God will make it undeniable that He is with you!

“And they will call them, “The holy people, the redeemed of the LORD”; and you will be called, “Sought out, a city not forsaken.” Isaiah 62:12, NASB

Years ago, while attending a dinner party, a woman was talking much about herself, her accomplishments, her opinions, and what she could do. She seemed to go overboard in trying to prove herself. I became so disgusted by her behavior that I left the table. Standing in the kitchen, God spoke to my heart, “How can you help women if you’re easily frustrated with them? Go back in there and listen to her.” So I did, and as I listened, she shared with me how she had gone through an abusive marriage and, as a young girl, how she had watched her father kill her mother. As I listened, I understood. Years later, I went through traumatic experiences in my own life and understood even more.

After any failure or painful experience, the greatest desire is to try to prove ourselves, prove what we can do, prove who we are, and prove that we can rise again. There’s nothing wrong with the desire itself. It is a natural human response. But if we aren’t careful, we can be consumed with the desire to prove and enter into pride.

My sister, I’ve learned the best way to prove yourself is to let God prove you. God can and will make it undeniable that He is with you. He will make it clear that His hand is on your life. When you humble yourself by yielding to Him, He will rise up strong and tall within you. He will silence your accusers. Let Him do the proving, okay, not you. Let your mighty God show Himself strong and flex His muscles in your life!

Prayer: Father God, thank you for speaking directly to my heart. Thank you for bringing me through and for never leaving me. Whenever I desire to prove myself, help me remember I’m not my past. I’m your daughter. Don’t let the desire to prove to consume me. I only want to be consumed by you. I yield to you now, and I trust you to rise within me and show yourself strong. Be glorified in me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

10 thoughts on “God will make it undeniable that He is with you!”

  1. Did I need this! Thank you, Sister Kesha, for sharing your God-given wisdom & Thank You Lord! for loving & blessing this sinner. I ask for forgiveness of my sins & pray that all of Your children will be so blessed. Please grant us peace. In the name of my Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen ❤️🙏🕊

  2. Good Sunday Morning 🌅
    I like that God will prove us. We need not do it ourselves. Thank you Lord

  3. Thank you Edith for reminding me that no matter what happens in my life, he is in control and will make me understand that his promises are real and will make arise from any difficulties‼️🙏

  4. Thank you for this beautiful reminder. The Lord has worked miracles in my life and continues to do so. This was a much needed reminder that this journey is not ours alone. As daughters of our mighty Father, we too need reminders to be kind, forgiving and demonstrate grace to others.
    Thank you Father, My Lord, Jesus Christ.

  5. Thank you because God has truly proved, and my life gorly to God 🙏🏽🙌🏽Thank you again

  6. I remembered a time in my life how I whined about the molesting going in my life. I wanted the attention. I wanted help. I wanted revenge. When I was given help. Told how to forgive. God healed my mind, spirit and heart I begin to speak a different way. He give me a testimony to speak to other young ladies who were victims to rape and molesting. I don’t whine or look for attention. But to allow God and His Word to heal, deliver, set free. And to know that God will bring us out. Thank you for such good devotional reading g today.

  7. 🙌🙌🙌🙌

    **Prayer: Father God, thank you for speaking directly to my heart. Thank you for bringing me through and for never leaving me. Whenever I desire to prove myself, help me remember I’m not my past. I’m your daughter. Don’t let the desire to prove to consume me. I only want to be consumed by you. I yield to you now, and I trust you to rise within me and show yourself strong. Be glorified in me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

    Amen, Amen, and Amen!!!
    Sister, He is making it undeniable!!! 💕💐💜💕💐💜

  8. I Thank You, THEE
    Yes, Heavenly Father, for Speaking to My ❤️ Directly
    In Jesus HOLY Name, AMEN
    I Wait Upon You, Lord ;
    Please, Father GOD 🙏🙏 Do Go Before Me and Prepare a Table from Which I’m to feast and Walk Away Victorious, in the presence of my many enemies,
    Let You 💗 RISE Me Up for Your Glory, AMEN 🙏🙏

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