“And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Advocate to be with you forever— the Spirit of truth. The world cannot receive Him, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. But you do know Him, for He abides with you and will be in you” John 14:16,17, Berean Study Bible.
The Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit of Truth, is completely taking over your life, my sister. This means you won’t be able to hold back, cover anything up, or hide anything anymore. The spiritual gifts God has given you, you will share them freely. The weaknesses and fears, and every area God is still working on in you will not be hidden, but will be shared. You will think the truth about you might make someone not like you, but you will see it will keep the right people in your life. The Spirit of Truth is taking over you completely and showing up everywhere. The truth of who God said you are, you will believe it more and more. Your heart is laid bare before the Lord, and you will be faithful and true as He is. How beautiful it is. How sweet it is. And because of this imitation of your Father, in yielding to His Spirit of Truth, you will be able to quickly discern every lie and deceit, and will sense it as soon as it speaks. Don’t worry. The same Spirit of Truth that is overtaking you is the same Spirit of Truth who is going to give you wisdom for how and when God wants you to respond. His Spirit is there to Comfort you and be your closest Friend. You will let Him be that for you more in this season than you ever have.
I am committed to letting Him be more of ALL that He is for me because otherwise I’m going down down down. I am NOT going down!
I am in the most difficult season ever, u thought dealing with husbands cancer & chemo was tough. But God, right?
So I rise in Hus strength to tackle another day and I will not let these foolish men bring me down. They are impostor’s and act like they are afraid or something of this girl who is not even 5”2’….its so bizarre I almost can’t believe it…but like it says in 2 Kings 6:16, Elisha said to the young man, do not fear there are more with us than with them.
I know I am covered with God‘s favors as with a shield and it’s His Breath that’s kept me here; and His Purpose that I will fulfill!
So its eyes front and up on God!
I’ve casted my cares for today… so like a small child giving him the parent tangled me. I’m walking away from God leaving my mess in His Hand’s and I’m going out as a child to play. God let it be for Your Glory.
These devotions are so powerful and uplifting. . Thank you so much for daily support and encouragement.
Thank the Lord for sending the Comforter. I can’t do life on my own. This devotional is encouraging and help me focus by knowing I am not alone, daily. Many Blessings, Shalom and Agape 👀🙏🏽♥️📖🙌🏽
Amen! Hallelujah!
Thank You FATHER!
Thank You JESUS!
Thank You for discerning of spirits Lord. thank you for knowing all truth, Lord I love you. Thank you for all things. To God be all the glory.
Confirmation, just today, I heard this scripture, and a new season and holy sprit will guide me with truth, wisdom, and waiting on his guidance on when I how & when when speak. His Spirit is there to Comfort you and be your closest Friend. You will let Him be that for you more in this season than you ever have.
In Jesus name
Amen 🙏
Good evening Father God, my Shepherd through this life that You gave me! Thank You the gift of Truth! Thank You for all my gifts, received and to be received! I Love You with my whole heart Lord God! In Jesus name I pray, Amen! 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
This is so true. My discernment is so strong. God is telling me exactly what to say and how to say it. God is truly showing up for me.