God has commanded fruitfulness over your life!

“I have told you these things so that you will be filled with my joy. Yes, your joy will overflow!” John 15:11

My sister, pay no attention to the evil spirits that taunt you because of how barren things look right now. Pay no attention to their sounds of laughter. This season is temporary, but God’s command of blessing, favor and fruitfulness over you is eternal. Just because you don’t see anything yet doesn’t mean something’s wrong with your heart, wrong with your ground, or something’s wrong with you. God is working under the earth. He is working behind the scenes. So, what do you do while He’s working? You continue doing what He’s told you to do. Fulfill His commands to obey Him and He will fulfill His command of fruitfulness over your life.

Prayer: Yes, Father, thank you for speaking directly to my heart. I receive your promise of fruitfulness. As I do my part of trusting and obeying, you will do yours of causing me to bear much fruit for your glory. Be glorified in your daughter. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

1 thought on “God has commanded fruitfulness over your life!”

  1. The day before this one was released I had went to see my family. Most of.my family is more well.off than me which does not bother me I am very thankful for every blessing that I have. Sometimes I wish I could splurge a little more on people or be able to give back a little more but I know God’s doing something even in the small beginnings. But they kinda made me feel as if I was just poor and felt like they felt sorry for me. My life is filled with many beautiful blessings from my Father in heaven. Money is one blessing but my husband is good to me I have 3 wonderful boys who love me I have food on my table every night and a family who prays together. This is the true fruit we should be looking for his fruit. His joy and strength. His presence in my life my children serving the Lord with gladness. Those are the fruit I pray the Lord blesses me with in 2025

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