My sister, make the adjustment.

“Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church,” Ephesians 4:15, NLT.

Whether it is our attitude, how we approach things, changes in our diet, or disciplining ourselves to pray and study the Word of God more, it is essential that we make the adjustments Holy Spirit is challenging us to make. God has our personal growth and development on His mind, and He knows if we cooperate with Him, we will grow into the women we have always dreamed of being. That dynamic and mature woman that is truly living the God-kind of life is not far away!

Sometimes it’s not a complete overhaul that’s needed. Depending on where we are in our walk with the Lord, the Holy Spirit may have already accomplished a significant amount of work in us, and now only small adjustments are needed.

My sister, the smallest changes will make a world of difference. Let’s make the adjustment!

Prayer: Father God, thank you for your work in me and for being patient with my growth and development. I receive your grace to make any changes you want me to make, and I yield to you to make any adjustments that only you can make. Help me, Lord, to be all that you created and called me to be. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

15 thoughts on “My sister, make the adjustment.”

  1. Thank You for Sharing this information It’s Very helpful for me..just what I need to know about myself I’m Grateful!

  2. Please keep praying about my mom Zina who is in the hospital with covid, she has inhalers please heal her Jesus so she can breath on her own. You are all powerful!

    1. Irina,

      I am praying in agreement with you and family for your mom Zina. May peace surround her as she is healed. In Jesus’ name

  3. Yes, Lord. Give me the strength to see and apply the changes needed in my life. For I know You, Lord whom has begun a good work in me will complete it until the day of Jesus’ coming. In Jesus’ name.

    Blessings, Shalom and Agape

  4. OH LORD, Push me forward and continue to give me the strength to make the necessary adjustments that needs to be made in my life.
    Continue to do the work that You’ve begun in me until the day of my Lord Jesus Christ❣️

  5. Thank you, I love how the magnitude of God’s love & power is never ending… I love that God transforms, directs & guides us to his purpose and his plan. I praise God for all his tranformation and Thank him for all he had done & continues to do in all of us!

  6. I thank God for receiving such inspirational messages, it helps me in my daily walk along with my personal bible studying! I enjoy them so much. Such a blessing.

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