark world, Truly being that bright city that is sat on a hill and cannot and will not be hidden.

  20. Because of Jesus living in me, the world will see God’s glory in this world thru His grace and kindness. His love has been showered on all believers and we need to share it with this world.

  21. To me it means that our conduct and how we live our lives is the most meaningful and important way to show Jesus to those who don’t know Him. He lives in us and we must make sure that others can see Him in us. <3

  22. As we (God’s children) transition from everlasting to everlasting, God’s grace and kindness will continually be manifested in our lives. Many will see and be drawn to live for Jesus. This undergirds the evidence that God has placed His treasure in earthen vessels, so that the glory of the power may be of Him and not of us! We are His vessels. We are His plan for seeking and saving the lost. We are His idea for what a picture of His kindness and grace should look like to the world. May we yield to His will for our lives, so that our lives may truly function for His glory alone.

  23. God will use us to display His richness and what He has done in and through our lives for others to see. His grace, mercy, loving kindness and faithfulness. All of His attributes will be evidence and displayed through His children. The Blood that was shed for our sins through Jesus Christ for our salvation and to bridge that gap between us and our Heavenly Father could never be repaid. Thank you Jesus. We praise and worship You and give You all the Glory Amen!!!

  24. It is God’s unconditional love, mercy, grace and kindness that saved me. For it is through his son Jesus Christ, i am saved and made new. I have eternal life; I am an heir of God and his Kingdom through Jesus Christ. He showers me with his kindness for all to see. Before I became to be, He loved me. He said nothing shall separate His love from me, not even my sins. I did absolutely nothing to deserve salvation yet he made it available to me. With a grateful heart, I thank you Lord for all that you’ve done for me and continue to do but above all, I thank you for saving me.

  25. Good morning, it means to me that Gods grace is not earned but given freely to display his power, love and the mercy he has and will be seen by all in generations to come!

  26. I believe this scriptures confirms we are protected by HIS grace and mercy. He delights in us. No matter what is going on, we will never be forsaken because we are daughter’s of the king. 💜 God bless!

    1. Wow, what a scripture to wake to. For me and my understanding, this scripture tells me that no matter what I have done in the past, by turning to Christ, my life will be the example for others to see how God is graceful, faithful, and his riches are limitless. It will cause people to ask, “How?” It will provide the opportunity for me to share my testimony and plant the seed that leads them to Christ. Untimately, God is glorified through my life and what he has done.

    2. My apologizes, I didn’t realize I was replying to your comment. 😅 But your interpretation is a good one and a reminder for me, as well. He is my protector.

  27. We are all walking testimonies because of Gods grace. Because even in the midst of trouble we have a supernatural God who goes before us. Others think that we walk gracefully through the fire and rubble, but it’s really our God that’s shielding us the whole time💛 what a beautiful Father we have!💛💛💛

  28. Don’t give up or lose hope! In God’s own timing he will manifest Himself in a most powerful way in our lives. Others will see the power of God, want to receive it for themselves and God will be glorified! We are the salt and the light in the earth empowered by the Holy Spirit who lives in us!

  29. As we set our eye on our creator the visible thing will not bring defeat.We were created for His Glory to become real on this earth .Love this devotional and being his child .

  30. I am to walk as Jesus walked, talk as Jesus talked, think as Jesus thought and love as Jesus loved! This is grace, mercy and a transformed life under the blood. Amen

  31. It means that in the years to come, my life – shall be a display of what Christ had deposited in me. It is a combination of my experiences lived with his grace getting me through every decision, together with the transformation that God’s word has done in me. This shall be evident in what I speak and what people see in me. Indeed, those that know who I am and where I have been shall remark “only by God’s grace and kindness does she always overcome”.

  32. His grace gives me confident that, God began a good work in us through His Son Jesus Christ and that work will continue with His grace and mercy and His promise to never forsake His children. 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

  33. Ephesians 2:7 to me means that we are walking testimonies of God’s mercy and grace poured out each and every day. It means we are saved by his grace through faith.

  34. I love His word! This passage reveals to me that God in His unending, unconditional love extends to me and all future generations of believers His amazing grace. Unmerited, undeserved kindness and favor in ways which far exceed what we could think or even imagine because His power is far beyond anything we know or can compare. Praise be to the one true God!!

  35. Look at how God has covered me throughout my life! His grace and mercy had kept me! Where would I be if it had not been for the Lord!!!

  36. This passage means to me that we are indeed GOD’S WORKMANSHIP. FORE BECAUSE OF HIS CONTINUED GRACE, AND our continuous obedience; we call go to the FATHER. FROM STONES TO SAINTS!!! THANK YOU JESUS!!!

  37. i think since the day we became born again and called the sons of God, we have access to the things of the spirit through faith just like our father Abraham. Also since we decedents of Abraham, all the promises God gave him applies to us as well according to Roman 9, Galatians 3:29. linking this verse to Gen. 15:13-14 “Then the Lord said to Abram, “You can be sure that your descendants will be strangers in a foreign land, where they will be oppressed as slaves for 400 years. 14 .But I will punish the nation that enslaves them, and in the end they will come away with great wealth. ” The Lord is faithful and rich in mercy as we all know and He sticks to his promises; so to me this Verse is basically a reminder that the promises God made for us (Abraham decedents) stills holds and we will forever have access to the things of the spirit (grace, mercy, favour etc.) through faith.

  38. Goodmorning Women of God. This scripture to me means that what God will do and already is doing people are going to know that there has been a supernatural intervention. They are going to know that God stepped in on our behalf with His limitless and infinite power by the experiences, testimonies and purpose in our lives For His Glory

  39. In our walks as followers of Christ our lives should be living examples of what having the fruits of the spirit looks and acts like no matter the times or circumstances. The fruits of the spirit are a result of Gods limitless grace and kindness towards us.

    I vow to moment by moment consciously submit to His will because it will give me the assurance that I am never facing any battle alone whether big or small and I have already won!!!

    God bless you all and may His abounding grace meet you at every door you enter!

  40. God will use us to Be the face of His Glory people will see His Glory shining and want some for there selves and they too will follow its a Ripple Effect!

  41. To me it means that’s it’s well in my current season because a time will come when it will make sence that he never left in the 1st place. He was working in the background. Not just on me but also on my descendants. So that His name will not only be glorified now as I live but forever through my childrens childrens childrens children😊

  42. This scripture means to me, that we are afforded the luxuries of his limitless grace to us, when we are in partnership with him. Pretty much, God won’t hold back anything from his children, if we follow him. Everything about us will shine bc of him.

  43. This scripture means to me we are his living witnesses to be displayed for others to see the character of God through us people will see his love mercy and grace because we believe ❤ 🙏.

  44. To me it means how I’m seeing GOD work now in my life and in the lives around me and in the world. For those whose choose HIM will see His mighty right hand on their lives! He has gotten us the VICTORY!!!

  45. We will be the expression of God’s infinite, limitless, graceful kind love through Yeshua Just as a wife’s countenance is lit up by the love of her husband so shall ous be by God’s love that is poured on and in us through Yeshua his beloved Son whom he loves us through

  46. I believe we are Gods children a chosen generation the last should be first he we always keep his promise to us !!!!

  47. This scripture means to me that God will always show me his grace and faithfulness though out my entire life I love you Lord 🙏🙏🙏🙏

  48. This scripture tells me that we are Jesus with skin on. We are the ones who are to show this world what Jesus is all about, this is a huge responsibility and we will answer for our actions or lack of actions.

  49. This scripture means I need to continue or in some cases begin displaying Christ’s grace, mercy and love for others as well as for myself. I need to live out the fact that I was created in His likeness. In order for non-believers to believe in Christ, I need to display His righteousness in what I say, do and think every day. I also need to be honest with others and be real about my story of how Jesus saved me. I’m not perfect and I need to let others know that I’m just real – I struggle and life is not easy but because of what He has done for me I’m in it for Jesus ❤

  50. In the very near future, people will be able to witness God’s favour in our lives. It will be given to us freely and abundantly, more than we can ever ask for, because Jesus died on the cross for us to be blessed with all God’s grace.

  51. Once my trials and tribulations on this earth have come to an end and I am called to my heavenly home, I will finally get to see the glorious inheritance Jesus went away to prepare for me.

  52. Hello sisters,

    What this scripture means to me, is each one of us is an example of the grace and mercy shown to us through Jesus, and our light to shine for all others to see!

  53. It’s generational. What God has for us no man can even imagine the limitless possibilities of the abundant, prosperous life God has planned for all those who love Him. The secret ingredient is Jesus. Walk in love. Walk in obedience. People will see His goodness and mercy as we walk in obedience we have favor of the Lord. Taste and see…there is no going back.

  54. I believe it means God wants to show us how much he loves us and how kind he is to us. He wants us to see him as good and kind and full of grace. He also wants us to know, despite any of our flaws, we are continually capable of receiving his kindness, goodness and grace.

  55. God is raising His Kingdom women to shift in this season. He is calling us to operate in the full power of Jesus Christ in all areas of our lives. There is a mighty mantel over His daughters and He wants us to know the time has come for us to be activated in His Mighty Grace and Power. To not be afraid of our territories being enlarged. No matter where we go or what we do His infinite power, grace and mercy is always in us.

  56. Is this scripture saying tgat has children of God that we are to show Gods mercy grace and firgiviness to others just as he has showered those same Blessing and more to us and upon us

  57. It means we are a the living proof of Everything Christ stands for. We are ones that’ll continually show all these things from generation to generation.

  58. What The Scripture Means to me is this
    When We’re Fully Following The Father’s Will We Are Living and Walking Testimonies of How Generous Our Father’s Love Is For Us That He Gives Grace That None of. us deserves

  59. All that I am and all that I do should reflect the goodness, kindness and mercy of my savior, and this should be evident to the believer and to those who may have never read God’s word nor heard the Gospel. We are called to be the embodiment of God’s Holy spirit in flesh to encourage the believer and nonbeliever alike to put their hope and trust in a living God who has made available to them the same grace, mercy and kindness that is seen in us.

  60. Our lives are to be examples of God’s Grace and Mercy. People can see the fruit of it when they see us. They can see that as we go through the same as everyone else, His grace shines

  61. Even though the text is written” in ages to come” which we may see as future here on earth, i’m also picturing future in heaven and God showing us down through the ages, how bountiful His grace was, toward us through Christ’s work for us on the cross and in the heavenly sanctuary; His grace and kindness manifested in our lives because of our faith in Him; His gift of salvation extended to us and to others _through_ us reflecting His glory and being His obedient, faithful ambassadors. I see us standing victorious in eternity with our Heavenly Father; learning the extent of how much we couldn’t fully grasp in our earthly, finite minds about how vast, deep and wonderful His grace was toward us while on earth.

    My prayer for us is that we accept and keep God’s gift of grace ever before us, never take it for granted. He gives it to all who will freely accept even though we don’t deserve it nor can we work to earn it.
    I pray we also extend this love and grace to others, reflecting Christ and sharing the good news of salvation.
    Good morning families and have a blessed beautiful day 🤗🙏🏾❤💐

  62. This scripture reflect several promises in the Bible to me. It means that the Lord will bless me in front of my enemies. He has prepare a table before my enemies. And, the Lord riches and honor will be in my house. I will not lack no good thing as the Lord will supply all my needs according to the riches and Glory in Christ Jesus. I can count it all joy as the Lord will never leave or forsake me. To God be the Glory. Hallelujah.

    Blessings, Shalom and Agape.

  63. My heart says this scripture is evidence that Gods mercy is shown in the lives if those who diligently seek him. As we seek his grace, so will he use our lives for his Glory. Testimony of his grace will be shown in our lives. AMEN..

  64. To me this means that God is going to shower down tremendously in our lives. Im talking so much that the non believers will be in awe, and then they will believe. They will know it couldn’t have been nothing but God working. Hallelujah🙌

  65. My understanding of this scripture is that as people of God his glory will be revealed through. We are vessels to be used by God.

  66. Indeed we are the display of the infinite, limitless richesof His Grace and kindness which was showered upon us in Jesus Christ. This is truely so my precious sisters in Christ, for we are the living letters which proclaim His goodness and mercy through Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour.

  67. We are redeemed by Christ. Our sins are forgiven through Christ. We are saved by Christ. Not by our own human ability, but by God. For in our own human power, we fall short every time, but God. God intercedes on our behalf. God washes us, cleanses us. When the world rejects us, God took us in and washed us, cleaned us up and covered us with His blood. He separated us from this sinful world and set us apart, sanctified us, instilled His Word in us, showed us His love, agape love. Showed us who we truly are in Christ, our true identity. God took out the lies of satan and this world and showed us who we truly are in Christ. So now we are new creatures in Christ, living holy for God. Our behavior has changed, the way we treat people has changed, our lifestyle has changed. We live holy for God, we serve God now and not satan. We live for God and serve His Kingdom. And in doing so, God redeems us, His glory is manifested through our lives. People will see the manifestation of the Lord in our everyday lives. They will see grace and favor over us. They will see the fruit of the Spirit. They will see a difference in us. They will see God’s Annointing over our lives. And they too will want to learn of God and turn from a sinful lifestyle and live for God. And allow God to come into their hearts, mind, spirit, body, and every nook and cranny of their lives. God will search them and do a work in every area of their life. This will bring glory to God! In Jesus’ Name, Amen!

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