“They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never whiter, and they prosper in all they do.” Psalm 1:3, New Living Translation.
“A good tree produces good fruit…” Matthew 7:17a, New Living Translation.
My sister, no matter how you came into this world or the choices your parents made. No matter what’s been done or said to you over the course of your life. No matter the wrong decisions you’ve made and the consequences you still have to deal with, I want you to know God has made you a good tree, and you bear good fruit.
You don’t have to do anything, give anything, perform in any way to earn the love of your Father, or earn the love of those around you. You just being you is enough because He has made you good in His sight. Your presence alone encourages others, and your voice comforts them. Your laugh brings a smile. Your life is a beautiful testimony of God’s grace, and I haven’t even mentioned the fruit your life is producing and will continue to produce! You are admirable!
Your leaves are green. The anointing flows like sap from the sides of your tree. People come around and are blessed to be in your company. You are rooted and established in God’s love, and His love is seen through you. Everything you touch prospers. You, my sister, are a good tree, and you produce good fruit!
Prayer: Thank you, Father, for guiding me to this truth by your Holy Spirit. I love you and appreciate your work in me. Thank you for being faithful, and 100% committed to our covenant relationship. It makes me happy to know you’ve made me a good tree, and you’re causing me to produce good and healthy fruit for your glory! Amen.
Glory glory glory.
I receive this word 💯
I am a good tree, and I produce good fruit 💯
What a wonderful message and such a good reminder. God is so good. Thank you for sending to me
Praise God for reminding me that I am a Good Tree and I produce Good Fruits. And I and I am rooted and established in God’s love.
Thank you Lord for your daily blessings. 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾❤️
So thankful for this Rhema word, as it was right on time as always. Oh God I thank you.
Glory to God, I really needed to hear this encouragement devotion this morning praise God. Thank you, Father God. You continue to strengthen me day by day to encourage myself and others around with the life of Christ Jesus that I have in side my heart forever you are with me, Father God And there is no other like you God take me higher with you and Jesus name Amen ❤️ 🙏🏽
Thank you for this word! God still uses us, produces His precious fruit through us…no matter our past, no matter our age..if we believe in God and allow Him to use us, watch out…..His cup, and our lives will overflow with His goodness and promises!! Halleleujah, Glory to God! Oh how I love my Lord!!!
Thank you Lord Jesus for ruling and reigning over my life eternally, and for my blessing of having such a beautiful daughter in love ❤️ who shared such an on time wonderfully anointed message with me on today!! Truly grateful!! 🙌🏽
thank You Lord for everything
Thank you Lashell for reminding me I am a good tree God give up reminders because sometimes we forget.
I am a good tree because
Of Christ Jesus that lives in me. Thank you for this beautiful encouraging devotional. It touch my heart. Blessings,Shalom and Agape👀🙏🏽❤📖🙏🏽
Thank you, Lord for using my sister. Thank you, sister for your obedience. Such a prophetic and on time word. 😭😭😭 I’ve acquired new strength! Glory to God! 🙌🙌🙌
Father, thank You for choosing me as one of Your trees to cultivate. Father, pruning, cutting away, and reshaping. It’s Your love that flows deep as I stay connected to “The True Vine,” being rooted and grounded in You, Lord, I will continue to produce good fruit. Because, You give the increase!!! Father, I receive and want everything You have for me to prosper giving You glory in all things.🙌🙌🙌❤️❤️❤️
My sister, you are a good tree with a wholesome mouth that feeds many. God bless 💕💐💜💕💐💜✝️🗝️
Oh how I needed this encouragement tonight . I was feeling so down and weak but God sent you with this powerful message. I agree that I am a tree on the side of the river bringing good fruits in my life!!!
Such a beautiful message, every now and then we need to be reminded that we are good because God made us in his image. So much stuff can deter us to be bad or to do bad but God reminds us of our goodness and he encourages us to be good. Thank You so much!!
I needed this so much.
Yes Thank YOU my LORD Hallelujah in JESUS Name Amen Thank ❤⚘❤⚘❤⚘❤⚘❤⚘❤⚘❤⚘
Thank You came perfect timing
I’m Glad I seen and received this message…it feels good to be able to make it out on the other side of my hurt! And be reassured by this Word! Thank you!