A Message from God’s Heart for You

“Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.” John 15:16

“You are chosen by Me. Why do you say, “Lord, choose someone else.” I have chosen you. I have ordained you and placed you in Me, and I will be glorified in your life. I choose the foolish things to confound the wise. I choose the weak things to confound the mighty. I choose what others have thrown out, pushed aside and said there is no way. I will do what others thought was impossible for you, in you, and through you. I will make a way out of no way for you. I have plans to prosper you and give you a hope and a bright future. I will free you by My power and use you to set many people free. I will awaken your spiritual senses, and use you to awaken and revive many. You know what it is to be empty. Now you will know what it is to be completely full. You know what it is to be naked and afraid. Now you will know what it is to be clothed by Me. You know what it is to live in fear. Now you will know what it is to live by faith. I have chosen you to live, move and have your being in Me. Don’t say, “Lord, choose someone else.” My choosing is right. My ways are perfect. I have chosen you for such a time as this. You will show My love and power to a world that is hungry for Me. You will align yourself with My will and trust My choosing, and I will increase you more and more. I will cause great grace to abound toward you. I will meet your every need and I will direct your every move. So much is waiting for you. I have many things to show you. I have many things to give you, but I am waiting for you to accept that I have chosen you.”

(Scripture references: 1 Corinthians 1:26-28; Jeremiah 29:11; Acts 17:28; Matthew 28:19-20)

34 thoughts on “A Message from God’s Heart for You”

    1. Thank u Lord for choosing me, I am ready to be a blessing to others, I am ready to be your hands and feet. Thank u for your blessing Lord, I receive it in Jesus Almighty name. Amen

    2. Let Yourv Will be done in me Lord, I say yes to do Your perfect Will and wait forbYour timing. Whatever it is God I do it in unto You I surrender Jesus Christ Name.

  1. Lord help to accept your promises for my life.Help me to surrender my trust issues to You and live that place of freedom and purpose in You.Help me to believe and hide Your words in my heart and have them as a constant reminder to Your presence and love for me.Heal me,mold me ,renew my mind and body,in Jesus name,Amen.

  2. Thank you God for choosing me. I humbly come to you as your willing servant ready to do your will. I submit to you for your purpose and your plan. Amen!

  3. Oh this is so received in my SOUL . THANKS for choosing me, I’m honored and READY to do whatever you NEED/WANT me to do!!! Not my will BUT yours my father …💛

  4. 🌾 Lord I will accept that you have chosen me for this time. I pray this In the Mighty name of Jesus. Amen 🌾

  5. Yes I surrender all to you. This day I pray that you grant me the grace to live for you. Everything I give to you withholding nothing. Lord help me!!!! Your grace and mercy Lord. Thank you Jesus.

  6. Thank you God. I accept you choosing me. I surrender to your will and your way. Heal the brokenness God. Lord hear my cry.

  7. Walk by Faith and not by sight. There has been several times when my Faith was stable. I allowed certain things in my life to falter that. Faith as small as a mustard seed, is of essence.

  8. Hallelujah!! Thank You God for choosing little old me. He has place something inside of me and now it’s time to give birth.
    God bless you!💕💕💕

  9. Today is my 40th birthday. I am ecstatic to be alive& now understanding I am chosen. Equipped.Empowered.& Extraordinary!

    Mrs. Kesha, God blessed you to minister to me for about a year now& I couldn’t be more grateful. May he bless you. Also, my sister, Kimberly for introducing me to you. Ecc.3:11

      1. I say yes and feel wonderful that I am chosen , I am ready lord to live for you and do your will, thank you father for all that is to come
        In Jesus name I pray amen

  10. Yes Thank YOU my LORD FATHER GOD,” for Choosing me i say Yes to YOUR call Forgive me for not doing all that YOU’VE Called me too Have YOUR Way with me my LORD .” Anoint me a fresh with YOUR HOLY SPIRIT working power YOUR Will be done in my life for YOUR GLORY my LORD my GOD and KING.” In JESUS Name Amen ❤⚘❤⚘❤⚘❤⚘❤⚘❤⚘❤⚘❤

  11. Your devotionals bless me every day ! They touch me right where I’m having issues. I just ordered your first devotional book ! Thank you so much. I’ve read so many devotionals over the years and yours by far are the best! God uses you! XXOO

    Sometimes I feel unworthy of your calling because of some of the things that I am still in bondage of.
    I pray Lord for Your complete deliverance so that I may become worthy of Your calling for my life.
    I receive by Faith that You have chosen me for such a time as this …. MAY YOUR WILL BE DONE IN MY LIFE ❣️

  13. Wow! Direct & clear confirmation.
    I was afraid to starting life group and how fast is increasing I was thinking ” are you crazy” do you know how difficult is it? An then when I see this devotional was so powerful his will in me.♥️

  14. Hallelujah. Yes, Lord, be it unto me as You have spoken. I believe, Lord, help my unbelief. For Your Glory. In Jesus’ name.

    Thank You.

    Blessings, Shalom and Agape.

  15. Thank you Father God for your will and my life. Continue to Guide me in the way to go Father God in the name of Jesus I shout out…. Amen Hallelujah🙌🏽❤🙏🏽

  16. Gracious, loving Father, thank You for believing in me & loving me even when I didn’t believe in or love myself. I’m honored to be called by You & pray for my ears to open that I may hear You, for my eyes to be open that I may see You & my heart to open to do Your will with joy. I humbly pray for You to have mercy on all of Your children & help us redeem ourselves for the mess we have created. Thank You Dear Lord & Amen ❤🙏🕊😇

  17. Thank You Lord for choosing me 💕💕 I was born for such a time as this. Yes, so much is waiting for me. I can’t wait. Teach me how to be still. O Lord, as I wait I continue to pray and have faith. You have already shown me a few things to come and many things to give me, I too accept and believe You have chosen me. So grateful for your love and that You chose me. Thank You God😘🙏🙏 bless You Jesus!😇

  18. I am learning and understanding that God is using me, has CHOSEN me for something greater. I have been stubborn in the past not wanting to do what he ask, but it is time I put my big girl pants on and allow God to be God.

  19. I say yes to Ur Will ,I surrender all to you witholding nothing.help me Lord to trust your way.sometimes I feel that resistance towards your Will but I come in repentance today.father forgive my rebellions towards you .help by your spirit Lord to what you have chosen me to be.amen

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