“Stand firm against him, and be strong in your faith. Remember that your Christian brothers and sisters all over the world are going through the same kind of suffering you are” 1 Peter 5:9, NLT
You are not the only one whom God has chosen.
You are not the only one who loves the Lord deeply.
You are not the only one who has said yes to Him.
You are not the only one fighting on the front-line.
You are not the only one He is pruning.
You are not the only one being used by Him.
You are not the only one who is sacrificing in order to obey Him.
The enemy loves to make us feel alone. If we’re doing good, he’ll say you’re the only one. If we’re doing terribly, he’ll say you’re the only one.
You may be the only one seeking the Lord in your home, but my dear you’re not the only one in the world. There are millions of believers across this vast universe with the same heart, the same mind, and the same belief that Jesus is Lord! One day you will meet them face to face and see that you were never alone.
Prayer: Yes Lord, I hear you speaking to me, and I receive these words.Thank you that I’m not alone. I pray for my sisters and brothers across this vast world. Until I meet them in eternity, I ask that you give them the supernatural encouragement and strength they need to keep pressing forward. Bless them Lord richly. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
I’ve been reading these Devotionals for years now, and they’ve helped me learn God’s Word and heart for my life like never before. Years ago I was in an unhealthy relationship, with a man who wasn’t a Christian. I loved him very much, but it became abusive. I felt so far from God and that I was stuck. Until one day, I opened this app and the devotional said “He’s not the one for you.” I jumped because I knew it was for me. And then after the relationship ended, I was discouraged and depressed, and I woke up after a night of telling God “I will never love again.” The devotional read “You will love again.” I broke down crying. Fast forward 3 years, I’m now married and graduated college. I’m still learning, still growing, and still pressing forward. It’s so encouraging to me to know how many others around the world share similar testimonies and have experienced God turn their mourning into dancing. I’m praying for this ministry and for my sisters in Christ for God to bless you all and continue using each one of you in any way He sees good! I love you all so much. May the grace and love of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always. Amen.
Peace & Blessings Sister Rania💖!!
God Bless You!!!
Love Always💕
Thank you Lord that I’m not alone continue to give me the stength and the Love of God forever I’m pressing on with the blessing word’s of God and my faith and the name of Jesus Amen ❤❤
Peace & Blessings Sister R.J💖!!
Amen..Keep Pressing On My Sister..Keep Pressing On!! So many have fallen by the wayside..but…WE MUST KEEP PRESSING ON..AS YOU STATED..WITH THE BLESSING WORD’S OF GOD & OUR FAITH!!!
Love Always💕
I remember telling someone years ago that was very faithful to their Religion & they REALLY LOVE THE LORD..Just as you love your Religion & are loyal…there are other people who LOVE THE LORD AS WELL & ARE JUST AS LOYAL & WHEN WE GET TO HEAVEN WE’LL SEE ONE ANOTHER!!! They told me they NEVER thought about it like that..there are 5 things I’ve made a point in my life NOT to debate with people & Religion is the Number 1..but I WILL share about the Love, Goodness, Saving Grace & Mercy The Lord Has & ALL the Wonderful Blessings He has provided..where He’s brought ME from & how He can be a Blessing on their life as well. Lord, Thank You for THIS WORD..although I know I’m not alone, in THIS particular “family situation” I’m going through right now..it’s just very encouraging to be reminded..”YOU ARE NOT ALONE”…I am a firm believer in the Lord gives us what we need when we need it & He sends who we need when we need them..He ALWAYS has Ram In The Bush!!! THANK YOU JESUS!!! It may seem like I’m rambling but these are the things that are on my heart. I THANK GOD FOR THIS MINISTRY…which allows me to speak from my heart..without being frowned upon..THANK YOU LORD..THANK YOU & THANK YOU SISTER KESHA♡♡!!!
Lord, Please Continue To Bless & Shine Your Light Of Love Upon Your Obedient Servant Sister Kesha, Her Awesome Team, This Amazing Ministry & My DOTK Sisters/Family💖!!
Be Blessed, Stay Humble & Encouraged!!!
Love Always, Your DOTK Sister In Christ, Wendy💕
Yes dear Wendy. It is so encouraging to know we are not alone. We are each undergoing sufferings….But JESUS!!!💜
Peace & Blessings My Dearest Sister Lynne💖!!
…but Jesus!!!
Love Always💕
I want to thank you because I’ve been going through a lot and I have been feeling alone a lot has been dumped on me but reading this helped me out THANK YOU VERY MUCH