Wake up! Don’t fall asleep now!

“And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.” Romans 13:11

Have you ever gone to see a movie with a friend? As you sat there watching the film, the suspense was high and the story was filled with amazing twists and turns. You’re excited at what you’re seeing so you look over at your friend, but you find them sleeping. You nudge them and say, “Wake up! This is the best part of the movie; don’t fall asleep now!”

The Spirit of the Lord is saying the same thing to the Body of Christ today, “Wake up! Don’t fall asleep now! Your salvation is near!” You have been waiting to see God show up for you. You have been waiting to see His glory manifest in your life and your prayers answered. This time right before the return of Jesus is a blessed time to be alive!

Just when it seems like the enemy is winning in almost every area, God is about to show Himself strong in and through His people like never before. He is about to flex His muscle and show everyone that He is the only true and living God! We are about to see a great awakening, great demonstrations of healing and miracles, great transfers of wealth, and millions of people being snatched out of the enemy’s grip and brought into God’s kingdom! It’s going to be epic!

Wake up! Don’t fall asleep now!

Prayer: Yes, LORD! I pray that you revive us! Shake us until we are all awake! Help us to see what you want us to see, hear what you want us to hear and receive in our heart what you have for us to receive. Help us to stay awake and not miss what you’re doing right now. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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9 thoughts on “Wake up! Don’t fall asleep now!”

  1. Amen and Amen. God is good. I thank Him for waking me up this morning with my health strength and sound mind. I thank you Lord.

  2. Good morning!!!

    Thank you Lord for always reminding us of your favor. Yes Lord keep us awake! The enemy may be busy, but he is no match for You!!!



  3. Amen in the name of Jesus God touch right now help me stay awake oh God please in the name of Jesus help stay awake and not miss what you are doing in the name of Jesus Hallelujah glory to God Hallelujah Thank you God

  4. Thank you Father the time is near. We are blessed the Lord is preparing a great harvest. Blessed be His Name the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen I love you Jesus

  5. I really hope this will happen..been suffering far too long. I pray that everyone have a safe and prosperous new year and experience more good than bad.🙏☝for 2019. God bless you all!! 💯🙌☝

  6. Amen..Amen..AMENNNN🙌🏾🙌🏾!!!
    Ohhh Lord I THANK YOU🙌🏾🙌🏾!!! Lord, I THANK YOU & I WILL CONTINUE To Praise Your Holy, Mighty, Righteous & Precious Name Even MORE In 2019!!!! Lord. I’m Sooo THANKFUL For Your Word, That I BELIEVE & RECEIVE In Your Holy Name!!! I admit I’m the one that goes to sleep in the theater😴!! But Lord, I AM AWAKE NOW!!! I WANT To See, Hear & Receive ALL That YOU Want Me To See, Hear & Receive!!! My Eyes, Ears & Heart ARE OPEN LORD!!! PLEASE LORD HELP ME TO STAY AWAKE & DON’T LET ME MISS WHAT YOU’RE DOING RIGHT NOW!!!
    LORD I JUST LOVE YOU!!!💓😍❤🤗💞😊💗😚
    I Pray EVERYONE Has A Blessed, Safe, Healthy & Prosperous New Year!!!
    Lord PLEASE Continue To Bless & Shine Your Light Of Love Upon Your Obedient Servant Sister Kesha, Her Awesome Team, This AMAZING MINISTRY, My Sister Felicia & My DOTK Sisters💖!!
    Be Blessed, Stay Humble & Encouraged!!!
    Love ALWAYS Your DOTK Sister In Christ, Wendy💕💝

  7. Thank you Jesus for this day and all the 63 years and counting days of life that you have given me!!! Time and what we do with it is all we have control over so I choose to get closer to you Lord so I can hear you better and know that I’m living by your Grace and Mercy! Aloha ke Akua!

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