A Message from God’s Heart for You

“I am interested in meeting all of your need. Not one of them escape from My view. Whenever you come to Me, I see all that you need, and I’m not just standing by watching you helplessly. I’m ready to do what only I can do for you. I am ready to heal you. I am ready to free you. I am ready to supply all your need. But when you come to Me saying in your heart that I am unable or unwilling, it closes the door to you receiving from Me. I am Able and I am Willing! I am All Powerful and nothing is too hard for Me. Stretch your hands towards heaven and receive My rich supply of glory manifested in your life. Lift your eyes to the hills from where your help comes from, your help comes from Me. I am your healer. Your healing comes from Me. I am your deliverer. Your deliverance comes from Me. I am your provider. Your provision comes from Me. And I’m always, always able and willing to supply your need. ”

Philippians 4:19 “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”

(Read Psalm 121; Jeremiah 32:27)

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20 thoughts on “A Message from God’s Heart for You”

    1. Thank God and founder. Of this womens ministry and thank you sister for surrendering and answering the call/vision of DOTK ministry That’s truly been a blessing bringing words of hope encouragement and strength fom tge very spirit and mouth of God to His daughters! May God cintinue to Bless and Keep those who are a part of it and the whosoever wills to come!

  1. Thank you God for your everlasting supply of my needs! You are so worthy to be praised every minute of the hour..!!

  2. Praise Jesus thank you for all your rich blessings I believe I believe in your love I believe that you are right now pouring out your blessings on me and my Family what looks hopeless is a lie the enemy wants me to believe. My trust and faith is

  3. AMEN! I pray to never limit YOU FATHER GOD! Thank YOU, for all that YOU have, can and WILL DO in my life. In the name above every name JESUS! I love you FATHER, thank YOU for first loving me.

  4. Lord thank you for being so caring. The lord wants us to trust him and put him first. He doesn’t want us to worry. When we are in what seems like tough situations he wants us to turn to him not worry. When we do that he will provide for us. We should turn away from idolatry and love God with everything. How small and insignificant things seem when we do this. Then we can keep our focus on God where it belongs. When we can focus on glorifying God we can see clearly and not get caught in the enemy’s schemes. So let’s not fall into the trap of fear. Let’s glorify our father because like he said nothing is impossible.Amen thank you Abba . Lord you’re worthy of all our praise you always see us through you will never leave us nor forsake us thank you for wisdom father, we are like lost sheep that have gone astray, but you keep us close. No one will snatch us away hallelujah!Your word never comes back void God you are majestic holy and above all Gods. We serve a living God!Jesus thank you for salvation lord you are the great Iam lord you are the king of kings and lord of lords thank you Jesus!

  5. Thank YOU my LORD FATHER GOD I receive I believe and I trust YOU thank YOU my LORD JESUS Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah I LOVE YOU my LORD FATHER GOD JESUS HOLY SPIRIT my KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS Thank YOU Thank YOU Thank YOU Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah

  6. Hallelujah Glory Hallelujah glory to God my God is able to supply all my needs healing in the name of Jesus when I call on the Lord I think each and every day if it wasn’t from the Lord on my side where would I be today I trust and believe thank you thank you God speaking through this ministry to speak to as sisters brothers and Daughters of the Kings Ministry feeding good devotions and staying hungry for God’s word and trusting God will supply all of our needs trusting God and everything and the name of Jesus glory to God Hallelujah in the name of Jesusโค

  7. Please forgive me Father for ever wavering from the fact that You will supply my every need. My healer, my deliverer, my strength when I am weak. You always come through for me. Truly nothing is too hard for you. Thank you, thank you. I love you Jesus๐Ÿ’œ

  8. Forgive me Lord for doubting and thinking you are not willing. I repent and now confess that you are not only able but also willing. I believe it, speak it and receive it in Jesus name.

  9. Amen..Amen..Amen..Oh
    ๐ŸŽคI will lift up my eyes to the hills..
    From whence cometh my help..
    My help cometh from the Lord..
    The Lord that made Heaven & Earth..
    He said, He will not suffer thy foot; thy foot to be moved..
    The Lord which keepeth thee..
    He will not slumber nor sleep..
    For the Lord is thy keep..
    The Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand, Upon thy right hand..
    For the sun shall not smite thee by day..
    Nor the moon by night..
    He shall preserve thy soul..
    Even forever more..
    My help..my help..my help..
    All of my help..
    Cometh From The Lord๐ŸŽต
    Lord, Please Continue To Bless & Shine Your Light Of Love Upon Your Obedient Servant Sister Kesha, Her Awesome Team, This Amazing Ministry & My DOTK Sisters/Family๐Ÿ’–!!
    Be Blessed, Stay Humble & Encouraged!!!
    Love Always, Your DOTK Sister In Christ, Wendy๐Ÿ’–

    1. Oh thank you my sweet sister Wendy. One of my favorite psalms!!! Yes honey….So thankful for all He’s done and all He’s going to do. Peace and blessings to you. Love you always too๐Ÿ’•

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