You are invited!

Dear Readers,

If you live in the Miami, Florida (USA) area we invite you to come and celebrate a church launch celebration on Sunday, February 7, 2016 at 11am with Pastor(s) Leo and Evelyn Suarez of “In One Spirit Miami Church”! Come and hear a powerful prophetic message from God’s heart with speaker, Kesha Trippett, founder and contributing writer for Daughters of the King International Ministries. Spanish translation will be provided.

For more information, visit

The DOTK Family


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10 thoughts on “You are invited!”

  1. Thank you so much for the invitation to launching a church with Pastors Leo Suarez and wife. Regrettably i we will not be attending although we will be praying.
    Sincerely yours. Ms. VDenise M.

  2. God bless you mightily on your new endeavor. Thanks so much for the invitation but cannot attend. Praying for you.

  3. Love to attend but I live in Delaware what is sad that I just moved from St Cloud Florida couple of months ago. Anyway when you come down south I’ll love to join you. Love you DOTK

  4. That’s wonderful, may God use this new house in the vineyard as a powerhouse to bring healing and deliverance to set the captives free!

  5. May God continually bless you…. I thank for your devotional words. Every morning when I read, what I read , is for me. God is so good ! May God bless your new church…. I live in Philadelphia Pa. If God’s will , l will pay your church a visit someday soon. Love ❤ you guys ! My spiritual sister’s in the Lord.

  6. Wow! When I saw Miami I was so excited. I will be there! Thanks so much for the invite!

    Patricia- faithful reader of DOK

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