Marrying on Potential

“He who finds a wife finds a good thing, And obtains favor from the Lord” Proverbs 18:22, NKJV.

Would you let someone repair your home heating system based on their potential? Would you allow a doctor to perform surgery on your lower back based on their potential?

No, you wouldn’t. It’s a serious decision which requires careful consideration.

Marriage is a big decision. It is not wise to marry someone based on potential. Potential means process. It will be a process for them to get to that potential, which is a work in them only God can do. It is sobering to know there is no timetable for that. If you marry them on potential, you will have to go through their process with them. He may be very attractive, but take a moment and carefully consider him. Allow God to complete the work He is doing in their lives. When they are complete and they are ready for marriage, if he is God’s choice for you, He will add him to you.

God’s desire is that you are complete in Him, ready to love, care for, and help a husband. His desire for you is a husband ready to lead you, knows who he is, who fits your life and your calling, loves you, and most of all, loves God above you.

Let the Father lead you to the right man for you. He knows you, and He knows the perfect fit for you.

Prayer: Father, thank you for speaking to me. I ask that you help me when it comes to dating and marriage, which is an important decision. If I have to let him go, so be it. I want to carefully consider who I marry. I ask for someone complete in you, and he perfectly fits me. Help me not be in a rush, but to trust you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

(Read Proverbs 2:6, 3:5-6; Genesis 24:10-20)

13 thoughts on “Marrying on Potential”

  1. I’m already married how do I receive this my husband is a Christian man I was broken when we married but God is using my husband to love me and help me I’m a damaged woman and broken I was hoping this morning devotional would speak into my situation of now where I am

  2. Father God!!! I shout in praise!!! Yes my Lord, yesssss 🤲🤝🙇‍♀️…I believe and receive. I’ll wait on you!

    Bless this ministry through and through.

  3. GOD the GIVER goes first, he wants priority not exclusivity!
    Our first fruits which he has gracely given for his glory and for the good of others…time, worship, finances.

    We must not take for granted the GRACED access we have onto GOD through Christ through the anointing of the Holy Spirit🙌🏽

    Remain Attached~Aligned~
    In Agreement for the Assignment of that which he has called you onto!!!

    Maintain his presence to preserve through his power the gifts which he had given!!!

    Singles wait~patiently~persevere until your soul mate presents!

    Marraige is a divine covenant may GOD be the foundation upon which it is built and remain steadfast through tests and trials!!! 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽

  4. Amen Father God continue to help me to continue to Trust your will and your plans for my lead me in to your direction and you plans more like you Father God again Amen 🙏🏽 ❤ it’s in your hands

  5. Blessings Sister Kesha,
    Once again you have spoken into my life! Our 30 year old daughter is at a christian singles conference. She desires to be married. This message will bless her immensely. I just sent it to her. Thank you Woman of God, you are amazing. ✝️♥️

  6. Wow! I think we have to ask for wisdom and understanding of what “cheat with other men” means. If homosexuals will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven (Galatians) , Leviticus is definitely encouraging men to not cheat on their wives with other men”… I hope Side Note reads all the notes the makes up the Bible. I love you for sharing your thoughts. Truly the Lord abides in us because that comment 👆🏽 Raised a brow.

  7. This single lady thank you Sister Kesha for allowing God to use to proclaim this message. May not be popular but it is the truth and can set many free and allow one to experience a purposeful and divinely ordained marriage.

    I will be relaying this message to my single ladies friends/colleagues.

  8. Hallelujah! Good advice/counseling. What a message from The Lord!!! This is what I was talking about with my Mother earlier. My husband is going have to love God more so our lives will support the purpose of us joining together. We both being complete to bring health in our spaces. Marriage is so much more than about husband and wife,and our relationship with our Father. The stories in the Bible discussing all types of relationships, and how marriage is viewed. Several references of how God is married to His children and what marriage represents. That’s why commitment, being dependable, trust worthy, honesty, and humility. I know He knows who will be best for me, I’ll wait on The Lord as I take it to Him in prayer.

    Sister Kesha, another devotional that brings clarity with freedom. God bless 🙏❤️💐❤️💐

  9. Hello Kingdom daughters….I was married for 14 years. He cheated and amongst other things and I divorced him. Mental and Sexual abused. Yet, when I was in it. I didn’t know I was experiencing this, not until I got out. Praise Yahweh! I have been divorced 11 years and celibate. By the grace and help of God. I raised four children alone in the physical. Yet, God was always there. It was challenging yes! But God! Almost all of my children are out the nest, youngest 19 years old. Absolutely, I would love to experiences what loves truly feels like between a man and woman as husband and wife. #One If it is the Lords will. So be it. If not. So be it. God knows what is best for me. I desire for His will to be done! In Jesus name. Right now I am embracing my single life and I am enjoying every bit of it. I must admit there are some times I feel alone and lonely, but God always steps in on time to help me through it! To God be all the Glory! Therefore, I am waiting on God💯. Amen!🙏🏼

  10. Thanks so much for this incredible spiritual insight!!! It is GREATLY appreciated!!! Thank you for posting!!! God bless!!!

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