Cast all of your care on the Lord.

“Casting all your cares [all your anxieties, all your worries, and all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares about you [with deepest affection, and watches over you very carefully]” 1 Peter 5:7, Amplified.

What is a care? It is anything we are overly concerned about. Sometimes we can get in the ditch about this subject. We either pretend we don’t care about anything, or we care too much about everything. God didn’t tell us not to care at all or to not think about things. We should care about our children’s safety, about what’s going on with our bodies, our money, and our overall emotional, mental and physical health. We should care about these things and make the best decisions we can make regarding them.

However, where we get into trouble is when we have done everything we know to do, and we begin to care about things we have no control over. When we get over into doing God’s job and worrying about things we can’t control, that’s when the red flag goes up, and we stop and throw our hands up and say to ourselves, “I’m not worrying about this another minute. I cast my cares on the Lord!”

We can raise our children the best we know how and set them up for great success, but if they choose to grow up and live like a barbarian, we can’t do anything about that but give them to God and cast that care on Him. We can do everything we know to do regarding our marriages, but if our husband tells us they’re done, we can’t do anything to make him stay. All we can do is give our marriages to God and cast all of our care on Him because He cares for us.

My sister, if God never sleeps or slumbers, that means we can get some rest. There’s no sense in staying up worrying about a situation we can’t do anything to change. When we have done all we know to do regarding a situation, it’s time to say, “Okay, Father, I give this to you. Help me trust you to take care of it.”

Prayer: Lord, thank you for your overwhelming love and concern for me. Help me not waste another minute caring about things I can’t do anything about. I’ve done all I know to do, and now I cast all of my cares on you for your care for me. You love me. I put my trust in you regarding every area of my life. I now command my body to calm down and my muscles and nerves to relax. I receive peace of mind and the comfort of your Holy Ghost. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

13 thoughts on “Cast all of your care on the Lord.”

  1. Thank You for being the one and only Hod and a God who does not rest…You take night shift, You handle all my messes and turn them around for good. Help me to find the wisdom in what You want me to do today. In Jesus name, amen.

  2. Yes yes yes
    The word “cast” literally means: to make God responsible 👐🏽👐🏽👐🏽👐🏽
    To cast like a cast net !!!!
    In this season give your Heavenly Father every weight that’s on your shoulders, give him our stomach every appetite so the river of has water can flow out of our belly the living water , give him our minds and take and put on by faith the mind of Christ ruling and governing our thinking and thought processes with his truth and life and peace!!!! In Jesus name my sisters be blessed fruitfully replenish the earth as we are commanded to do!
    The Lord is establishing the work of the current work of our hands everything we tried to accomplish in our own strength and failed so he could bring his change in our hearts, now he is establishing our cry for completion has met the ears of the master

  3. Thank you, Father God & Sister!
    I feel so broken, im trying fast, i cant stay steady. God gave a little job twice a week, 30th of Dec, thank you God! Im trying get food stamps. Im turning 54. I got hurt last year at work. It was disaster. Yes, lay it down Joy.
    In Jesus name

  4. Glory to God..Thank you for this on time word! I have been a bit anxious about being laid off and have been putting in applications and getting denied. Father I thank you that I can rest in your promises to cast my cares in to you because you care for me. Thank you Jesus for your love and intercession on my behalf…in Jesus name 🙏🏽

  5. Amen & Thank You, Lord! I give my cares to You, my Father. Please forgive me for thinking I can solve all the problems.

    Thank you, Sister Kesha, for sharing your God-given wisdom. Once again, great timing.

    May God bless us all & grant us peace ❤️🙏🕊

  6. Thank you Father God for your unconditional love and protection. I need to hear this devotion glory to God hallelujah is in your hands Father God in the name of Jesus Christ Amen 🙏🏾💜🙌🏾My God , My God 🙌🏾

  7. Thank you Father God for your deep care for me. You know my needs , my situation, right now I cast all things which are out of my control into your hands. Bring me peace that surpasses all understanding.

  8. Thank you God and sis Tisha for enlighten my life every morning with such meaningful and encouraging words and yes I’m learning to cast all my cares upon you father God THANK YOU 🙌🏽

  9. This is what my life goal has become over the past several months. I am only 1 person. Physically, mentally, emotionally I can only do so much at any given time. If someone or something is demanding I do more than I feel I can? Well that’s on them.

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