When you’re tempted with sexual sin.

“Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof. Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God. For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.” Romans 6:12-14

I have moments when I feel strong and I have moments when I feel weak. In moments of weakness, I have a choice to give in or not. But I find no matter how strong the temptation is, it’s not stronger than God’s love and God’s power. Right in the heat of the moment, I’ve developed the habit of saying out loud, “Satan, I reject every lie you’re telling me, every false identity and every false way. I am who God says I am, I have what God says I have, and I can do what God says I can do. Everything God says about me is true.” Then I examine what in the world have I been listening to and watching. I understand if I take fire, which is sexual sin, into my bosom, it will destroy my witness, my family and will hurt the followers of this ministry. That alone is enough to snap me back to reality. Sure, the Lord would restore me, but why go down that road? It’s not worth it.

Whenever you are tempted by the devil to do anything that you know is wrong, I need you to think about the end result of that decision and the damaging consequences. What is it going to cost you? Is it worth it? Since the answer is no, you’re going to have to learn to resist and fight temptation the right way. You have to ask yourself who have you been hanging around, what have you been listening to and what have you been watching? Put that stuff down, turn that stuff off, and tell those friends that you can’t hang with them if it’s causing you to sin. Remember who you are and put your focus on the Lord. My sister, we have to refuse, reject and resist every lie from the devil, every false identity, and every false way. We have to flee. We have to speak to our bodies and our emotions and command it to line up with the truth of God’s word. With God’s help, we can do it. We can live holy.

Prayer: Father, forgive me of anything I’ve said, done, thought, imagined or meditated on that was not like you. With your help, I resist, refuse and reject every lie from the enemy, every false identity and every false way. Help me continue to receive your holiness, your righteousness and your power. I speak to my mind, to my emotions and to my body and command it to line up with the truth of your Word. Help me not lean to my own understanding, but trust that I am who you say I am, I have what you say I have, and I can do what you say I can do by your grace and power. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

(Read Romans 6:12-23; Matthew 5:28-30; 1 Corinthians 6:18)

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16 thoughts on “When you’re tempted with sexual sin.”

  1. Amen! This post is confirmation to some thoughts that came to my mind, but then I thought about King David and the negative ripple effect it caused in his life and family because of his choice to give in to sexual sin, and I know I don’t want to go down that road. God is our strength. Thank God for you for the word this morning.

  2. A great word I have not had no sex in 15 years. First I been ask God for a special someone want to get marry to the right person. I am really trying to be strong and really stay close to the lord until that day come so pray for me .

  3. Amen words of God for the Sisters oh yes heavenly father I can do by your grace and Power Hallelujah in the name of Jesus Amen learn to love your body and respect as God loves you for the readers Thank you Sis.Kesha ❤ 🌷

  4. Today the Lord gave me the Word, do not lean to my own understanding in all my ways acknowledge him and he shall make my path straight. Right there in the devotional do not lean into my own understanding, but trust that I am who you say I am. That gave me a confidence and also the hope. Thank you.

  5. A great word. We have to be careful about what goes in and out of our gates [ mouth, ear and eye], because those things get into our Spirit. But thanks for The Word of God that supercede anything the enemy comes up with.

  6. Lord, don’t let me be lead by temptations, but deliver me from all evil🙏🏽🙌🏽😓 I can do what You say I can do God, 🙌🏽😓By Your GRACE and POWER 🙌🏽😓, in the MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR 🙌🏽🙏🏽😓 Amen and Amen …..Satan is a LIAR, and there is no TRUTH in him🙌🏽🙏🏽😓 REBUKED BY THE BLOOD OF JESUS 🙌🏽 HALLELUJAH PRAISE GOD 🙌🏽🙏🏽😓 With Your help GOD, I CAN LIVE HOLY 🙌🏽🙏🏽😓

  7. This was a blessing for me today. May God bless each and everyone of you who commented, my prayers are with you and may god continue to keep us all strong.

  8. What powerful words from our Lord. His righteousness is so powerful That His words and Spirit can pull us out of sin. Jesus keep me on your path forgive. me when ive strayed . i. Love you Jesus amen.

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