With this truth, you never have to be jealous again!

“That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.” Hebrews 6:12

A woman walks into a restaurant and purchases food for her friends and family. Two women are standing nearby watching her receive her purchase. One whispers to the other, “I’m so jealous of her. She bought all of that food for her friends and family.” Her friend responds, “Why are you jealous? Look in your hands. You have money. Go in there and purchase some food too!”

Some of us are like this woman. We stand nearby, thinking to ourselves, “Why can’t I have what she has?” Jesus hears the conversation going on within our hearts and then His Holy Spirit whispers to us the same thing, “Look in your hands. You have faith. Go and receive.”

Faith is the currency of the kingdom of God. It’s what we use to purchase and receive all that God has promised us in His Word. My sister, you never have to be jealous of what another sister used her faith to receive from God. The LORD says He has given to each of us a measure of faith. Use your faith.

It’s time to ask, “LORD what’s your desire for me? What do you want me to have?” And when He reveals it to you, it’s important that you turn your eyes away from what other people have and set your faith on receiving what God has promised you. If you do what He tells you, you will receive His promises in His perfect timing and in His perfect way!

Prayer: Thank you LORD for speaking directly to me. Forgive me for being jealous of others. Forgive me for doubting you. You love me and you want to bless me. Help me LORD to believe. Help me learn how to use my faith and receive from you all that you’ve promised in your perfect timing and in your perfect way. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

(Romans 12:3; Hebrews 11:6)

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8 thoughts on “With this truth, you never have to be jealous again!”

  1. God Thank you for my Faith in you Lord continue to teach me your way and the name of Jesus Amen

  2. Thank you for this word today for people who are jealous of others, I’m Not in that calaglory Thank God, I’m jealous of No woman or what she has. God have Blessed me and still Blessing me, whatever I want I go to the Father and Praise God I have Money to Buy whatever I want and Need Thank God, In Jesus Name Amen 🙆‍♀️💃😊❤💜💛💚💘

  3. I personally think it all points back to the battle of the mind. Why should I allow myself to feel envious or jealous of my fellow sister when my father owns what she has and everything else? I love testimonies because it strengthens my faith in God. We must not allow negative thoughts to linger on our minds. We must chase them out! ! The feeling of jealousy is a sign of lack of faith in God. Your imaginative power is your creative ability. I choose to think positively about people. That doesn’t mean I have attained perfection but I deliberately strive towards it. Our minds our very powerful because it is that which connects our spirit to our bodies. The mind is the tool for our reasoning and thoughts. “You are the expression of your mind and the quality of life you will live isn’t a function of the quality of your spirit but of the character of your mind” (Chris Oyakhilome PhD)

    1. Peace & Blessings My Dear Sister K K💖!!!
      I personally feel the EXACT same way!!! I couldn’t have stated that any better!!! It’s all in the mind!! Why should we be jealous, when we KNOW who are Father is & HE’S in control of EVERYTHING! If we have Faith, Trust & Believe..we too can have what is meant for us. I personally don’t want what the next person has..that’s for them. The Lord may want something totally different for me..something greater..but I’ve choose to settle for what “I thought” I wanted..NOPE..I’LL CELEBRATE THEM & THEIR BLESSING & WAIT ON THE LORD FOR MINE😉
      I LOVE testimonies too💗..they DO strengthen your Faith & Encourage you!! And we can ALL use that!!
      Loving You ALWAYS💕

    1. Peace & Blessings My Dear Sister K K💖!!!
      THANK YOU LORD..for “singing over me” & allowing it to be a Blessing..
      Thank You K K..The songs come from The Lord to My ❤
      Loving You ALWAYS💕🌹

  4. The Lord has spoken this to me at a time when I had a sinful jealous nature. Especially when it wasn’t Christian that got blessed. I would repent but the feeling kept creeping up. I kept taking my jealousy to the cross and leaving it their asking for forgiveness. My Loving Father healed my heart and gave me a heart that praises his abundance of blessings for me and anyone else. It feels so good to know that we have a Lord our Father whocares about our heart and want to build our Faith so he can bless our lives. I love you Jesus

  5. Amen..Amen..Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Ohhh Lord I Thank You🙌🙌!! I Thank You..I Thank You..I Thank You Lord, for NEVER allowing the Spirit Of Jealousy to be upon me!! THANK YOU LORD!!! I’ve ALWAYS wanted to see people WIN OR ACHIEVE their goals! I used to think there was something a little “weird or different” about me, because I would be SOOO HAPPY😄👏 for others (some I didn’t even know) but it was just the fact that..THEY MADE IT OR DID IT!!!
    I would always think(back then).. I’m celebrating them now..but my day is coming😊!! Now..today I STILL 🎉celebrate others🎉!! With an added..THANK YOU LORD FOR ALL YOU’VE DONE FOR ME..ALL YOU’RE DOING & ALL YOU’RE ABOUT TO DO IN MY LIFE!! THANK YOU LORD FOR ALL THE MANY BLESSINGS YOU’VE BESTOWED UPON ME!!! THANK YOU LORD!!! I Pray🙏 people get rid of that “jealous spirit” it’s a hindrance for the Blessings The Lord WANTS to give them! They’re holding up their OWN BLESSINGS!!
    🎤What God has for me…
    It Is For Me…
    I know without a doubt..
    That He Will Bring Me Out..
    What God has for me…
    It Is For Me🎶
    Lord, Please Continue To Bless & Shine Your Light Of Love Upon Your Obedient Servant Sister Kesha, Her Awesome Team, This Amazing Ministry, My Sister Felicia & My DOTK Sisters💖!!
    Be Blessed, Stay Humble & Encouraged!!!
    Love Always, Your DOTK Sister In Christ, Wendy💕

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